酒井 清孝(さかい きよたか、1941年6月26日[1] - )は、日本の理工学者。
さかい きよたか 酒井 清孝 | |
生誕 |
1941年6月26日(83歳) 東京都品川区 |
居住 |
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国籍 |
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研究分野 | 化学工学、膜工学、人工臓器工学、人間医工学、生体内移動論 |
研究機関 |
早稲田大学先進理工学部応用化学科 名誉教授 静岡大学工学部化学工学科 元助教授 |
出身校 | 早稲田大学 |
博士課程 指導教員 | 城塚 正 |
影響を 受けた人物 | 城塚 正早稲田大学名誉教授、吉田文武京都大学名誉教授、土屋喜一早稲田大学名誉教授、Prof. Elias Klein, University of Louisville、 Prof. Yukihiko Nose, Baylor College of Medicine |
主な受賞歴 | 公益社団法人化学工学会学会賞・研究賞・池田亀三郎記念賞、公益財団法人日本腎臓財団功労賞、公益社団法人日本生体医工学会論文賞・阪本賞、令和3年(2021年)春の叙勲・瑞宝中綬章ほか |
プロジェクト:人物伝 |
化学工学を中心とした医療工学の研究を行い、人工臓器の開発や設計に携わった。生命維持管理装置の操作・設計に化学工学の知識を生かして、現代の高度先進医療を支える医療工学の発展を促進した研究者である。生命維持管理装置を扱う臨床工学技士、医学に関わる理工学研究者、人工臓器を扱う医師とともに研究を行い、多くの業績を残している[2][3]。 秋山敏、林寛、穂坂英明、横山真喜男、峰島三千男、安住利恵子、小沢治子、鶴岡秀志、竹澤真吾、松田兼一、山下明泰、小澤喜久夫、金森敏幸、金武潤、吉田亮、櫛谷文彦、阪上正裕、柳沢真澄、吉見靖男、桜井公美、小久保謙一、福田誠、氷見直之、宮坂武寛、薬師寺大二、青柳里果、松田範昭、小林純、荏原充宏、熊代善一、長瀬健一、葉山順代、山本健一郎、井戸田直和、小川武人、岩永進太郎、長谷川麗、小松寛、阪田宏樹、滑川亘希、井上幹康などの理工学研究者、企業経営者、企業技術者、医学研究者、医師を育てた。
編集- 東京都出身[1]
- 1965年 早稲田大学理工学部応用化学科卒
- 1967年 同大学院理工学研究科応用化学専攻修士課程修了(工学修士)
- 1970年 同大学院理工学研究科応用化学専攻博士課程修了 (工学博士)(城塚正教授指導)
- 1970年 静岡大学工学部化学工学科専任講師(文部教官教育職)
- 1972年 同助教授(文部教官教育職)
- 1973年 早稲田大学理工学部応用化学科助教授
- 1978年 同教授
- 2007年 早稲田大学先進理工学部応用化学科教授
- 2012年 早稲田大学名誉教授
- クリーブランドクリニック人工臓器研究所客員教授、テキサス大学客員研究員、静岡大学・大阪市立大学・芝浦工業大学・東京農工大学・横浜国立大学・東京大学・東北大学・名古屋大学・東京女子医科大学・千葉大学・東京電機大学の非常勤講師を歴任
編集- 日本膜学会第16年会組織委員長
- 第34回日本人工臓器学会大会長
- 日本医工学治療学会第13回学術大会大会長
- 日本人工臓器学会名誉会長
- 日本医工学治療学会名誉会員
- 日本膜学会名誉会員
- 化学工学会名誉会員
- 早稲田応用化学会名誉会員
- 日本急性血液浄化学会功労会員
- 化学工学会バイオ部会顧問
- 日本臨床工学技士会元顧問
- 医療法人社団善仁会顧問
- 公益財団法人松籟科学技術振興財団理事
- 一般社団法人透析技能検定試験制度協議会元副会長
- 日本エアデールテリア協会元理事長、元審査員
- Honorary Editorial Board Member: Journal of Artificial Organs
- AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers) Senior Member
- ASAIO (American Society for Artificial Organs) Member
- EDTA (European Dialysis and Transplantation Association) Senior Member
- NAMS (North American Membrane Society) Senior Member
編集- Fukuda M, Furuya T, Sadano K, et al: Electron microscopic confirmation of anisotropic pore characteristics for ECMO membranes theoretically validating the risk of SARS-CoV-2 permeation. Membranes, July 2021
- Fukuda M, Tokumine A, Noda K, et al: Newly developed pediatric membrane oxygenator that suppresses excessive pressure drop in cardiopulmonary bypass and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Membranes, 10, 362, 2020; doi:10.3390/membranes10110362
- Fukuda M, Yoshimoto H, Saomoto H, et al: Validity of three-dimensional tortuous pore structure and fouling of hemoconcentration capillary membrane using the tortuous pore diffusion model and scanning probe microscopy. Membranes, 10, 315, 2020; doi:10.3390/membranes10110315
- Fukuda M, Saomoto H, Mori T, et al: Impact of three-dimensional tortuous pore structure on polyethersulfone membrane morphology and mass transfer properties from a manufacturing perspective. J Artif Organs, 23, 171-179, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10047-019-01144-0
- Komatsu H, Sakai K, Baba T, et al: Aggregation behavior of short-chained archaeal phospholipid analogs: Contribution of methyl branches to lipid hydrophobicity and membrane formability. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 32, 100200, 2019
- Fukuda M, Saomoto H, Shimizu T, et al: Obsevation and proposed measurement of three-dimensional tortuous capillary pores with depth for hollow fiber hemoconcentrator membrane using dynamic force microscopy. Adv Biomed Eng 8, 145-152, 2019
- Fukuda M, Yoshimura K, Namekawa K, et al: Technical characterization of dialysis fluid flow and mass transfer rate in dialyzers with various filtration coefficients using dimensionless correlation equation. J Artif Organs, 20, 145-151, 2017
- Fukuda M, Namekawa K, Sakai K: Identical dependence of dialysate-side mass transfer coefficient on Reynolds number using dimensionless correlation based on the mass transfer model in newly developed dialyzers and a downsized dialyzer. Adv Biomed Eng 5, 118-123, 2016
- Fukuda M, Yamamoto K, Maeda K, Sakai K: Dependence of roller pump rotation on blood backflow and simple estimation of negative pressure required for blood withdrawal using backflow volume measurement at the arterial side-chamber inlet. Therapeutics and Engineering, 27, 21-28, 2015
- Yamazaki K, Yakushiji T, Sakai K: Nanoscale analysis of hydrophilicity-hydrophobicity distribution on inner surfaces of wet dialysis membranes by atomic force microscopy. J Membr Sci 396, 38-42, 2012
- Akimoto J Nakayama M, Sakai K, et al: Synthesis of terminal-functionalized thermoresponsive diblock copolymers using biogradable macro-RAFT agents. Polymer J 45, 233-237, 2012
- Namekawa K, Matsuda M, Fukuda M, et al: Poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) elution from polysulfone dialysis membrane by varying solvent and wall shear stress. J Artif Organs 15, 185-192, 2012
- Hirano A, Kida S, Yamamoto K, et al: Experimental evaluation of flow and dialysis performance of hollow-fiber dialyzers with different packing densities. J Artif Organs 15, 168-175, 2012
- Sakai K, Matsuda M: Solute removal efficiency and biocompatibility of the high-performance membrane - from engineering points of view. pp.11-22, in High-Performance Membrane Dialyzers ed by Saito A, Kawanishi H, Yamashita AC, et al, Contributions to Nephrology, Vol.173, 2011
- Matsuda M, Yakushiji T, Sakai K: Effect of γ irradiation on the surface properties of wet polysulfone films containing poly(vinylpyrrolidone). Surf Interface Anal 43, 976-983, 2011
- Idota N, Kikuchi A, Kobayashi J, et al: Modulation of graft architectures for enhancing hydrophobic interaction of biomolecules with thermoresponsive polymer-grafted surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 99, 95-101, 2011
- Namekawa K, Kaneko A, Sakai K, et al: Longer storage of dialyzers increases elution of poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) from polysulfone-group dialysis membranes. J Artif Organs 14, 52-57, 2011
- Yamazaki K, Matsuda M, Yamamoto K, et al: Internal and surface structure characterization of cellulose triacetate hollow-fiber dialysis membranes. J Membr Sci 368, 34-40, 2011
- Koga S, Yakushiji T, Matsuda M, et al: Functional-group analysis of polyvinylpyrrolidone on the inner surface of hollow-fiber dialysis membranes, by near-field infrared microspectroscopy. J Membr Sci 355, 208-213, 2010
