この項目「MDaemon」は途中まで翻訳されたものです。(原文:英語版 "MDaemon" 2013年9月23日 (火) 17:02 UTC) 翻訳作業に協力して下さる方を求めています。ノートページや履歴、翻訳のガイドラインも参照してください。要約欄への翻訳情報の記入をお忘れなく。(2023年4月) |
MDaemon Messaging Server[1] は、Texas州に位置するAlt-N Technologies社 [2]が開発した、Windowsベースのメール・グループウェアサーバソフトウェアである。
開発元 | Alt-N Technologies, Ltd. |
初版 | 1996年7月31日 |
最新版 |
/ 2019年7月16日 |
対応OS | Microsoft Windows |
対応言語 | 9 languages |
種別 | メールサーバ、Webメール、ActiveSync、IM、グループウェア |
ライセンス | プロプライエタリ |
公式サイト |
www |
MDaemonは、標準搭載された、ヒューリスティック分析やベイジアン解析を使ったスパムフィルタ、SSL/TLSでの暗号化、パブリックフォルダや共有フォルダ、メーリングリスト、ウェブベースのメールクライアント (WorldClient)、グループウェアデータ(予定表、連絡先、仕事とメモ)の共有、ActiveSyncを介したover-the-air によるモバイル端末とのデータ同期、BlackBerry Internet Service、更に追加オプションとしてBlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) プラグイン[1]といった機能を搭載している。
編集MDaemonは、1990年の半ば、Arvel Hathcockが開発を始めた。Hathcockは14歳で父親に買ってもらったTRS-80モデルMC-10で開発を始め、複数の企業向けに掲示板ソフトを開発した後、Mailing List Systems Corporationへ所属した。Hathcockは当時のメールソフトウェアにかかるコストにフラストレーションを感じ、1996年、自分でメールシステムを開発しようと決意した。1996年、Alt-N Technologiesを設立し、Hathcockの商用メールサーバー、 MDaemon[4]が生まれた。
編集WorldClient (ウェブベースのメールクライアント)
編集MDaemonに搭載されているウェブベースのメールクライアント (WorldClient) を使うと、ブラウザからメールや予定表、連絡先、ドキュメント、仕事、メモにアクセスする事ができる。ドキュメントはメッセージへ添付したり、ドラッグ&ドロップで共有フォルダへ追加したりする事ができる。パブリックフォルダや共有フォルダを共有する際には個別のアクセス権限が設定できる。サイドバーに組み込まれたチャット機能は、他のMDaemonユーザーとのチャット[5]に利用できる。
リモート管理 (WebAdmin)
編集リモート管理(WebAdmin) はMDaemonの設定を行うために搭載されている機能である。ウェブベースのリモート管理ツールを使うと、アカウント管理、セキュリティ管理、モバイル管理、ログの確認、といった、MDaemonのほとんどの設定[6]にアクセスできる。
プライベート・インスタント・メッセージ (ComAgent)
編集標準搭載された、プライベート・インスタント・メッセージ用クライアント(ComAgent)により、 [7]グループチャットや連絡先一覧、ファイル共有、メール通知、アドレス帳の自動同期などの機能を使う事ができる。
編集SecurityPlus for MDaemon
編集SecurityPlus for MDaemon[8] は、Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD) や Zero Hour Virus Outbreak Protection[9]を使った、ウィルス対策や (MDaemonへ搭載されたスパムフィルタとは別の)スパム対策機能を提供している。
Outlook Connector for MDaemon
編集Outlook Connector for MDaemon[10] はMicrosoft Outlookユーザー間で情報共有するためのグループウェア機能である。Outlook Connectorには個別のアクセス権限も使用できるフォルダ共有機能、グループウェア機能、自動応答機能、複数言語対応 [11]といった機能が搭載されている。
ActiveSync for MDaemon
編集ActiveSync for MDaemon includes support for the latest version of Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) (2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1 protocols), which is a separately licensed ActiveSync (AirSync) server. ActiveSync provides native synchronization of a user's default email, calendar, contacts, and tasks data between the MDaemon server, WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) or Outlook (using the Outlook Connector plug-in) account and an ActiveSync capable device. Other features include: customizable device IT policies, remote wipe, autodiscovery, multiple folder synchronization, global address lookup, SSL encrypted transmissions, device whitelists and blacklists, forgetting inactive devices, and device protocol restrictions[12].
編集MDaemon 1
編集The original version of MDaemon was not publicly released. Features included:
- Account Quotas, Sender Blacklists, Aliases with Wildcards, Automatic Mail Forwarding, Configurable Mail Port, Protocol Timeout, and Session Inactivity Values, Configurable Storage Locations, Easy to Backup and Restore Via Flat File Structure, IP Screening and Address Suppression, IP Shielding, Mailing Lists (Digests, Subscribe/Unsubscribe Support, Moderator Options, Post-Only / Read-Only Access, and Archiving), Out-Of-Office Auto-Responder, Real-Time Session Activity Logging, Simplified (On / Off) Message Archiving to Public Folders or to Designated Email, Address(es), SMTP Greeting "Site Policy", SMTP, POP3, MuliPOP, and Delivery of Mail Directly to Recipients' Mail Server or to Your Smart Host[13].
