ロックウェル · ケント(1882年6月21日 - 1971年3月13日)は、アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州タリータウン出身の画家、版画家、イラストレーター、旅行記作家であった[1]

Rockwell Kent
生誕 (1882-06-21) 1882年6月21日
死没 1971年3月31日(1971-03-31)(88歳没)




ニューハンプシャー州のモナドノック山の風景を描き、1904年のアメリカ芸術家協会(Society of American Artists)の展覧会に出展した。1905年から各地を旅するようになり、メイン州のモンヘガン島で5年間、暮らし、ケントの描いた風景画は1907年にニューヨークの展覧会で展示され、批評家から好評を得た。1914年から1915年の間はニューファンドランド島を旅し、1918年から1919年にはアラスカとフォックス島を訪れた。この地域を描いた絵画や版画を制作し、1920年に旅行記「Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska 」を執筆した。


1930年代後半から政治活動をするようになり、国際的な社会主義者組織の会員となり、ファシズムに反対し、1949年にパリで開かれた平和擁護世界大会(World Congress of Partisans of Peace)の第1回大会に参加し、1850年のストックホルム・アピールの発起人および署名者の一人となった。

政治活動とアメリカにおける抽象画の人気の高まりによって、ケントの作品は母国での人気を失った。ソビエトでは人気を得て、ソビエト政府からは重視され、 1957年からは、彼は米ソ友好全国評議会(National Council of American-Soviet Friendship)の議長を務めた。1960年、絵画や素描をソビエト国民に寄贈し、1962年にソビエト芸術アカデミーの名誉会員となり、5年後に国際レーニン平和賞(International Lenin Peace Prize)を受賞した。ケントは賞金の一部をベトナム戦争の犠牲者を支援する活動に寄付した。



  1. ^ Lewis, Frederick (2000-01-01), Rockwell Kent, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0456163/ 2016年11月5日閲覧。 