- Hirano A, Yamamoto K, Matsuda M, et al: Evaluation of dialyzer jacket structure and hollow-fiber dialysis membranes to achieve high dialysis performance. Ther Apher Dial 15, 66-74, 2010
- Aoyagi S, Namekawa K, Yamamoto K, et al: Investigation of molecular surfaces with time-of-light secondary ion mass spectrometry. Surf Interface Anal 42, 1593-1597, 2010
- Akimoto J, Nakayama M, Sakai K, et al: Thermally controlled intracellular uptake system of polymeric micelles possessing poly(N-isopropylamide)-based outer coronas. Mol Pharm 7, 926-935, 2010
- Yamamoto K, Ogawa T, Matsuda M, et al: Membrane potential and charge density of hollow-fiber dialysis membrane. J Membr Sci 355, 182-185, 2010
- Ogawa T, Koga S, Yakushiji T, et al: Development of device for chemiluminescence determination of superoxide generated inside a dialysis hollow-fiber membrane. J Artif Organs 13, 58-62, 2010
- Namekawa K, Fukuda M, Matsuda M, et al: Nanotechnological characterization of human albumin adsorption on wet synthetic polymer dialysis membrane surfaces. ASAIO J 55, 236-242, 2009
- Yoshimi Y, Narimatsu A, Nakayama K, et al: Development of an enzyme-free glucose sensor using the gate effect of a molecularly imprinted polymer. J Artif Organs 12, 264-270, 2009
- Ogawa T, Aoyagi S, Miyasaka T, et al: Fluorescence enhancement of fluorescent isothiocyanate-labeled protein A caused by affinity binding with immunoglobulin G in bovine plasma. Sensors 9, 8271-8277, 2009
- Akimoto J, Nakayama M, Sakai K, et al: Temperature-induced intracellular uptake of thermoresponsive polymeric micelles. Biomacromolecules 10, 1331-1336, 2009
- Yamamoto K, Matsuda M, Hirano A, et al: Computational evaluation of dialysis fluid flow in dialyzers with variously designed jackets. Artif Organs 33, 481-486, 2009
- Hirano A, Yamamoto K, Matsuda M, et al: Flow uniformity in oxygenators with different outlet port design. ASAIOJ 55, 209-212, 2009
- Kunikata S, Fukuda M, Yamamoto K, et al: Technical characterization of dialysis fluid flow of newly developed dialyzers using mass transfer correlation equation. ASAIO J 55, 231-235, 2009
- Sugiura S, Imano W, Takagi T et al: Thermoresponsive protein adsorption of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-modified streptavidin on polydimethylsiloxane microchannel surfaces. Biosens Bioelectron 24, 1135-1140, 2009
- Matsuda M, Yamamoto K, Yakushiji T, et al: Nanotechnological evaluation of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane surface hydrophilized with polyvinylpyrrolidone. J Membr Sci 310, 219-228, 2008
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Aoyagi T, et al: A novel approach to observing synergy effects of PHSRN on integrin-RGD binding using intelligent surfaces. Adv Mater 20, 3034-3038, 2008
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Aoyagi T, et al: The effect of extensible PEG tethers on shielding between grafted thermo-responsive polymer chains and integrin-RGD binding. Biomaterials 29, 3650-3655, 2008
- Akimoto J, Nakayama M, Sakai K, et al: Molecular design of outermost surface functionalized thermo-responsive polymeric micelles with biodegradable cores. J Polym Sci 46, 7127-7137, 2008
- Matsuda M, Sato M, Sakata H, et al: Effects of fluid flow on elution of hydrophilic modifier from dialysis membrane surfaces. J Artif Organs 11, 148-155, 2008
- Yamamoto K, Hayama M, Matsuda T, et al: Evaluation of asymmetrical structure dialysis membrane by tortuous capillary pore diffusion model. J Membr Sci 287, 88-93, 2007
- Ogawa T, Shimazaki H, Aoyagi S, et al: Electrical oscillation at a water/octanol interface in a hydrophobic container. J Colloid Interface Sci 305, 195-197, 2007
- Yamamoto K, Matsukawa H, Yakushiji T, et al: Technical evaluation of dialysate flow in a newly designed dialyzer. ASAIO J, 53, 36-40, 2007
- Yamamoto K, Matsuda M, Okuoka M, et al: Antioxidation property of vitamin E-coated polysulfone dialysis membrane and recovery of oxidized vitamin E by vitamin C treatment. J Membr Sci 302, 115-118, 2007
- Nakayama M, Chung JE, Miyazaki T, et al: Thermal modulation of intracellular drug distribution using thermoresponsive polymeric micelles. React Funct Polym 67, 1398-1407, 2007
- Sekine S, Watanabe Y, Yoshimi Y, et al: Influence of solvents on chiral discriminative gate effect of moleculary imprinted poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate-co-methacrylic acid). Sens Actuators B 127, 512-517, 2007
- Yamamoto K, Matsuda M, Hayama M, et al: Evaluation of the activity of endotoxin trapped by a hollow-fiber dialysis membrane. J Membr Sci 272, 211-216, 2006
- Idota N, Kikuchi A, Kobayashi J, et al: Thermal modulated interaction of aqueous steroids using polymer-grafted capillaries. Langmuir 22, 425-430, 2006
- Miyasaka T, Endo K, Mochizuki S, et al: Superoxide sensors. Sens Lett 4, 144-154, 2006
- Nakamura M, Okano T, Miyazaki T, et al: Molecular design of biodegradable polymeric micelles for temperature-responsive drug release. J Control Release 115, 46-56, 2006
- Ogawa T, Shimazaki H, Aoyagi S, et al: Novel modeling of electrical potential oscillation across a water/octanol/water liquid membrane. J Membr Sci 285, 120-125, 2006
- Nagase K, Hasegawa U, Kohori F, et al: The photoresponse of a molybdenum porphyrin makes an artificial gill feasible. J Membr Sci 249, 235-243, 2005
- Iwanaga S, Akiyama S, Kikuchi A, et al: Fabrication of a cell array on ultrathin hydrophilic polymer gels utilizing electron beam irradiation and UV excimer laser ablation. Biomaterials 26, 5395-5404, 2005
- Nagase K, Kohori F, Sakai K, et al: Rearrangement of hollow fibers for enhancing oxygen transfer in an artificial gill using oxygen carrier solution. J Membr Sci 254, 207-217, 2005
- Nagase K, Kohori F, Sakai K: Oxygen transfer performance of a membrane oxygenator composed of crossed and parallel hollow fibers. Biochem Eng J 24, 105-113, 2005
- Yamamoto K, Hiwatari M, Kohori F, et al: Membrane fouling and dialysate flow pattern in an internal filtration-enhancing dialyzer. J Artif Organs 8, 198-205, 2005
- Idota N, Kikuchi A, Kobayashi J, et al: Microfluidic valves comprising nanolayered thermoresponsive polymer-grafted capillaries. Adv Mater 17, 2723-2727, 2005
