また、著作権のある情報でも、ライセンスによっては普通に利用できるものもあります。それらのライセンスについてはWikipedia:フリー又はほぼフリーな非パブリックドメインの情報資源 や Wikipedia:GNUフリー文書ライセンスな資源を参照して下さい。
編集Please don't data dump!
編集The resources below are valuable, but many are very old, context-dependent, written from biased points of view, and otherwise are not in themselves good encyclopedia articles. The 1911 encyclopedia discussed below is a good example of this - it contains some useful information, but also antiquated writing style and innumerable errors of fact. So please, if you copy material from these sources, make sure you take some time to edit, update, introduce, or otherwise produce a good article out of it rather than just dumping it here verbatim. We don't want Wikipedia to become shovelware.
- Hot news: The Creative Commons initiative may become a valuable new resource for Wikipedia authors. The project provides a "wizard" for licensing information under various open content licenses (including the public domain, which is not a license), and also features a directory of these works. Please write more about this here as things develop.
注: 日本政府、官公庁、関連機関のページのほとんどは著作権を主張しています。転載、改編等できないことが多いので使用には十分注意して下さい。
- .go.jp以下で著作権フリーと書いてある文章を検索します
- 「著作権を放棄します」と書いているページを検索します
- 「著作権を主張しません」と書いているページを検索します
- 「著作権」「放棄しました」のand検索
- Public Domainと書いてある日本語サイトを検索します
- 「"this document is in the public domain"」をGoogle英語検索する
- 「"this page is in the public domain"」をGoogle英語検索する
- 「"this information is in the public domain"」をGoogle英語検索する
- 「"this text is in the public domain"」をGoogle英語検索する
- 「"placed in the public domain"」をGoogle英語検索する
- 「""」をGoogle英語検索する (find links confirming that a site is Primarily Public Domain)
編集アメリカ合衆国著作権法では、連邦政府の職員が職務上作成した著作物(アメリカ合衆国政府の著作物)については、著作権の保護が及ばずパブリックドメインの状態になります (17 U.S.C. §105)。しかし、この点に関しては、以下の点に注意をする必要があります。
編集- Hypertext Webster Gateway - 検索可能な1913年以前のパブリックドメインの辞書。ダウンロードもできる Public Domain Dictionary
- Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913-ed.) - 検索可能な1913年のパブリックドメインの辞書(EPWING形式の電子辞書)
編集- Project Gutenberg 特に The Project Gutenberg Encyclopedia を参照して下さい(Vol 1 のみ閲覧できるようです)。Project Gutenberg のテキスト全てがPDではないことに注意して下さい。それぞれのテキストに付属しているライセンスを注意して読んで扱って下さい。
- 1911 Encyclopedia W:1911 Encyclopedia Britannicaの第2版をスキャンしたものです。スキャンのクオリティはそれほど良くありません。いくつかの項目はページの真ん中で終わり、次の項目がそこから始まります。さらに、次のページに続いていたりします。これは古い書き方であり、内容にも多々誤りが見受けられます。ここから情報を持ってくる際には事実の確認が必要となります。このリソースを有効に使用するにはW:Wikipedia:1911 Encyclopedia Britannica を参照して下さい。
- The Household Cyclopedia
- The Jewish Encyclopaedia
- This website contains the complete contents of the 12-volume Jewish Encyclopedia, which was originally published between 1901-1906. The Jewish Encyclopedia, which recently became part of the public domain, contains over 15,000 articles and illustrations. This online version contains the unedited contents of the original encyclopedia. Since the original work was completed almost 100 years ago, it does not cover a significant portion of modern Jewish History (e.g., the creation of Israel, the Holocaust, etc.). However, it does contain an incredible amount of information that is remarkably relavant today.
- We are considering inviting the Internet community to help us update the encyclopedia -- if you are interested in volunteering (as a writer, editor, etc.) please join our Mailing List. By putting this important work on the Internet, we hope to improve the quality of Jewish information available online -- and stimulate new discussion. Therefore, we have sections "Discussion Forums" and "Internet Links" which allow our visitors to converse and identify related websites.
- is a major repository of information, "the public's library and digital archive". All collections on ibiblio are assumed to be in the public domain unless otherwise noted. Check for copyright notices on any material you wish to use.
