

マルティン・デルハイ(Martin Delhey)は、ドイツのインド学者・仏教学者山東大学人文社会科学青島研究院・猶太教与跨宗教研究中心特聘教授。インド瑜伽行唯識学派の研究で世界的に知られる。



1998年にハンブルク大学で修士号を取得。ランベルト・シュミットハウゼン教授(Lambert Schmithausen)の指導の下、2002年に『瑜伽師地論』「三摩呬多地」(Samāhitā Bhūmiḥ)の研究により古典インド学の博士号を取得。その後、ハンブルク大学、ゲッティンゲン大学龍谷大学などで研究員を歴任。2011年から2019年までハンブルク大学写本文化研究所の上級研究員。2019年秋より山東大学人文社会科学青島研究院・猶太教与跨宗教研究中心特聘教授に着任。サンスクリット写本学と中国学にも通じ、近年は玄奘三蔵の中国語翻訳の分析に取り組んでいる。


  • Samāhitā Bhūmiḥ: Das Kapitel über die meditative Versenkung der Yogācārabhūmi. Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 2009.
  • An Annotated Bilingual Yogācārabhūmi Index: Two Chapters on Meditation in Sanskrit and Xuanzang’s Chinese Translation. Indian and Tibetan Studies 14. Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2023.[1]


  • "Views on Suicide in Buddhism: Some Remarks." In: Buddhism and Violence. Ed. Michael Zimmermann with the assistance of Chiew Hui Ho and Philip Pierce. LIRI Seminar Proceedings Series 2. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2006, 25–63.[2]
  • "Asamāhitā Bhūmiḥ: Zwei Kapitel der Yogācārabhūmi über den von meditativer Versenkung freien Zustand." In: Jaina-Itihāsa-Ratna: Festschrift für Gustav Roth zum 90. Geburtstag. Ed. Ute Hüsken, Petra Kieffer-Pülz, and Anne Peters. Indica et Tibetica 47. Marburg: Indica et Tibetica Verlag, 2006, 127–152.
  • "Vakkali: A New Interpretation of His Suicide.” Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 13 (2009): 67–108. CRID 1050001202802831488
  • "The Textual Sources of the Mañjuśriyamūlakalpa (Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa): With Special Reference to Its Early Nepalese Witness NGMPP A 39/4." Journal of the Nepal Research Centre 14 (2012): 55–76.
  • "The Yogācārabhūmi Corpus: Sources, Editions, Translations and Reference Works.” In: The Foundation for Yoga Practitioners: The Buddhist Yogācārabhūmi Treatise and Its Adaptation in India, East Asia, and Tibet. Ed. Ulrich Timme Kragh. Harvard Oriental Series 75. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2013, 498–561.
  • "Material Analysis of Sanskrit Palm-Leaf Manuscripts Preserved in Nepal." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 36/37 (2013/2014 [published 2015]): 119–152. E. Kindzorra, O. Hahn, I. Rabinとの共著。
  • "Recovering Lost Writing and Beyond: Multispectral Imaging for Text-related and Codicological Studies of Tibetan Paper and Sanskrit Palm-Leaf Manuscripts." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 36/37 (2013/2014 [published 2015]): 153–192. O. Almogi, C. MacDonald, B. Pouvkovaとの共著。
  • "The Library at the East Indian Buddhist Monastery of Vikramaśīla: an Attempt to Identify Its Himalayan Remains." manuscript cultures 8 (2015 [published 2016]): 3–24.
  • "From Sanskrit to Chinese and Back Again: Remarks on Xuanzang’s Translations of the Yogācārabhūmi and Closely Related Philosophical Texts." In: Cross-Cultural Transmission of Buddhist Texts: Theory and Practices of Translation. Ed. Dorji Wangchuk, Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 2016, 51–79.[3]
  • "The Indian Yogācāra Master Sthiramati and His Views on the ālayavijñāna Concept." International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture (Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University) 26.2 (2016): 11–35.
  • "The ‘Vanaratna Codex’: A Rare Document of Buddhist Text Transmission (London, Royal Asiatic Society, Hodgson MS 35)." In: Education Materialized: Reconstructing Teaching and Learning Contexts through Manuscripts. Eds. S. Brinkmann, G. Ciotti, S. Valente, and E. Wilden. Studies in Manuscript Cultures. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter, 379–398.
  • "The Gotra Theory in the Madhyāntavibhāgaṭīkā." Journal of Indian Philosophy 50: 47–64.[4]
  • 〈印度瑜伽行派的种性(gotra)论〉. In: 《论文集: 东方唯识学研究专题》(Proceedings of the conference 第六届东方唯识学专业委员会年会). Hangzhou, 2022, 248–253. 吴承亭による中国語訳。
  • "On the Authoritativeness of the Yogācārabhūmi as an Abhidharma Work." In: Evolution of Scriptures, Formation of Canons: The Buddhist Case. Ed. Orna Almogi. Indian and Tibetan Studies Series 13. Hamburg: Department of Indian and Tibetan Studies, Universität Hamburg, 43–62.[5]
  • "Was man sieht und was da ist: Zur Unsichtbarkeit und Nichtzweiheit im klassischen indischen Yogācāra-Buddhismus." In: Hôrin: Vergleichende Studien zur japanischen Kultur 22 (2022; appeared 2023): 68–81.
  • 「サンスクリット語から中国語へ、そして再びサンスクリット語へ: Yogācārabhūmiおよびその関連論書の玄奘訳に関する所見」『駒澤大學佛敎學部論集』54 (2023): 83–117. CRID 1050580450345405184 "From Sanskrit to Chinese and Back Again" (2016) の藤本庸裕と三代舞による日本語訳。


  • "Review of “Charles Willemen et al. Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism." Handbuch der Orientalistik, zweite Abteilung: Indien; elfter Band. Leiden etc. 1998.” Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 94.4–5: (1999): 560–563.
  • "Review of Sung-Doo Ahan. Die Lehre von den Kleśas in der Yogācārabhūmi. Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien 55. Stuttgart 2003." Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 157.2 (2007): 503–507.
  • "Review of “Hahn, Michael, Dietz, Siglinde: Wege zur rechten Erkenntnis – Buddhistische Lehrbriefe. Frankfurt/M: Insel Verlag (Verlag der Weltreligionen) 2008." Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 112.4-5 (2017): 439–442.
  • 「書評: Charles Willemen, Bart Dessein, and Collett Cox: Sarvāstivāda Buddhist Scholasticism」『論叢アジアの文化と思想』29 (2021): 1–8.[6][7] 1999年の書評の藤本庸裕による日本語訳。
  • 「書評: Sung-Doo Ahn: Die Lehre von den Kleśas in der Yogācārabhūmi. Alt- und Neu-Indische Studien 55. Stuttgart 2003」『論叢アジアの文化と思想』32 (2024): 1–11. hdl:2065/0002000956[8] 2007年の書評の藤本庸裕と中山慧輝による日本語訳。


  • "Yogācārabhūmi." In: Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism. Ed. by Richard Payne. New York: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/OBO/9780195393521-0248
  • "Asaṅga / Maitreya(nātha)." In: Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, vol. 2. Ed. by Jonathan A. Silk et alii. Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2019, 73–80.



