ゲーレン・ジョン・ストローソン(Galen John Strawson、1952年生まれ)は、イギリスの分析哲学者、文芸評論家。
生誕 |
1952 イングランド |
時代 | 20世紀哲学 |
地域 | 西洋哲学 |
出身校 |
オックスフォード大学 ケンブリッジ大学 パリ高等師範学校 (聴講生) パンテオン・ソルボンヌ大学 (聴講生) |
学派 |
分析哲学 直接的実在論[1] |
研究分野 | 心の哲学, 形而上学, 行為論 |
主な概念 |
汎神論 実在的物理主義 |
公式サイト | ゲーレン・ストローソンの個人サイト |
長年、『The Times Literary Supplement』の顧問編集者、『The Observer』、『The Sunday Times』、『The Independent』、『Financial Times』、『The Guardian』などで常連書評家として活躍している。
- どのような状況でも、人がある行為を行うのは、その人のあり方(the way you are)の故にである。
- 人が自らの行為について究極的な責任を負うためには、少なくともある重要な心的側面において、その人のあり方に究極的な責任を持たなければならない。
- しかし、人はどのような意味においても、その人のあり方について究極的な責任を持つことはできない。
- したがって、人は自分の行為について究極的な責任を持つことはできない。[4]
編集ストローソンは、「実在的物理主義」(あるいは「実在的一元論」)と呼ぶ立場が汎心論を含意すると主張している[6]。彼は「実在的物理主義者として、私は心的/経験的なものは物理的だという立場を取る」と述べている[6]:7。彼は自分の立場を支持するものとして、物理学者アーサー・エディントンを引用している。「もし私たちが指標を読み取るスケジュールをある種の背景に組み込まねばならないのだとしたら、少なくとも、背景の意味について私たちが受け取った唯一のヒントを受け入れるだろう。すなわち、その背景が心的活動としてそれ自身を現すことができる性質を持っているということを」[6]:11。『Journal of Consciousness Studies』の編集者アンソニー・フリーマンによれば、汎心論は多くの人々から「単なる狂気か、さもなければアニミズムや迷信に戻る道筋」と見なされている[6]:1。しかし、西洋の思想においては汎神論の長い伝統がある[7]。
編集- Freedom and Belief (1986) ISBN 0-19-823933-5
- The Secret Connexion (1989) ISBN 0-19-824038-4
- Mental Reality (1994) ISBN 0-262-19352-3
- The Self? (editor) (2005) ISBN 1-4051-2987-5
- Consciousness and Its Place in Nature: Does physicalism entail panpsychism? (2006) ISBN 1-84540-059-3
- Real Materialism and Other Essays (2008) ISBN 978-0-19-926743-9
- Selves: An Essay in Revisionary Metaphysics (2009) ISBN 978-0-19-825006-7
- The Evident Connexion: Hume on Personal Identity (2011) ISBN 978-0-19-960850-8
- Locke on Personal Identity: Consciousness and Concernment (2011) ISBN 978-0-691-14757-4
- The Subject of Experience (2017) ISBN 978-0198777885
- Things That Bother Me: Death, Freedom, The Self etc. (2018) (New York Review of Books Inc.)
編集- "Red and 'Red'" (1989), Synthèse 78, pp. 193–232.
- "The Impossibility of Moral Responsibility" (1994), Philosophical Studies 75, pp. 5–24.
- "'The Self" (1997), Journal of Consciousness Studies 4, pp. 405–28.
- "The bounds of freedom" (2001), in The Oxford Handbook on Free Will, ed. R. Kane (Oxford University Press), pp. 441–60.
- "Hume on himself" (2001), in Essays in Practical Philosophy: From Action to values, ed. D. Egonsson, J. Josefsson, B. Petersson & T. Rønnow-Rasmussen(Aldershot: Ashgate Press), pp. 69–94.
- "Real Materialism" [リンク切れ] (2003), in Chomsky and his Critics, ed. L. Antony & N. Hornstein (Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 49–88.
- "Mental ballistics: the involuntariness of spontaneity" (2003), Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, pp. 227–56.
- "A Fallacy of our Age" (‘Against Narrative’) in the Times Literary Supplement, 15 October 2004
- "Against Narrativity" (2004,) Ratio 17, pp. 428–52.
- "Gegen die Narrativität" (2005), revised and expanded version of "Against Narrativity" in Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 53, pp. 3–22.
- "Episodic ethics" (2005) in "Narrative and Understanding Person", ed. D. Hutto (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 85–115.
- "Why I have no future" (2009) The Philosophers' Magazine, Issue 38
- "Against 'corporism': the two uses of I" (2009) Organon F 16, pp. 428–448.
- "The Self" in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mind, ed. B. McLaughlin & A. Beckermann (Oxford University Press), pp. 541–64.
- "5 Questions on Mind and Consciousness" (2009), in Mind and Consciousness: 5 Questions (AutomaticPress/VIP,) pp. 191–204.
- "5 Questions on Action" (2009), in Philosophy of Action: 5 Questions (AutomaticPress/VIP), pp. 253–9.
- "On the SESMET theory of subjectivity" (2009), in Mind That Abides, ed. D. Skrbina (Amsterdam: John Benjamins), pp. 57–64.
- "The identity of the categorical and the dispositional" (2008), Analysis 68/4, pp. 271–8.
- "Radical Self-Awareness" (2010), in Self, No Self?: Perspectives from Analytical, Phenomenological, and Indian Traditions, ed. M. Siderits, E. Thompson, and D. Zahavi (Oxford University Press), pp. 274–307.
- "The depth(s) of the twentieth century" (2010), Analysis 70/4:1.
- "Fundamental Singleness: subjects as objects (how to turn the first two Paralogisms into valid arguments)" (2010), in The Metaphysics of Consciousness, ed. P. Basile et al.(Cambridge University Press), pp. 61–92.