  • Popova, Maria, "Wilderness, Solitude, and Creativity: Artist and Philosopher Rockwell Kent's Century-Old Meditations on Art and Life During Seven Months on a Small Alaskan Island," The Marginalian (February 15, 2022).
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, Book Reviews in ARCTIC (Calgary) 73, no. 3 (September 2020). Reviews of North by Nuuk: Greenland After Rockwell Kent by Denis Defibaugh (2019) and When the Colour Ceases To Be Just a Colour: Rockwell Kent’s Greenland Paintings by Erik Torm (2019).
  • Rockwell Kent Review (formerly known as the Rockwell Kent Collector), Rockwell Kent Gallery, Plattsburgh State Art Museum, 1974–2021
  • Defibaugh, Denis, North by Nuuk: Greenland After Rockwell Kent. Rochester, NY: RIT Press, 2019. With a foreword by Gretel Ehrlich.
  • Torm, Erik, When the Colour Ceases To Be Just a Colour: Rockwell Kent's Greenland Paintings. Uummannaq, Greenland: Uummannaq Polar Institute, 2019. Two editions—one with English and Russian translation and the other with Greenlandic and Danish translation.
  • Gordon, Sarah, "A Call for Liberty: Rockwell Kent's Puerto Rico Mural," Archives of American Art Journal 58, no. 2 (Fall 2019).
  • Chunikhin, Kirill, "At Home Among Strangers: U.S. Artists, the Soviet Union, and the Myth of Rockwell Kent During the Cold War," Journal of Cold War Studies 21, no. 4 (Fall 2019).
  • Abrams, Matthew Jeffrey, "Inuit Encounters: The Going-Native of Rockwell Kent and the Shaming of Leni Riefenstahl," Apricota 1 (2018).
  • Abrams, Matthew Jeffrey, "Illuminated Critique: the Kent Moby-Dick," Word & Image 33, no. 4 (2017).
  • Rightmire, Robert with Lucy Grokhothov, "Rockwell Kent in Russian, The Exhibition and Publication of an American Artist in the Soviet Union," Rockwell Kent Review, Vol. XLIV, 2018–2019, pp. 11–23.
  • Jones, Jamie L., "Print Nostalgia: Skeuomorphism and Rockwell Kent's Woodblock Style," American Art 31, no. 3 (Fall 2017).
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Genius Loci: Rockwell Kent's Lobster Cove (Ireland)," in Homann, Joachim, ed., Why Draw? 500 Years of Drawings and Watercolors at Bowdoin College (New York: Prestel, 2017).
  • Bailey, Julia Tatiana, "The National Council of American-Soviet Friendship and Art in the Shadow of the Cold War," Archives of American Art Journal 56, no. 1 (Spring 2017).
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Mr. Kent Goes to Washington (Again): A Gift to the American People." A history on the gift of Rockwell Kent's painting, 'Citadel," to the National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC.
  • Brock, Charles, "The Exhibition Game: Rockwell Kent and The Twelve," in The World of William Glackens, Vol. II, The C. Richard Hilker Art Lectures & New Perspectives on William Glackens (New York: ARTBOOK/D.A.P., 2017).
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Frozen Falls (Alaska)/Ice Curtains." Review of the oil painting, Frozen Falls, by Rockwell Kent: its history and sale at Christie's in November, 2016. March, 2017 online posting.
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Gray Day." Review of the oil painting, Gray Day, by Rockwell Kent: its history and sale at Sotheby's in November, 2016. January, 2017 online posting.
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Blue Day." Review of the oil painting, 'Blue Day,' by Rockwell Kent: its history and sale. 2017.
  • Rockwell Kent: The Mythic and the Modern (illustrated chronology on pp. 162–68), Wien, 2005 (see Further reading, below)
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Valentines From Rockwell Kent", Valentine Writer, Vol. 40, No. 2, Summer 2016, pp. 2–5.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Rockwell Kent and Edward Hopper: Looking Out, Looking Within," The Magazine ANTIQUES, January/February 2016.
  • Rightmire, Robert, Postmarked Art, The Postcards of Rockwell Kent, 1920s-1960s, Blurb.com, 2015
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Rockwell Kent in Newfoundland." A review of the exhibition and catalogue, "Vital Passage: The Newfoundland Epic of Rockwell Kent." The Rooms, St. John's, Newfoundland, 2014.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, Vital Passage: The Newfoundland Epic of Rockwell Kent, including a Catalogue Raisonne of Kent's Newfoundland Works. The Rooms, St. John's, Newfoundland, 2014.
  • Rightmire, Robert, The Greeting Cards of Rockwell Kent. Picturia Press, Portland, ME, 2013.
  • Ferris, Scott R., Rockwell Kent: The Once Most Popular American Artist. St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY. Autumn 2012.
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: The Other Rockwell Kents: An Introduction." 2018.
  • Franklin, Jamie, "Rockwell Kent's 'Egypt': Shadow and Light in Vermont." Antiques & Fine Art (cover story), Summer 2012.
  • Franklin, Jamie and Jake Milgram Wien, Rockwell Kent's 'Egypt': Shadow and Light in Vermont. Bennington Museum, Vermont, 2012.
  • Komanecky, Michael, Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent and Monhegan. Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, ME, 2012.
  • O'Hara, Virginia, Intrepid and Inventive: Illustrations by Rockwell Kent, Brandywine River Museum, DE, 2009.
  • Rightmire, Robert, A Descriptive List of the Greeting Card Art of Rockwell Kent, The Kent Collector, Vol. XXXIII, No. 1, Spring 2007 through current issue, a 15-part series.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, Rockwell Kent: Visionary Works from Greenland. Lighthouse Center for the Arts, Tequesta, Florida, March 3 – April 30, 2008 (color brochure with essay).
  • Ferris, Scott R., "The Evolving Legacy of Rockwell Kent," FineArtConnoisseur, January–February 2008.
  • Rightmire, Robert, " A Newly Discovered Rockwell Kent Porfolio" (The PON portfolio), The Kent Collector, Vol. XXX, No. 2, Summer, 2006, pp. 15–17