MDaemon 2
編集The first public release of MDaemon was July 31, 1996. Features included:
- Account Restrictions. Anti-Relaying, Trusted IPs and Hosts, and WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Access to Email, Contacts, and Calendar[13].
MDaemon 3
編集Released on February 29, 2000. Features included:
- Account Import / Export, Content Filtering, DNS Blacklists, IMAP, Low Disk Space Alert Notifications, Multiple Mail Domains, ODBC Account Database Backend Support, Spam Filter with Bayesian Learning and Heuristic Message Scoring, and Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD)[13].
MDaemon 4
編集Released on April 10, 2001. Features included:
- Automated Old Mail and Inactive Account Deletion (Pruning), Automatic Gateway Creation When Used in a Backup MX Role, DomainPOP, Folder Sharing, IMAP Mail Filtering Rules, LDAP Account Database Backend Support, On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR), Reverse Lookup, Server-Hosted Public and Shared IMAP Folders with Access Control Lists (ACL), and SMTP Authentication[13].
MDaemon 5
編集Released on September 25, 2001. Features included:
- Attachment Compression, Attachment Restriction, Closed Instant Messenger (ComAgent)(Chat, Group Chat, Buddy List, File Sharing, New Mail Notification, and Logging), and Contact Synchronization[13].
MDaemon 6
編集Released on July 1, 2002. Features included:
- Automatic IP Screening, Dynamic DoS, Dictionary, and Brute Force Attack Detection and Prevention (Dynamic Screening), Host Screening, Shared Calendaring, and Scheduling[13].
MDaemon 6.5
編集Released on October 29, 2002. Features included:
- Tarpitting, and WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Support[13].
MDaemon 6.7
編集Released on February 10, 2003. Features included:
- Bandwidth Throttling, Groupware Functionality (Including: Folders for Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes and Documents with Public / Private Folder Sharing), Outlook Support (Including: Email, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Notes and Documents with Public / Private Folder Sharing), and Meeting Requests with Automatic Updates of Attendees[13].
MDaemon 6.8
編集Released on June 10, 2003. Features included:
- LDAP Recipient Verification, and SSL / TLS / StartTLS[13].
MDaemon 7
編集Released on March 2, 2004. Features included:
- Account / Domain -Based Signature Files, Automatic Update Service, Mailing Lists - ODBC, Spam Honeypots, Strong Passwords, Spam Filter - Blacklists, Spam Filter - Whitelists, and WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Mobile Theme[13].
MDaemon 7.1
編集Released on May 11, 2004. Features included:
- Detect Spoofed Email Addresses[13].
MDaemon 8
編集Released on April 12, 2005. Features included:
- Custom Plug-In Support, DomainKeys, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) - Signing and Verification, HashCash, Holding Queue for Errors, Inline Virus Scanning Kaspersky AntiVirus Engine, Multiple LDAP Configurations for Gateway Domains, Queue Management System, SpamAssassin 3, and WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Notes and Tasks[13].
MDaemon 8.1
編集Released on July 26, 2005. Features included:
- Greylisting[13].
MDaemon 9
編集Released on April 4, 2006. Features included:
- Active Directory Monitoring, AntiSpam Runs as Separate Process (MDSpamD), Calendar with Free / Busy Server, Mailing Lists - Active Directory, Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Sender ID, Web-Based Remote Administration (WebAdmin), Wireless Access to Email, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks Using IMAP and SyncML5, WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Unicode UTF-8 Output, and Zero Hour Outbreak Protection[13].
MDaemon 9.5
編集Released on October 24, 2006. Features included:
- Backscatter Protection, and Custom Mail Queuing[13].
MDaemon 9.6
編集Released on June 12, 2007. Features included:
- Account Grouping, and Account Validation Using Minger Server[13].
MDaemon 10
編集Released on August 26, 2008. Features included:
- Domain Sharing (Split Domain to Multiple Servers), Unlimited Mail Delivery Schedules, Vouch-By-Reference (VBR) Message Certification, and WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Handicap Accessible Reader and User Configurable Time Zone[13].
MDaemon 11
編集Released on March 10, 2010. Features included:
- Attachment Linking - Attachment Storage and Retrieval on Demand and Quick Mobile Message Downloads, DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) - Author Domain Signing Practices (ADSP), and Email Notification of Attempted Violations of Account Restrictions[13].
MDaemon 12
編集Released on February 15, 2011. Features included:
- BlackBerry - Built-In Support for BlackBerry (OS 7 and Under), Via BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES), Including: Advanced Email, Wireless Synchronization, Up-To-Date Calendaring, Integrated Contacts, Device IT Policy Management and Security, BlackBerry Balance Technology, and Remote File Access.
- One Simple Management Console to Manage BlackBerry Device Functionality Including: Domain Level Device Policy Management, Customizable Device IT Policies, Password Assignments / Resets, and Remote Device Wiping.
- BlackBerry - Supports BlackBerry (OS 7 and Under) Push Email, Inbox Mapping, Calendar, and Contact Synchronization for BlackBerry Devices Via BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) Data Plan.
- WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Integrated Closed Instant Messaging (ComAgent) with Chat, Buddy List, Logging, and Group Chat[13].
MDaemon 12.5
編集Released on October 18, 2011. Features included:
- Per Account Whitelists, and Recipient Blacklists[13].
MDaemon 13
編集Released on September 4, 2012. Features included:
- Detect and Stop Hijacked Accounts, IMAP "Compress" and "Binary", Simple Message Ticketing System, and Traffic Charts.
- ActiveSync - Over-The-Air (OTA) Synchronization of Individual Email, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry (OS 10) Smartphones with Autodiscover Service.
- One Simple Management Console for Mobile IT Policies for Domain Level Device Policy Management, Customizable Device IT Policies, Password Assignments / Resets, and Remote Device Wiping.
- WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client) - Custom Branding, Document Folders, and Drag and Drop Attachments[13].
MDaemon 13.5
編集Released on June 18, 2013. Features included:
- Account Templates with Automatically-Configured Settings, Colorized Session Logs, Password Settings and Restrictions, Performance Counters, Public Folder Manager, and Attachment Linking - Outbound Attachments
- ActiveSync - 2.5, 12.1, 14.0, and 14.1 Protocols, Password Expiration, Password Complexity Level, Maximum Attachment Size, Require Alpha-Numeric Password, Require Device Encryption, Disable Camera, and Several Other Policy Options, Device Whitelists and Blacklists, Forgetting Inactive Devices, and Microsoft Outlook 2013 and Windows 8 Mail Support
- Closed Instant Messaging (ComAgent) - Support for Multi-Languages
Language Support
編集MDaemon is available in many different languages[13].
MDaemon Messaging Server
編集Available in the following 9 languages[14]:
- English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese
WorldClient (Web-Based Email Client)
編集Available in the following 27 languages[15]:
- English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Czech / Cesky, Indonesian, Greek, French Canadian, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian / Bokmal, Swedish, Korean, Hungarian, Dutch / Netherlands, Turkish, Taiwanese, Polish, Hrvatski / Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Vietnamese
Remote Administration (WebAdmin)
編集Available in the following 11 languages[16]:
- English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Dutch / Netherlands, Swedish
Closed Instant Messaging (ComAgent)
編集Available in the following 13 languages[17]:
- English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Dutch / Netherlands, Swedish, Polish, Thai
SecurityPlus for MDaemon
編集Available in the following 9 languages[18]:
- English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese
Outlook Connector for MDaemon
編集Available in the following 16 languages[19]:
- English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Chinese, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian-Bokmal, Swedish, Dutch, Hungarian, Polish
編集- ^ a b “MDaemon Data Sheet”. Alt-N Technologies. (2013年6月4日) 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “Alt-N Technologies Company Fact Sheet”. Alt-N Technologies. (2013年1月3日) 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ Wyro, Brad (2012年7月23日). “Learn More about the MDaemon File Structure”. Spiceworks 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ Williams, Rayven (2007年10月). “He’s Got Mail”. Dallas CEO Magazine 2013年9月6日閲覧。
- ^ “WorldClient (MDaemon's Web-Based Email Client)”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Remote Admin (WebAdmin)”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Instant Messenger”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “SecurityPlus Data Sheet”. Alt-N Technologies. (2013年7月8日) 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “SecurityPlus for MDaemon”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “Outlook Connector Data Sheet”. Alt-N Technologies. (2013年7月2日) 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “Outlook Connector for MDaemon”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “ActiveSync for MDaemon”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v “MDaemon Messaging Server - Features by Release”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月6日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “MDaemon Messaging Server - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “SecurityPlus for MDaemon - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
- ^ “Outlook Connector for MDaemon - Tech Specs”. Alt-N Technologies 2013年9月4日閲覧。
編集- Stephanie Jordan (September 27, 2012) Hijacked Email Account Detection, Messaging News
- Joel Snyder (March 09, 2009) ALT-N's MDaemon offers easiest management, Network World
- Arvel Hathcock (February 2008) Ask The Expert: A layered approach to trusted messaging, Financial Services Technology
- ServerWatch Staff (June 15, 2006) Latest MDaemon Release Keeps Pace With Times, ServerWatch
- Tom Yager (March 11, 2002) (E-mail Server Software) Affordable, capable e-mail. MDaemon Pro 5.04 adds LDAP to its rich roster of capabilities, InfoWorld pp. 36 & 38; online version
- Tom Yager (April 24, 2000) (Mail server software) MDaemon Pro 3.0 proves speedy, but not scalable. Solid, low-price mail server adds IMAP4 support and spam blocking. InfoWorld, p. 66; online version in Computerworld Australia
編集- List of Mail Servers
- Comparison of Mail Servers
- ActiveSync
- Push Email
- Comparison of Email Clients
- BlackBerry Enterprise Server
- Sender Policy Framework
- Vouch By Reference (VBR)
- Notify Technology
- Kaseya Network Monitor
- SyncML
- Domain Assurance Council
- National Junior Mechanic Competition 1987