編集- 青空文庫
- 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション:著作権が消滅した書籍のスキャン画像ほか
- 中村学園 電子図書館:貝原益軒の著作集
- ウィキソース
- プロジェクト杉田玄白(翻訳文書、すべてとは限らない)
- LibriVox(音声)
編集- (アメリカ合衆国サイト)宇宙教育者のためのハンドブック
- (アメリカ合衆国サイト)NASA 専門用語一覧 - 各テキストにPDかどうか記載されています。チェックして下さい。
編集- (アメリカ合衆国サイト)US Forest Service Fire Effects Database Database of current information on a wide variety of tree, shrub, grass, mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian species found largely in North America -- great reference material
編集- (US Federal Govt.) USGS Mineral Resources Program - "The Mineral Resources Program provides and communicates current, impartial information on the occurrence, quality, quantity, and availability of mineral resources."
- (US Federal Govt.) NASA GISS glossary of climate terms
- (US Federal Govt.) NASA Earth Observatory Glossary
編集- biographies of mathematicians - from a 1908 history of mathematics. See the discussion at Rouse History of Mathematics
編集- Relativity: The Special and General Theory by Albert Einstein
- Physics for Free has two public domain physics books by a Yale professor: one about basic physics, one about groups and particles.
編集- テキサス大学オースティン校、世界各地の地図のデータベース。断りがない限りはパブリック・ドメインのものです。Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
- (US Federal Govt.) U.S. Census Bureau Has an enormous range of facts and figures which we will find helpful in fleshing out articles about cities and states.
- (US Federal Govt.) Summary Demographic Data by Country from the US Census Bureau
- (US Federal Govt.) CIA World Factbook Contains basic facts on all the countries of the world.
- (US Federal Govt.) U.S. State Dept.: Background notes on the countries of the world. Also see their copyright notice, which, as you'll see, places material that is not explicitly copyrighted in the public domain.
- (US Federal Govt.) the en:NIMA en:GEOnet Names Server contains approximately 3.88 million named geographical features outside the United States, with 5.34 million names
- (US Federal Govt.) the en:USGS en:Geographic Names Information System claims to have almost 2 million physical and cultural geographic features within the United States
編集Alexandrian Book of ShadowsBritish History Historical Public Domain DocumentsInternet History Sourcebooks
編集- (US Federal Govt.) Library of Congress Country Studies information on 101 countries, including detailed histories.
編集- (US Federal Govt.) US Energy Information Agency - statistics and info on energy industry (mostly US but some stuff for the world) - they appreciate but do not require acknowledgement (copyright info here)
編集- (US Federal Govt.) Federal Standard 1037C, a telecommunications glossary, appears to be mostly in the public domain based on these principles, and is a source of a large number of bits of useful material. A few items are derived from copyrighted sources: where this is the case, there is an attribution to the source. Note: a substantial number of non-trivial 1037C articles are now incorporated into Wikipedia -- please note that only those articles that have substantial content and are from 100% public domain sources are appropriate to be used in the Wikipedia
- (US Federal Govt.) DISA site about commercial telecommunications standards From the site: "This site is maintained by the Commercial Standards Division of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) to provide information about the current status of commercial telecommunications standards."
編集- (US Federal Govt.) NIST Dictionary of Algorithms, Data Structures, and Problems: Huge, high-quality resource. All entries are in the public domain except for a few that carry an explicit copyright notice.
- Public domain lecture notes: "Introduction to Computer Science", "Data Structures" and "Analysis of Algorithms"
- The Jargon File Eric S. Raymond's definitive work on geek-speak.
編集- (US Federal Govt.) Occupational Outlook Handbook Contains descriptions of a great many occupations such as Physical Therapist.
編集- 河原一敏「条文のページ」(19世紀半ば-20世紀末の様々な法律の条文)
編集- (US Federal Govt.) 国立看護学研究所(NIH)サイト内にあるMedline検索 著作権についての説明here ではパブリックドメインでの使用なら可、それ以外のものは不可とあります。
- (US Federal Govt.) NIH public domain publications on urology
- (US Federal Govt.) NIMH Patient education materials (Public Domain)
- (US Federal Govt.) USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory Contains nutritional information on loads of foods. (From FAQ), "USDA food composition data is in the public domain and there is no copyright. We would appreciate it if you would list us as the source of the data and when possible we would like to see the product which uses the data or be notified of its use."
