module/.style = {circle, draw, minimum size=30pt},
dammy/.style = {minimum size=40pt},
shade/.style = {color=black!5},
% module V
\node (whole) at (3, 8) [module] {\( V \)};
% maximal submodules of V
\fill (3, 6) [shade] ellipse (120pt and 30pt);
\node (maximal1) at (0, 6) [module] {};
\node (maximal2) at (3, 6) [dammy] {\( \cdots \)};
\node (maximal3) at (6, 6) [module] {};
\node at (9, 6) {maximal submodules};
% radical of V
\node (radical) at (3, 4) [module, color=red] {\( \operatorname{rad}V \)};
% small submodules of V
\fill (3, 2) [shade] ellipse (120pt and 30pt);
\node (small1) at (0, 2) [module] {};
\node (small2) at (3, 2) [dammy] {\( \cdots \)};
\node (small3) at (6, 2) [module] {};
\node at (9, 2) {small submodules};
% zero
\node (zero) at (3, 0) [module] {\( 0 \)};
% lines
\draw (whole) -- (maximal1);
\draw (whole) -- (maximal2);
\draw (whole) -- (maximal3);
\draw (maximal1) -- (radical);
\draw (maximal2) -- (radical);
\draw (maximal3) -- (radical);
\draw (radical) -- (small1);
\draw (radical) -- (small2);
\draw (radical) -- (small3);
\draw (small1) -- (zero);
\draw (small2) -- (zero);
\draw (small3) -- (zero);