- Yamamoto K, Kobayashi K, Endo K, et al: Hollow-fiber blood-dialysis membranes: superoxide generation, permeation and dismutation measured by chemiluminescence. J Artif Organs 8, 257-262, 2005
- Hayama M, Yamamoto K, Kohori F, et al: How polysulfone dialysis membranes containing polyvinylpyrrolidone achieve excellent biocompatibility?. J Membr Sci 234, 41-49, 2004
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Aoyagi T, et al: Temperature-responsive cell culture surfaces enable “on-off” affinity control between cell integrins and RGDS ligands. Biomacromolecules 5, 505-510, 2004
- Hayama M, Yamamoto K, Kohori F, et al: Nanoscopic behavior of polyvinylpyrrolidone particles on polysulfone/polyvinylpyrrolidone film. Biomaterials 25, 1019-1028, 2004
- Hattori K, Yoshimi Y, Ito T, et al: Effect of electrostatic interactions on gate effect in molecularly imprinted polymers. Electrochemistry 72, 508-510, 2004
- Hattori K, Hiwatari M, Iiyama C, et al: Gate effect of theophylline-imprinted polymer grafted to the cellulose by living radical polymerization. J Membr Sci 233, 169-173, 2004
- Aoyagi S, Hayama M, Hasegawa U, et al: Estimation of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane by means of TOF-SIMS imaging. J Membr Sci 236, 91-99, 2004
- Aoyagi S, Hayama M, Hasegawa U, et al: TOF-SIMS imaging of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane. Appl Surf Sci 231-232, 411-415, 2004
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Aoyagi T, et al: Immobilization of cell-adhesive peptides to temperature-responsive surfaces facilitates both serum-free cell adhesion and noninvasive cell harvest. Tissue Eng 10, 1125-1135, 2004
- Yoshimi Y, Kamada M, Ohkawara Y, et al: Improvement of hydrogen peroxide sensitivity by an electrochemiluminescent mothod with luminol using polyion adsorption onto the electrode. Electrochemistry 72, 747-750, 2004
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Nagai S, et al: Incorporation of new carboxylate functionalized co-monomers to temperature-responsive polymer-grafted cell culture surfaces. Surf Sci 570, 134-141, 2004
- Hayama M, Miyasaka T, Mochizuki S, et al: Optimum dialysis membrane for endotoxin blocking. J Membr Sci 219, 15-25, 2003
- Ebara M, Yamato M, Hirose M, et al: Copolymerization of 2-carboxyisopropylacrylamide with N-isopropylacrylamide accelerates cell detachment from grafted surfaces by reducing temperature. Biomacromolecules 4, 344-349, 2003
- Aoyagi S, Imai R, Sakai K, et al: Reagentless and regenerable immunosensor for monitoring of immunoglobulin G based on non-separation immunoassay. Biosens Bioelectron 18, 791-795, 2003
- Nagase K, Kohori F, Sakai K: Development of a compact artificial gill using concentrated hemoglobin solution as the oxygen carrier. J Membr Sci 215, 281-292, 2003
- Kobayashi J, Kikuchi A, Sakai K, et al: Cross-linked thermoresponsive anionic polymer-grafted surfaces to separate bioactive basic peptides. Anal Chem 75, 3244-3249, 2003
- Aoyagi S, Kudo M, Hayama M, et al: TOF-SIMS imaging of protein adsorption on dialysis membrane by mean of information entropy. e-J Surf Sci Nanotech 1, 67-71, 2003
- Nagase K, Kohori F, Sakai K: Designing an artificial gill using oxygen carrier solution for effective supply of oxygen to underwater closed spaces. Journal of Research in Science and Engineering 1, 31-36, 2003
- Endo K, Miyasaka T, Mochizuki S, et al: Development of a superoxide sensor by immobilization of superoxide dismutase. Sensors and Actuators B 83, 30-34, 2002
- Hayama M, Kohori F, Sakai K: AFM observation of small surface pores of hollow-fiber dialysis membranes using highly sharpened probe. J Membr Sci 197, 243-249, 2002
- Kohori F, Yokoyama M, Sakai K, et al: Process design for efficient and controlled drug incorporation into polymeric micelle carrier system. J Control Release 78, 155-163,2002
- Aoyagi S, Miyasaka T, Yoshimi Y, et al: A new reagentless immunosensor for measuring IgG concentration in human plasma based on fluorescence-enhancement immunoassay. J Artif Organs 5, 60-63, 2002
- Nagase K, Matsuda N, Sakai K: Optimum control of oxygen affinity of hemoglobin as an oxygen carrier solution for an artificial gill. J Artif Organs 5, 44-49, 2002
- Miyasaka T, Endo K, Sakai K: Electrochemiluminescent measurement of human serum concentration in dialysate. J Artif Organs 5, 18-23, 2002
- Fukutomi I, Sakai H, Takeoka S, et al: Carbonylation of oxyhemoglobin solution (HbO2→HbCO) using a membrane oxygenator. J Artif Organs 5, 102-107, 2002
- Kobayashi J, Kikuchi A, Sakai K, et al: Aqueous chromatography utilizing hydrophobicity-modified anionic temperature-responsive hydrogel for stationary phases. J Chromatogr A 958, 109-119, 2002
- Miyasaka T, Matsuda Y, Sakai K, et al: Development of a contamination free 6 valve injector inline monitoring system for endotoxin measurement in dialysate. ASAIO J 48, 389-393, 2002
- Ishiwata K, Yamamoto K, Kohori F, et al: Technical evaluation of dialysate flow in a hollow-fiber dialyzer. J Artif Organs 5, 251-256, 2002
- Hayama M, Miyasaka T, Mochizuki S, et al: Visualization of distribution of endotoxin trapped in an endotoxin-blocking filtration membrane. J Membr Sci 210, 45-53, 2002
- Yoshimi Y, Ohdaira R, Iiyama C, et al: “Gate effect” of thin layer of molecularly-imprinted poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate). Sens actuators 73, 49-53, 2001
- Ebara M, Aoyagi T, Sakai K, et al:The incorporation of carboxylate groups into temperature-responsive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-based hydrogels promotes rapid gel shrinking. J Polym Sci A 39, 335-342, 2001
- Matsuda N, Sakai K, Nakamura T, et al: Temperature-controlled enhancement of oxygen uptake from water using oxygen carrier solution. J Membr Sci 184, 17-26, 2001
- Aoyagi S, Suzuki Y, Sakai K, et al: Transient measurement with an enzyme-immobilized electrode undergoing protein adsorption. Electrochemistry 69, 251-253, 2001
- Kobayashi J, Kikuchi A, Sakai K, et al: Aqueous chromatography utilizing pH-/temperature-responsive polymer stationary phases to separate ionic bioactive compounds. Anal Chem 73, 2027-2033, 2001
- Nakajima A, Miyasaka T, Sakai K, et al: Determination of effective charge density of hollow-fiber dialysis membranes and its effects on phosphate ion permeability. J Membr Sci 187, 129-139, 2001