- "Narrativity and non-Narrativity" (2010), in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science 1, pp. 775–80.
- "Cognitive phenomenology: real life" (2011), in Cognitive Phenomenology, ed.T. Bayne and M. Montague (Oxford University Press), pp. 285–325.
- "The impossibility of ultimate responsibility?" in Free Will and Modern Science, ed. R. Swinburne (London: British Academy) (December), pp. 126–40.
- "Owning the Past: Reply to Stokes" (2011), Journal of Consciousness Studies 18, pp. 170–95.
- "The minimal self" (2011), in Oxford Handbook of the Self, ed. S. Gallagher (Oxford University Press), pp. 253–278.
- "Real naturalism" (2012), in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Association 86/2, pp. 125–154.
- "I and I: immunity to error through misidentification of the subject" (2012), in Immunity to Error Through Misidentification: New Essays, ed. S. Prosser and F. Recanati (Cambridge University Press)
- "All My Hopes Vanish: Hume’s Appendix" (2012), in The Continuum Companion to Hume, ed. A Bailey and D. O’Brien (London: Continuum)
- "We live beyond any tale that we happen to enact" (2012), in Harvard Review of Philosophy 18, pp. 73–90.
- "Free will" (2015), in Norton Introduction to Philosophy, ed. A. Byrne, J. Cohen, G. Rosen and S. Shiffrin (New York:Norton)
- "Real direct realism" (2015), in The Nature of Phenomenal Qualities, ed. P. Coates and S. Coleman (Oxford University Press)
- "Nietzsche’s metaphysics?" (2015), in Nietzsche on Mind and Nature, ed.M. Dries and P. Kail (Oxford University Press)
- "When I enter most intimately into what I call myself" (2015), in Oxford Handbook of David Hume ed. Paul Russell (Oxford University Press)
- ‘The unstoried life’ (2015), in On Life-Writing , ed. Z. Leader (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- ‘“The secrets of all hearts”: Locke on personal identity’ (2015), in Mind, Self, and Person, ed. A. O'Hear (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)
- ‘Mind and being: the primacy of panpsychism’, in Panpsychism: Philosophical Essays, ed. G. Bruntrup and L. Jaskolla (New York: Oxford University Press)
- ‘The concept of consciousness in the twentieth century’ (2016), in Consciousness, ed. A. Simmons (New York: Oxford University Press)
- ‘Narrative bypassing’, in A New Approach to Studies of the Self, ed. N. Praetorius, Journal of Consciousness Studies 16, pp. 125–139
- ‘Conceivability and the silence of physics’ (2017), Journal of Consciousness Studies
- ‘Descartes’s mind’ (2017) in Descartes and Cartesianism: Essays in Honour of Desmond Clarke, ed. S. Gaukroger and C. Wilson (Oxford: Oxford University Press)
- ‘Consciousness never left’ (2017), in The Return of Consciousness, ed. K. Almqvist and A. Haag (Stockholm: Axel and Margaret Axson Johnson Foundation)
- ‘Physicalist panpsychism’ (2017), in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, 2nd edn, ed. S. Schneider and M. Velmans (New York: Wiley-Blackwell)
- ‘What does “physical” mean? A prolegomenon to physicalist panpsychism’, in Routledge Handbook of Panpsychism [forthcoming]
編集- ^ Galen Strawson, "Real Direct Realism", a lecture recorded 2014 at Marc Sanders Foundation, Vimeo.
- ^ “UT College of Liberal Arts”. 4 March 2016時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2015年9月22日閲覧。
- ^ "Leiter, Brian." Archived 29 August 2012 at the Wayback Machine.
- ^ Strawson, Galen. "Free Will Archived 25 August 2007 at the Wayback Machine." in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, ed. Edward Craig (1998); "The Bounds of Freedom" in The Oxford Handbook of Free Will, ed. Robert Kane (2002).
- ^ E. F. J. Payne, in his Translator's Introduction to Schopenhauer's The World as Will and Representation
- ^ a b c d Strawson, G. (2006) "Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails Panpsychism", Journal of Consciousness Studies, Volume 13, Nos. 10–11, Exeter, Imprint Academic pp. 3–31/大厩諒訳「実在論的な一元論:なぜ物理主義は汎心論を含意するのか」『現代思想〔特集〕汎心論――21世紀の心の哲学』48(8), pp. 55-85, 2020年6月
- ^ Skrbina, D. (2005), Panpsychism in the West, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.
編集- Feinberg, Joel; Shafer-Landau, Russ: Reason & Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy: Thirteenth Edition (Thomson Wadsworth, 2008).
編集- Galen Strawson Personal Website
- Galen Strawson at the University of Texas at Austin
- Galen Strawson at the University of Reading
- "Free Will" an entry by Strawson in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- "I am not a story" Archived 5 September 2015 at the Wayback Machine. an article by Strawson in Aeon magazine
- "You Cannot Make Yourself the Way You Are" – Strawson interviewed by Tamler Sommers, The Believer, March 2003 (Also published under the title "The Buck Stops—Where? Living Without Ultimate Moral Responsibility" at Naturalism.org).
- Good and Evil, 1 April 1999, BBC Radio program In Our Time
- Virtue, 28 February 2002, BBC Radio program In Our Time
- Free Will, 10 March 2011, BBC Radio program In Our Time
- Evil, 5 August 2015, BBC Radio Program Moral Maze
- "Things That Bother Me by Galen Strawson — a case for mistaken identity", 13 April 2018, Review of Things that Bother Me by Jonathan Derbyshire in the Financial Times
- "Brimming with X", book review of Michael Pollan's How to Change Your Mind: The new science of psychedelics, in the Times Literary Supplement, August 8, 2018