- (US Federal Govt.) A large collection of public domain information sheets on various neurological disorders
- Note: This Google search for "nih publication "not copyrighted"" should help uncover more NIH public domain documents
- University of Cincinnati etexts: Contains a nice edition of 1918 Gray's Anatomy with illustrations.
- (US Federal Govt.) U.S. National Toxicology Program: copyright notice here, typical U.S. govt terms.
- The Bad Bug Book at appears to be in the public domain: but please check each section individually for public domain status.
- Asthma genetics - Public domain data
編集- (US Federal Govt.) U.S. Navy, Info on specific ships
- (US Federal Govt.) Air Force Link
Public affairs
編集- (US Federal Govt.) Federal Emergency Management Agency: Not sure how much of this is useful, but anyway it's under the same terms as the U.S. Department of State site: all in the public domain unless it carries an explicit copyright notice.
- (US Federal Govt.) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: copyright notice here, typical U.S. gov't terms. Does have some good information for people patient enough to find it.
- (US Federal Govt.) Voice Of America - All text, audio and video material produced exclusively by the Voice of America is public domain. However, some images and graphics are licensed for use and covered by all applicable copyright laws.
編集- UNESCO Public Domain Resources and Virtual Library at this URL
編集- Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898) can be found via
- Bulfinch's mythology from project gutenberg
編集- Online Book Initiative
- Public Domain Reader: Public domain works in HTML, PDF and Plain_text formats.
- The Online Books Page: A comprehensive index of books available on the Internet. Most are public domain, but not all; check for copyright restrictions.
- Public Book Shelf
編集- 国際楽譜ライブラリープロジェクト
- The Choral Public Domain Library describes itself as 'A Free Sheet Music Archive'
- Mutopia: a collection of public domain sheet music.
- Project Gutenberg music section
- クラシック音楽mp3無料ダウンロード 著作権切れ、パブリックドメインの歴史的音源
- クラシック音楽へのおさそい~Blue Sky Label~
- European Archive
- Classical music archive
編集- Biblical dictionaries: Some late nineteenth century Biblical dictionaries; these might need work to render unbiased and up to date.
- A number of articles already contain most of the useful text from Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897)
- Hitchcock's Bible Dictionary's list of Biblical names has been used as a source for the List of Biblical names.
- Smith's Bible Dictionary is another 19th century Bible dictionary, with much useful but dated text
- Public Domain Biblical references
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library: A project similar to Project Gutenberg, but focusing on Christian texts.
- 口語訳新約・旧約聖書(1954/1955年版) 『聖書 口語』(日本聖書協会発行)初版(1955年版)は、日本の著作権保護期間(50年)満了
編集- Writings by Greg Goebel: Science, technology, military history, introductions to classical and relativistic physics.
- Infoanarchy: a weblog dedicated to copyright issues. All original material is in the public domain, although some redistributed articles may be under copyright.
- 政府広報オンラインの説明[1] によれば、「オンライン広報通信」[]やそのバックナンバー[2]は「著作権フリー」だということです。
編集please file these resources under the appropriate topic headings above
- There are no more entries to be filed at the moment
Public Domain Images
編集Please see the new article Public domain image resources.
Sources for finding public domain resources
- The Public Domain: How to Find & Use Copyright-Free Writings, Music, Art & More by Stephen Fishman, ISBN 0873374339
Lists of general resources:
- Registry for material that is in the public domain "except as noted"
- Links to websites "mostly" in the public domain maintained by Minciu Sodas
- Unmaintained list of public domain resources by Kevin Savetz
- Banis Associates list of public domain resources
- Public Domain Music website
- Brian Waters' list of public domain resources
- New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors tracking old books and author's dates for determining copyright expiration
Lists of U.S. Government resources:
- Index of Federal Specifications, Standards and Commercial Item Descriptions
- Federal Information Processing Standards home page
- DOD Index of Specifications and Standards
- Department of Defense Single Stock Point for MilSpecs and Standards
- NIST Data Resources index
- Catalog of U.S. Government Publications
- Country Study - copyright free