- Aoyagi S, Iwata T, Miyasaka T, et al: Determination of human serum albumin by chemiluminescence immunoassay with luminol using a platinum-immobilized flow-cell. Anal Chim Acta 436, 103-108, 2001
- Aoyagi S, Yamazaki M, Miyasaka T, et al: Clarification of enhanced hydroxyl radical production in fenton reaction with ATP/ADP based on luminol chemiluminescence. J Chem Eng Japan 34, 956-959, 2001
- Hattori K, Yoshimi Y, Sakai K: Gate effect of cellulosic dialysis membrane grafted with molecularly imprinted polymer. J Chem Eng Japan 34, 1466-1469, 2001
- Suzuki Y, Kohori F, Sakai K: Computer-aided design of hollow-fiber dialyzers. J Artif Organs 4, 326-330, 2001
- Aoyagi T, Ebara M, Sakai K, et al: Novel bifunctional polymer with reactivity and temperature sensitivity. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed 11, 101-110, 2000
- Uchida K, Sakai K, Ito E, et al: Temperature-dependent modulation of blood platelet movement and morphology on poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted surfaces. Biomaterials 21, 923-929, 2000
- Uchida K, Sakai K, Kwon OH, et al: Temperature-sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-grafted surfaces modulate of blood platelet interactions. Macromol Rapid Commun 21, 169-173, 2000
- Uchida K, Yamato M, Ito E, et al: Two different types of nonthrombogenic surfaces: PEG suppresses platelet adhesion ATP-independently but HEMA-st block copolymer requires ATP consumption of platelets to prevent adhesion. J Biomed Mater Res 50, 585-590, 2000
- Matsuda N, Sakai K: Blood flow and oxygen transfer rate of an outside blood flow membrane oxygenator. J Membr Sci 170, 153-158, 2000
- Sakai K: Dialysis membranes for blood purification. Front Med Biol Eng 10, 117-129, 2000
- Kanamori T, Habu T, Shinbo T, et al: Difference in solute diffusivity in crosslinked collagen gels prepared under various conditions. Mater Sci Eng C 13, 85-89, 2000
- Ebara M, Aoyagi T, Sakai K, et al: Introducing reactive carboxyl side chains retains phase transition temperature sensitivity in N-isopropylacrylamide copolymer gels. Macromolecules 33, 8312-8316, 2000
- Matsuda N, Sakai K, Yamamoto K, et al: Effects of hollow fiber packing fraction on blood flow pattern and gas transfer rate of an intravascular oxygenator (IVOX). J Membr Sci 179, 231-241, 2000
- Miyasaka T, Iijima K, Sakai K, Yoshimi Y, Aketagawa J, Tamura H, Tanaka S : Development of a stopped flow reactor for the rapid, high sensitivity measurement of endotoxin concentration in dialysate. ASAIO J, 45, 104-108, 1999
- Tsuji M, Sakai K : Theoretical comparison of filtration by the renal glomernlus and artificial membranes. ASAIO J, 45, 98-103, 1999
- Yakushiji T, Sakai K., Kikuchi A, Aoyagi T, Sakurai Y, Okano T : Effects of cross-linked structure on temperature-responsive hydrophobic interaction of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel-modified surfaces with steroids. Anal. Chem, 71, 1125-1130, 1999
- Matsuda N, Sakai K : Technical evaluation of oxygen transfer rates of fish gills and artificial gills. ASAIO J, 45, 293-298, 1999
- Tsunoda N, Kokubo K, Sakai K, Fukuda M, Miyazaki M, Hiyoshi T : Surface roughness of cellulose hollow fiber dialysis membranes and platelet adhesion. ASAIO J, 45, 418-423, 1999
- Kaneko Y, Nakamura S, Sakai K, Kikuchi A, Aoyagi T, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Synthesis and swelling-deswelling kinetics of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels grafted with LCST modulated polymers. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 10, 1079-1091, 1999
- Kohori F, Sakai K, Aoyagi T, Yokoyama M, Yamamoto M, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Control of adriamycin cytotoxic activity using thermally responsive polymeric micelles composed of poly(N-isopropyl-acrylamide-co-N, N-dimethylacrylamide)-b-poly(D,L-lactide). Colloids Surf B, 16, 195-205, 1999
- Matsuda N, Nakamura M, Sakai K, Kuwana K, Tahara K: Theoretical and experimental evaluation for blood pressure drop and oxygen transfer rate in outside blood flow membrane oxygenator. J Chem Eng Japan, 32, 752-759, 1999
- Kaneko Y, Nakamura S, Sakai K, et al: Rapid Deswelling Response of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels by the Formation of Water Release Channels Using Poly(ethylene oxide) Graft Chains. Macromolecules, 31, 6099-6105, 1998
- Kaneko Y, Sakai K, Okano T: Temperature-Responsive Hydrogels as Intelligent Materials. Biorelated Polymers and Gels, pp29-69, 1998
- Yakushiji T, Sakai K, Kikuchi A, et al: Graft Architectural Effects on Thermoresponsive Wettability Changes of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-Modified Surfaces. Langmuir, 14, 4657-4662, 1998
- Miyasaka T, Jinbo Y, Sakai K, et al: Determination of Glucose Concentration by Electroluminescence of an Indium-tin Oxide Electrode. Chemical Engineering Food and Bioproducts Processing (Trans IChemE, Part C), 76, 102-106, 1998
- Kanamori T, Shinbo T, Sakai K: Size of Polymeric Particles Forming Hemodialysis Membranes Determined from Water and Solute Permeabilities. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67, 833-840, 1998
- Miyasaka T, Yoshimi, Sakai K: Transient Measurement of Glucose Using On-off Controllable Enzyme Electrode with Polypyrrole Membrane. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 31, 29-34, 1998
- Waki M, Nojiri C, Hayashi H, et al: Surface Modification Techniques for the Artificial Heart. Heart Replacement, Artificial Heart 6, pp.118-125, 1998
- Kanamori T, Shinbo T, Sakai K: Feasibility of wearable artificial kidney using presently commercially available hollow-fiber membrane. J Artif Organs, 1, 69-75, 1998
- Kohori F, Sakai K, Aoyagi T, et al: Preparation and characterization of thermally responsive block copolymer micelles comprising poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-b-DL-lactide) . J Control Release, 55, 87-98, 1998
- Kokubo K, Sakai K, Okada A, et al: Evaluation of the structure of asymmetric hollow-fiber dialysis membranes by dye adsorption. Biochem Eng J, 2, 45-52, 1998
- Fukuda M,Kokubo K, Sakai K, et al: Anisotropic differences in solute transfer rate through asymmetric membranes for blood purification accompanied by filtration. Biochem Eng J, 2, 127-136, 1998
- Kokubo K, Sakai K : Evaluation of dialysis membranes using a tortuous pore model. AIChE J, 44, 2607-2619, 1998