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "The Archetypal Landscapes of Rockwell Kent." Antiques & Fine Art, Late Summer 2005.
  • Rightmire, Robert "Every American An Art Patron," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXIX, No. 3, Fall/Winter, 2003, pp. 13–18.
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: Rockwell Kent: The Mythic and the Modern." Review of the exhibition and catalog, Rockwell Kent: The Mythic and the Modern, 2005.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, Rockwell Kent: The Mythic and the Modern. Hudson Hills Press in association with the Portland (Maine) Museum of Art, 2005.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Rockwell Kent's Reverse Paintings on Glass," The Magazine ANTIQUES (cover story), July 2005.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Rockwell Kent's Canterbury Pilgrims" in Chaucer Illustrated: Five Hundred Years of The Canterbury Tales in Pictures, Oak Knoll Press and British Library, 2003.
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In Review: The Prints of Rockwell Kent: A Catalogue Raisonné." Review of the 2002 revised edition of The Prints of Rockwell Kent: A Catalogue Raisonne, by Robert Rightmire.
  • Roberts, Don. Rockwell Kent: The Art of the Bookplate. San Francisco: Fair Oaks Press, 2003
  • Ferris, Scott R., "In the Presence of Light," included as foreword to new edition of Salamina, Wesleyan University Press, 2003.
  • Rightmire, Robert, Dan Burne Jones, The Prints of Rockwell Kent, revised edition, Alan Wolfsy Fine Arts, 2002
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Rockwell Kent and Hollywood," Archives of American Art Journal 42:3-4 (2002).
  • Ferris, Scott R., "The Artistic Heritage of Rockwell Kent," American Art Review, October 2002.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Rockwell Kent's Author's Edition," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXVIII, No. 2, Summer 2002, pp. 14–15
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "Rockwell Kent's First Print," Print Quarterly (London) 18: 3 (September 2001).
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Going, Going, Gone, Rockwell Kent Soars at Auction," Portland (magazine), Vol. 15, No. 6, Sept. 2000, pp. 11–13
  • Ferris, Scott R., "The Stormy Petrel of American Art," Smithsonian, August 2000.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Rockwell Kent and the Modern Library," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, Summer, 2000, pp. 15–17.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "The Drawings of Rockwell Kent, the Reproductions Reconsidered," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXIV, No.1, Spring, 2000, pp. 10–12
  • Ferris, Scott R. and Caroline M. Welsh, The View from Asgaard: Rockwell Kent's Adirondack Legacy, Adirondack Museum, 1999.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Godspeed, the Birth of the Kent Collector," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXV, No.3, Fall/Winter, 1999, pp.6–7.
  • Ferris, Scott R. and Ellen Pearce, Rockwell Kent's Forgotten Landscapes, Down East Books, 1998.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "Hogarth, Jr. Taken Seriously," The Kent Collector, Vol.XXIV, No.3, Summer 1998, p. 6
  • Rightmire, Robert, "The Yearbook Art of Rockwell Kent," The Kent Collector, Vol. XXIII, No. 4, Fall, 1997, pp. 10–13.
  • Wien, Jake Milgram, "His Mind on Fire: Rockwell Kent's Amorous Letters to Hildegarde Hirsch and Ernesta Drinker Bullitt, 1916–1925," Columbia Library Columns, Vol. 46, No. 2, Autumn 1997.
  • Rightmire, Robert, "I Hated War" (The Seven Ages of Man), The Kent Collector, Vol. XXII, No.3, Spring, 1996, pp. 3–4.
  • Rightmire, Robert "Rockwell Kent: The 'Best' Printmaker?", The Kent Collector, Vol. XXII, No. 1, Summer, 1995, pp.12–13
  • West, Richard V., "An Enkindled Eye": The Paintings of Rockwell Kent, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1985.
  • Traxel, David, An American Saga: The Life and Times of Rockwell Kent. New York: Harper & Row, 1980.
  • Johnson, Fridolf. Rockwell Kent: An Anthology of His Works. New York: Alfred K. Knopf, 1982.
  • Johnson, Fridolf. The Illustrations of Rockwell Kent: 231 examples from Books, Magazines, and Advertising Art. New York: Dover Publications, 1976.
  • Jones, Dan Burne. The Prints of Rockwell Kent: A Catalogue Raisonné. University of Chicago Press, 1975.
  • Priess, David. "Rockwell Kent", American Artist 36, no. 364 (November 1972).
  • American Book Collector Special Rockwell Kent Number, Vol. XIV, No. 10, Summer 1964.
  • Arens, Egmont. "Rockwell Kent-Illustrator". The Book Collector's Packet. 1.9 (1932).
  • Capra, Doug. "Foreword." Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska by Rockwell Kent. Middleton, CT: Wesleyan UP, 1996.
  • Capra, Doug. "And Now the World Again: Rockwell Kent vs. Seward, Alaska", The Kent Collector. Vol. XII, No. 3, Winter, 1985, pp. 10.
  • Capra, Doug. "Rockwell Kent's Final Alaskan Trip." The Kent Collector. Vol. XVI, No. 3, Winter, 1989, pp. 3–15.
  • Capra, Doug. "Roasting the Mails Instead of the Horses." (Kent in Alaska). The Kent Collector. Vol. XII, No. 2, Fall, 1985, pp. 1–7.
  • Capra, Doug. "Pets and Paradise: Olson of the Deep Experience." (Kent in Alaska). The Kent Collector. Vol. XII, No. 2, Fall, 1985, pp. 8–14.
  • Capra, Doug. "Rockwell Kent's Northern Christmas." The Kent Collector. Vol. XI, No. 2, Fall, 1994, pp. 3–8.
  • Capra, Doug. "May the Waters of Resurrection Bay Caress Their Bodies." The Kent Collector. Vol. XXXI, No. 2, Spring 2005, pp. 5–10.
  • Capra, Doug. "A Frightened But Brave Boy: Young Rockwell in Alaska." The Kent Collector. Vol. XXXIV, No. 1, Spring 2008, pp. 5–11.
  • The Biography of Wilhelmina Weber Furlong: The Treasured Collection of Golden Heart Farm by Clint B. Weber, ISBN 978-0-9851601-0-4
  • Goodman, Helen. "Rockwell Kent." Arts Magazine, March, 1977, p. 4.