- Kaneko Y, Nakamura S, Sakai K, et al: Deswelling mechanism for comb-type grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels with rapid temperature responses. Polym Gels Networks, 6, 333-345, 1998
- Yoshimi Y, Sakai K : Analysis of reaction of luminol at an indium-tin oxide anode by cyclic voltammetry. J Chem Eng Japan, 30, 535-538, 1997
- Miyasaka T, Taniyama Y, Sakai K, Yoshimi Y : Development of a glucose sensor with on/off control of enzyme activity without the effects of protein adsorption. ASAIO J, 43, M505-M509,1997
- Mizumoto D, Nojiri C, Inomata Y, Onishi M, Waki M, Kido T, Sugiyama T, Senshu K, Uchida K, Sakai K, Akutsu T : Comparative blood compatibility of polyether vs polycarbonate urethanes by epifluorescent video microscopy. ASAIO J, 43, M500-M504, 1997
- Saito N, Nojiri C, Kuroda S, Sakai K : Photochemical grafting of alpha-propylsulphate poly(ethylene oxide) on polyurethane surfaces and enhanced antithrombogenic potential. Biomaterials, 18, 1195-1197, 1997
- Kanamori T, Sakai K: Comparison between urea removal in mathematical kinetic model. Int J Artif Organs, 20, 158-162, 1997
- Kokubo K, Ishii A, Miura A, Suzuki T, Sakai K : Estimating solute concentrations in blood from solute concentrations in dialysate and apparent distribution volume of solutes. Artif Organs Today, 5, 113-123, 1996
- Kanamori T, Sakai K : Effect of mass transfer between plasma and erythrocyte interior on evaluating dialyzer performance. Artif Organs Today, 5, 101-112, 1996
- Kokubo K, Taguchi M, Sakai K : Changes in charge and ion permeability of PAN-DX dialysis membrane caused by protein adsorption. Chem Eng J, 62, 73-79, 1996
- Kanamori K, Takeshita T, Sakai K : Mass transfer of antibiotics adsorbed by human serum albumin in hemodialyzers. Biotechnol Prog, 12, 503-509, 1996
- Kokubo K, Yakushiji T, Sakai K : Diffusive permeability of asymmetrical polysulfone dialysis membranes dependent on pore size and pore size distribution of their skin and supporting layers. Artif Organs Today, 5, 185-195, 1996
- Yoshimi Y, Haramoto H, Miyasaka T, Sakai K : Cathodic electrochemiluminescence of luminol enhanced by antibody-antigen reaction. J Chem Eng Japan, 29, 851-857, 1996
- Yoshimi Y, Iguchi S, Miyasaka T, Sakai K : Electroluminescence of indium-tin oxide in an alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. J Chem Eng Japan, 29, 1063-1066, 1996
- Kaneko Y, Sakai K, Kikuchi A, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Fast swelling and deswelling kinetics of comb-type grafted poly (N-isopropyl-acrylamide) hysrogels. Macromol Symp, 109, 41-53, 1996
- Kanamori T, Sakai K, Fukuda M, Yamashita Y : Preferable structure of poly(ethylene glycol) for grafting onto a cellulosic membrane to increase hemocompatibility without reduction in solute permeability of the membrane. J Appl Polym Sci, 55, 1601-1605, 1995
- Yoshida R, Uchida K, Kaneko Y, Sakai K, Kikuchi A, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Comb-type grafted hydrogels with rapid deswelling response to temperature changes. Nature, 374, 240-242,1995
- Kanamori T, Fukuda M, Sakai K: Structural analysis of hemodialysis membranes by evaluating distribution volume of water contained in the membranes. J Colloid Interface Sci, 171, 361-365, 1995
- Kanamori T, Sakai K: An estimate of beta 2-microglobulin deposition rate of uremic patients on hemodialysis using a mathematical kinetic model, Kidney Int, 47, 1453-1457, 1995
- Kaneko Y, Yoshida R, Sakai K, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Temperature-responsive shrinking kinetics of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) copolymer gels with hydrophilic and hydrophobic comonomers. J Membr Sci, 101, 13-22, 1995
- Yoshimi Y, Yotsumoto M, Sakai K: A novel method for the continuous measurement of endotoxin concentration. ASAIOJ, 41, 68-71, 1995
- Aoyagi S, Yoshimi Y, Sakai K, Aketagawa J, Tanaka S: Development of a new endotoxin sensor with intermittent injection of limulus reagent for continuous monitoring of dialysate fluid. ASAIO J, 41, M601-M604, 1995
- Kaneko Y, Sakai K, Kikuchi A, Yoshida R, Sakurai Y, Okano T: Influence of freely mobile grafted chain length on dynamic properties of comb-type grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels. Macromolecules, 28, 7717-7723, 1995
- Nojiri C, Kuroda S, Saito N, Park KD, Hagiwara K, Senshu K, Kido T, Sugiyama T, Kijima T, Kim YH, Sakai K, Akutsu T: In vitro studies of unmobilized heparin and sulfonated polyurethane using epifluorescent video microscopy. ASAIO J, 41, M389-M394, 1995
- Sakai K: Determination of pore size and pore size distribution. 2. Dialysis Membranes. J Membr Sci 96, 91-130, 1994
- Yoshida R, Okuyama Y, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Sigmoidal swelling profiles for temperature-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-butyl methacrylate) hysrogels. J Membr Sci, 89, 267-277, 1994
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Modulating the phase transition temperature and thermosensitivity in N-isopropylacrylamide copolymer gels. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 6, 585-598, 1994
- Yoshida R, Kaneko Y, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y, Bae YH, Kim SW: Positive thermosensitive pulsatile drug release using negative thermosensitive hydrogels. J Control Release, 32, 97-102, 1994
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T: Advances in polymeric hydrogels for control of drug release. Trends in Chemical Engineering, 2, 59-73, 1994
- Kawagoishi N, Nojiri C, Senshu K, Kido T, Nagai H, Kanamori T, Sakai K, Koyanagi H, Akutsu T: In vitro evaluation of platelet and biomaterial interactions in an epifluorescent video microscopy combined with a parallel plate flow cell. Artif Organs, 18, 588-595, 1994
- Kanamori T, Sakai K, Awaka T, Fukuda M: An improvement on the method of determining the solute permeability of hollow fiber dialysis membranes photometrically using optical fibers and comparison of the method with ordinary techniques. J Membr Sci, 88, 159-165, 1994
- Haramoto H, Kokubo K, Sakai K, Kuwata K, Nakanishi H: An artificial gill system for oxygen uptake from water using perfluorooctylbromide. ASAJO J, 40, M803-M807, 1994
- Yoshimi Y, Marutani H, Sakai K, Aketagawa J: A new procedure for stable quantification of endotoxin in dialysate fluid using limulus reagent. ASAJO J, 40, M808-M810, 1994
- Kanamori T, Sakai K, Awaka T, Fukuda M: Mass transfer in laminar flows around single hollow fiber membranes for hemodialysis. J Chem Eng Japan, 27, 830-832, 1994
- Hosoya N, Kanamori T, Sakai K: Optimal design of a high-performance dialyzer involving backfiltration. Artif Organs Today 2, 287-298, 1993
- Okuyama Y, Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Swelling controlled zero order and sigmoidal drug release from thero-responsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-butyl methacrylate) hydrogel. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 4, 545-556, 1993
- Nojiri C, Nakahama S, Senshu K, Okano T, Kawagoishi N, Kido T, Sakai K, Koyanagi H, Akutsu T: A new amphiphilic block co-polymer with improved elastomeric properties for application in various medical devices. ASAJO J, 39, M322-M326, 1993
- Sakai K, Yanagisawa M, Hosoya N, Ohmura T, Sakagami M, Kuwana K, Nakanishi H: Comparison of oxygenation and flow characteristics of inside and outside blood flow membrane oxygenators. Artif Organs Today, 3, 57-80, 1993
- Yoshimi Y, Sakai K: Development of a sensitive method for continuous determination of hydrogen peroxide concentration by electrochemi-luminescence. Food Bioprod Proc (Trans IChemE, Part C), 71, 279-284, 1993
- Sakai K, Kanamori T, Nakasato S: Usefulness of KT/V in comparing the adequacy of hemodialysis and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Artif Organs Today, 3, 81-83, 1993
- Suzuki Y, Kanamori T, Sakai K: Zeta potential of hollow fiber dialysis membranes and its effects on hydrogen phosphate ion permeability. ASAIOJ, 39, M301-M304, 1993
- Ogasawara K, Tsuda S, Ozawa K, Sakai K: Protein adsorption on microporous membranes for plasma separation and its effects on flux decay. Chem Eng J, 48, B1-B7, 1992
- Ogasawara K, Sakai K: Utilization of microporous glass membranes in plasma separation. Artif Organs Today, 2, 55-75, 1992
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Surface-modulated skin layers of thermal responsive hydrogels as on-off switches II drug permeation. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 3, 243-252, 1992
- Mineshima M, Watanuki M, Yamagata K, Era K, Nakazato S, Suga H, Agishi T, Ota K, Sakai K, Fukui K: Development of continuous recirculating peritoneal dialysis using a double lumen catheter. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 38, M377-M381, 1992
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Drug release profiles in the shrinking process of thermoresponsive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-coalkyl methacrylate) gels. Ind Eng Chem Res, 31, 2339-2345, 1992
- Shimizu M, Kanamori T, Sakai K, Igoshi T, Yoshida M: New polymer alloy dialysis membranes with varying permeabilities and sievings. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 38, 784-787, 1992
- Fukuda M, Hosoya N, Kanamori T, Sakai K, Nishikido J, Watanabe T, Fushimi F: Determination of optimal fiber density of conventional and high performance dialyzers. Artif Organs Today, 2, 205-214, 1992
- Ogasawara K, Yoshida R, Sakai K: Effects of hematocrit on filtrate flux of microporous glass membranes for bovine blood. J Chem Eng Japan, 24, 118-120, 1991
- Mineshima M, Agishi T, Ota K, Sakai K: Technical aspects of membrane plasma separation and fractionation. Artif Organs Today, 1, 135-149, 1991
- Ikeda Y, Handa M, Kawano K, Kamata T, Murata M, Araki Y, Itagaki I, Sakai K, Ruggeri ZM: The role of von willebrand factor and fibrinogen in platelet aggregation under varying shear stress. J Clin Invest, 87, 1234-1240, 1991
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: A new model for zero-order drug release I hydrophobic drug release from hydrophilic polymeric matrices. Polym J, 23, 1111-1121, 1991
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y, Bae YH, Kim SW: Surface-modulated skin layers of thermal responsive hydroge]s as on-off switches I drug release. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 3, 155-162, 1991
- Tatsuguchi T, Sakai K, Nishikido J, Yamamoto T, Fushimi F, Nishida O: Newly-developed regenerated cellulose dialysis membranes for efficient removal of beta-2-microglobulin. Artif Organs, 14, 215-216, 1991
- Hagiwara K, Kanamori T, Sakai K: Diffusive permeability for inorganic phosphate ion of cuprophan and hemophan membranes. Blood Purifi, 9, 51, 1991
- Kanamori T, Sakai K: Utility of short-time and frequent hemodialysis treatments from engineering points of view (in Japanese). Jinko Zouki 20, 1411-1420, 1991
- Fukuyama M, Kawakami K, Sakai K, ltagaki I, Kawano K, Handa M, Ikeda Y: Potentiation by heparin of shear-induced platelet aggregation. Artif Organs, 14, 76-79, 1990
- Mineshima M, Agishi T, Ota K, Sakai K: Kinetics in membrane plasma separation and fractionation. Artif Organs, 14, 11-15, 1990
- Hosoya N, Sakai K: Backdiffusion rather than backfiltration enhances endotoxin transport through highly permeable dialysis membranes. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M311-M313, 1990
- Okada M, Watanabe T, Imamura K, Tsurumi T, Suma Y, Sakai K: Ionic strength affects diffusive permeability to an inorganic phosphate ion of negatively charged dialysis membranes. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M324-M327, 1990
- Sakagami M, Kuwana K, Nakanishi H, Sakai K: Improvements in determination of cardiac output with a swan-ganz catheter. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M684-M686, 1990
- Fukuyama M, Kawakami K, Sakai K, Itagaki I, Kawano K, Handa M, Ikeda Y: Shear stress induces not only platelet aggregation but also platelet-tumor cell interaction. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M189-M191, 1990
- Kawakami K, Fukuyama M, Ogasawara K, Sakai K, ltagaki I, Kawano K, Handa M, Ikeda Y: Change of intracellular calcium ions during shear induced platelet aggregation. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M696-M699, 1990
- Takesawa S, Saito H, Hidai H, Suzuki M, Sakai K : Measurement of back clearance. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 36, M441-M443, 1990
- Itagaki I, Fukuyama M, Kawakami K, Sakai K, Kawano K, Handa M, Ikeda Y: Changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentrations during shear-induced platelet aggregation. Artif Organs, 14, 275-277, 1990
- Kawakami K, Fukuyama M, Sakai K, ltagaki I, Kawano K, Handa M, Ikeda Y: Shear stress dependent selectivity in adhesive proteins required for platelet aggregation. Artif Organs, 14, 97-100, 1990
- Hosoya N, Sakai K: Internal filtration (in Japanese). Clin Eng 1, 454-459, 1990
- Ozawa K, Ohashi K, Ide T, Sakai K: Technical evaluation of newly-developed inorganic membranes for plasma fractionation. Int J Artif Organs, 12, 195-199, 1989
- Sakai K, Nagase M, Tsuda S: Adsorption of beta2-microglobulin on PMMA, PAN and cellulosic membranes. Chem Eng J, 42, B39-B49, 1989
- Okada M, Takesawa S, Watanabe T, Imamura K, Tsurumi T, Suma Y, Sakai K: Effects of zeta potential on the permeability of dialysis membranes to inorganic phosphate. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 35, 320-322, 1989
- Ohmura T, Tatsuguchi T, Nishikido J, Yamamoto T, Fushimi F, Nishida O, Sakai K: A new method of determining the solute permeability of hollow-fiber dialysis membranes by means of laser light traveling along optic fibers. Trans Am So. Artif Intern Organs, 35, 601-603, 1989
- Ogasawara K, Kushiya F, Sakai K: Filtration characteristics of rotating plasma filter composed of flat nylon membrane. Membrane, 14, 50-53, 1989
- Fukuyama M, Sakai K, Itagaki I, Kawano K, Murata M, Kawai Y, Watanabe K , Handa M , Ikeda Y: Continuous measurement of shear-induced platelet aggregation. Thromb Res, 54, 253-260, 1989
- Sakai K, Ozawa K, Ohashi K, Yoshida R, Sakurai H: Low-temperature plasma separation by cross-flow filtration with microporous glass membranes. Ind Eng Chem Res, 28, 57-64, 1989
- Sakai K: Technical determination of optimal dimensions of hollow fiber membranes for clinical dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 4, 73-77, 1989
- Sakai K: Structure and permeability of dialysis membranes sterilized by various methods. J Biomater Appl, 4, 71-101, 1989
- Sakai K, Nagase M, Tsuda S: Adsorption of β2-microgloblin on PMMA, PAN, cellulosic membranes. Biochem Eng J 42, 39-45, 1889
- Sakai K, Chiba H, Naitoh A: Determination of the pore radius of regenerated cellulose membranes by a dyeing technique. J Membr Sci, 37, 101-112, 1988
- Sakai K, Ohashi H, Naitoh A: Effects of blood contact on the properties of tubular dialysis membranes. Chem Eng J, 38, Bl-B6, 1988
- Ikeda Y, Murata M, Araki Y, Watanabe K, Ando Y, Itagaki I, Mori Y, Ichitani M, Sakai K: Importance of fibrinogen and platelet membrane glycoprotein IIb/IIIA in shear-induced platelet aggregation. Thromb Res, 51, 157-163, 1988
- Sakai K, Takesawa S, Mimura R, Ohashi H: Determination of pore radius of hollow fiber dialysis membranes using tritium-labeled water. J Chem Eng Japan, 21, 207-210, 1988
- Takesawa S, Terasawa M, Sakagami M, Kobayashi T, Hidai H, Sakai K: Nondestructive evaluation by X-ray computed tomography of dialysate flow patterns in capillary dialyzers. Trans Am Soc Artif lntern Organs, 34, 794-799, 1988
- Ohashi K, Tashiro K, Kushiya F, Matsumoto T, Yoshida S, Endo M, Horio T, Ozawa K, Sakai K: Rotation-induced Taylor vortex enhances filtrate flux in plasma separation. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 34, 300-307, 1988
- Naitoh A, Tatsuguchi T, Okada M, Ohmura T, Sakai K: Removal of beta-2-microglobulin by diffusion alone is feasible using highly permeable dialysis membranes. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 34, 630-634, 1988
- Ozawa K, Sakurai H, Ohashi K, Yoshida R, Sakai K, Nishioka T, Matoba S, Yaginuma T, Kato H: Effects of pore size on filtration characteristics in plasma separation with microporous glass membranes. Therapeutic Plasmapheresis, 7, 196-199, 1988
- Sakai K, Koyano T, Murai T, Tamura M: Effects of temperature and concentration polarization on water vapor permeability for blood in membrane distillation. Chem Eng J, 38, B33-B39, 1988
- Ozawa K, Mimura R, Sakai K: Filtration characteristics of membranes for plasma separation and changes in membrane structure after blood contact. J Chem Eng Japan, 20, 345-351, 1987
- Sakai K, Takesawa S, Mimura R, Ohashi H: Structural analysis of hollow fiber dialysis membranes for clinical use. J Chem Eng Japan, 20, 351-356, 1987
- Takesawa S, Ohashi H, Hidai H, Sakai K: Effects of membrane structure on removal of low molecular weight proteins. Artif Organs, 11, 495-497, 1987
- Sakai K, Ozawa K, Mimura R, Ohashi H: Comparison of methods for characterizing microporous membranes for plasma separation. J Membr Sci, 32, 3-17, 1987
- Takesawa S, Satoh S, Hidai H, Sekiguchi M, Sakai K: Degradation by gamma irradiation of regenerated cellulose membranes for clinical dialysis. Trans Am Soc Artif lntern Organs, 10, 584-587, 1987
- Sakai K, Tashiro K, Sakurai H, Kanamori T, Torii M, Ohshima M, Higuchi J, Sakai T : Factors affecting plasma and blood viscosity and corresponding abnormalities in renal failure patients. Chem Eng J, 36, B7-B13, 1987
- Matsuhisa S, Takesawa S, Sakai K: Binary-solute adsorption of dosed drugs on serum albumin. Chem Eng J, 34, B21-B27, 1987
- Takesawa S, Ohmi S, Sekiguchi M, Shitaokoshi S, Takahashi T, Hidai H, Sakai K: Varying methods of sterilisation, and their effects on the structure and permeability of dialysis membranes. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 1, 254-257, 1987
- Sakai K, Muroi T, Ozawa K, Takesawa S, Tamura M, Nakane T: Extraction of solute-free water from blood by membrane distillation. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 32, 397-400, 1986
- Sakurai H, Ozawa K, Takesawa S, Sakai K: Design of a plasma separator using ceramic membranes. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 32, 410-413, 1986
- Mineshima M, Hasuo H, Kaneko I, Era K, Agishi T, Ota K, Sakai K: Relationship between Staverman's reflection and sieving coefficients in a plasma fractionator. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 32, 418-421, 1986
- Sakai K, Takesawa S: Removal estimation of middle molecular substances (MM) with high speed liquid chromatography. J Chem Eng Japan, 18, 8-13, 1985
- Mineshima M, Yamagata K, Era K, Agishi T, Ota K, Sakai K: Kinetic comparison of hemofilters for continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH). Trans Am Soc Artif Intern Organs, 31, 660-663, 1985
- Sakai K, Mineshima M: Performance evaluation of a module in artificial kidney system. J Chem Eng Japan, 17, 198-203, 1984
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- Sakai K, ltagaki I, Mineshima M, Matsuda K, Suzuki M, Azuma N, Sakai T, Nanbu M: Water shift and solute transfer in osmotic hemopurification using high sodium fluid. Artif Organs, 5(suppl), 359-363, 1981
編集- Takehiro Miyasaka, Kiyotaka Sakai: Application of mathematical analysis on dialysis. Journal of Artificial Organs https://doi.org/10.1007/s10047-022-01359-8
- 酒井清孝:研究する上で大切なこと~研究とは格闘技である~、日本血液浄化技術学会雑誌、29(2), 214-215, 2021
- 酒井清孝、福田 誠、滑川亘希:血液浄化膜の誕生と進化・今後への期待、日本急性血液浄化学会雑誌、10(2), 73-88, 2019
- 小林修三、酒井清孝、天野 泉、金子岩和:医工学治療の軌跡、そして今後の展望(第35回学術集会「30周年特別座談会」)、医工学治療、31(3), 151-158, 2019
- 酒井清孝:Kolff Kidney(回転ドラム型人工腎臓)の誕生とその検証、日本急性血液浄化学会雑誌、9(2), 71-91, 2018
- 酒井清孝:日本血液浄化技術学会発足30周年に寄せて、日本血液浄化技術学会雑誌、26(1), 22, 2018
- 酒井清孝:メディカル・エッセイ 学会懇親会参加のご利益、日本透析医会雑誌、33(1), 193-194, 2018
- 酒井清孝:Stewart Kidneyの誕生とその検証、医工学治療、30(1), 3-7, 2018
- 酒井清孝:日本化学会「化学と教育」巻頭言 化学教育徒然草 ー技術は人なりー、化学と教育、65(8),369, 2017
- 酒井清孝:人体は小さな化学プラント、次世代への羅針盤、Harima Quarterly、No.132, 2017 Summer
- 酒井清孝:生体拡散の概念の検証、日本血液浄化技術学会雑誌、24(1), 37-42, 2016
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器はどのように誕生し、高性能化を求めてどのように進化したか、最新透析医療ー先端技術との融合ー、27-36, 2016
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器の発展の歴史、新ハイパフォーマンスダイアライザ―UptoDate、2-15, 2016
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器のこれまでとこれから、人工臓器、43(3), 214-227, 2014
- 酒井清孝:膜分離の基礎、臨床透析、30(13), 87-92, 2014
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化装置、Clinical Engineering、25(10), 1023-1030, 2014
- 酒井清孝:透析膜・透析器開発の変遷と今後の展望、医工学治療、25(1), 3-6, 2013
- Sakai K: Blood purification and the role of membrane. J Chin Inst Chem Engrs, 28, 427-434, 1997
- Sakai K: Artificial kidney engineering-dialysis membrane and dialyzer for blood purification-. J Chem Eng Japan, 30, 587-599, 1997
- Sakai K: Determination of pore size and pore size distribution 2 dialysis membrane. J Membr Sci, 96, 91-130, 1994
- Yoshida R, Sakai K, Okano T, Sakurai Y: Pulsatile drug delivery systems using hydrogels. Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 1, 85-108, 1993
編集- 日本医学史学会編、坂井健雄編集委員長:医学史事典、分担執筆、丸善出版、2022
- 酒井清孝監訳:生体内移動論、朝倉書店、2021
- 織田成人、酒井清孝編集:血液浄化とそれを支える基盤技術、東京医学社、2020
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化装置(人工腎臓)の開発とその高性能化 in 血液浄化とそれを支える基盤技術、東京医学社、pp.46-60, 2020
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器に関する歴史 in 日本透析医学会50周年記念誌、日本透析医学会、pp.205-208, 2018
- 酒井清孝、宮坂武寛、福田 誠、薬師寺大二:なぜ?から学ぶ血液浄化77、東京医学社、2017
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器発展の歴史 in これからの透析医療のための新ハイパフォーマンスダイアライザ UptoDateーダイアライザとヘモダイアフィルタ、東京医学社、pp.2-15, 2016
- 酒井清孝:血液浄化器はどのように誕生し、高性能化を求めてどのように進化したか in 最新透析医療ー先端技術との融合ー、医薬ジャーナル社、pp.07-36, 2016
- Nagase K, Kohori F, Sakai K: Efficiency of biological and artificial gills, In Kato N, Ayers J, Morikawa H (ed.), Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying, pp.188-199, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 2004
- Ebara M, Kikuchi A, Sakai K, Okano T: Fast shrinkable materials (chapter 12). In Yui N, Mrsny RJ, Park K (eds), Reflexive Polymers and Hydrogels-Understanding and Designing Fast Responsive Polymeric-, pp.219-244, CRC Press, 2004
- Waki M, Nojiri C, Hayashi H, Kido T, Saito N, Sugiyama T, Ishihara K, Nakabayashi N, Kishida A, Akashi M, Sakai K, Akutsu T: Surface modification techniques for the artificial heart. In Akutsu T, Koyanagi H (eds), Heart Replacement, Artificial Heart 6, pp.118-125, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 1998
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- Kuroda S, Nojiri, Kido T, Senshu K, Nagai H, Koyanagi H, Sakai K, Akutsu T: In vitro evaluation of six different segmented polyurethanes and HEMA/st block copolymer using epifluorescent video microscopy. In Akutsu T, Koyanagi H (eds), Heart Replacement, Artificial Heart 5, pp.21-28, Springer-Verlag Tokyo, 1996
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編集- 第68回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会(友 雅司会長)神戸ポートピアホテル 特別講演「血液浄化におけるパラダイムシフト」20230616
- 日本医工学治療学会第39回学術集会(小川智也会長)川越プリンスホテル 特別企画①医工学のリフレ―ミング「工学研究者からの期待」20230513
- 吉祥寺本町サウンズラボ「東海道五十三次」20211119、「東海道五十三次(続)」20220415、「東海道五十三次(続々)」20220717
- 第67回日本透析医学会学術集会(土谷 健会長)シンポジウム26 透析の歴史「血液透析器の歴史~血液透析における器造りの挑戦~」20220703
- 日本医工学治療学会第38回学術集会(西村 隆大会長)特別講演「医工学治療技術者の養成」20220515
- 大阪透析医会(山下智之会長)特別講演「工学者の立場で透析医療技術の歴史を俯瞰する」20210424
- 第47回日本血液浄化技術学会学術大会(宮本照彦大会長)学術委員会企画基調講演「研究する上で大切なこと」20210418
- 武蔵野市やまぶきサロン『街道浮世絵の思うところ』20190806
- 武蔵野市やまぶきサロン『木曾街道六拾九次のおはなし』20190625
- 第27回東京都臨床工学会~覧古考新~スペシャル座談会『近未来の業務~臨床工学技士が担う新しい領域~』20190602 酒井清孝(司会)、峰島三千男、松田兼一、山下明泰、小久保謙一
- 武蔵野市ひいらぎ健康サロン『木曾街道六拾九次のおはなし』20190514
- 日本医工学治療学会第35回学術集会『30周年特別座談会:医工学治療の軌跡、そして今後の展望』20190223 小林修三(司会)、酒井清孝、天野 泉、金子岩和
- 武蔵野市ひいらぎ健康サロン『東海道五拾三次のおはなし(前)』20190217
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『街道浮世絵のおはなし』20190206
- 武蔵野市ひいらぎ健康サロン『甲州街道を旅して考える江戸時代(後)』20181216
- 第44回日本体外循環技術医学会大会(瓦谷義隆大会長)教育講演『論文から学ぶ体外循環の将来像』20181110
- 武蔵野市ひいらぎ健康サロン『甲州街道を旅して考える江戸時代(前)』20181028
- 武蔵野市民社会福祉協議会第20回きりん塾『日本の街道を知る』20180904
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『木曾海道六拾九次を旅して考える江戸時代(後)』20180425
- 第45回日本血液浄化技術学会学術大会30周年記念企画「日本血液浄化技術学会を振り返る」『血液浄化技術の過去・現在・未来』20180421
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『木曾海道六拾九次を旅して考える江戸時代(前)』20180228
- 第39回善仁会研究報告会教育講演『研究は格闘技』20171126
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『東海道五拾三次を旅して考える江戸時代(後)』20171025
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『東海道五拾三次を旅して考える江戸時代(前)』20171004
- 第55回日本人工臓器学会大会特別セッション2『人工臓器ミニ博物館(歴史遺産”お宝”拝見)』ー人工腎臓ー20170903
- SK腎セミナー特別講演『血液浄化器と血液浄化膜の誕生と進化』20170516
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『甲州街道を旅して考える江戸時代(後)』20170308
- 三重県透析研究会特別講演『東海道・伊勢街道を旅して考える血液浄化技術のこれまでとこれから』20170212
- 第4回栃木県血液浄化セミナーランチョンセミナー『血液浄化器と血液浄化膜のこれまでとこれから』20170205
- 平成28年度東京電機大学大学院博士・修士論文および研究成果発表会講演『若手へのメッセージ』20170110
- 青森SIRS研究会特別講演『抗凝固薬使用下での血液浄化器・血液浄化膜の誕生と進化』20161111
- 武蔵野市むらさきの会「御殿山サロン」講演『甲州街道を旅して考える江戸時代(前)』20160928
- 第43回日本血液浄化技術学会大会(小野淳一大会長)基調講演『東海道・山陽道を旅して考える血液浄化膜と血液浄化器の誕生と進化(温故知新)』20160430
- 日本医工学治療学会第32回学術集会(松田兼一大会長)特別講演『甲州街道を旅して考える医工学治療に求めるもの』20160319
- 第60回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会(新田孝作会長)特別講演『血液浄化器はどのように誕生し高性能化を求めてどのように進化してきたか!』20150628
編集- 早稲田大学教員紹介 - 2010年当時
- 21世紀COEプログラム 実践的ナノ化学教育研究拠点 Center for Practical Nano-Chemistry
- 酒井 清孝 - 研究者 - researchmap
- 「次代への羅針盤」No.14 酒井清孝|ハリマ化成グループ「人体は小さな化学プラント」 - ハリマ化成グループ 公益財団法人 松籟科学技術振興財団理事、酒井清孝氏の提言