- "Necessary Propositions and Entailment Statements" (Mind, 1948)
- "Truth" (Analysis, 1949)
- "Ethical Intuitionism (Philosophy, 1949)
- "Truth" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society suppl. vol. xxiv, 1950)
- "On Referring" (Mind, 1950)
- "Particular and General" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1953
- "Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations (Mind, vol. 63, 1954)
- "A Logician's Landscape" (Philosophy, Vol. 30, 1955)
- "Construction and Analysis" in A.J. Ayer et al., The Revolution in Philosophy. London: Macmillan, 1956
- "Singular Terms, Ontology and Identity" (Mind, Vol. 65, 1956)
- "In Defence of a Dogma" with H. P. Grice (Philosophical Review, 1956)
- "Logical Subjects and Physical Objects" (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1957)
- "Propositions, Concepts and Logical Truths" (Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 7, 1957)
- "Proper Names" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supp. Vol. 31, 1957)
- "On Justifying Induction" (Philosophical Studies, 1958)
- "The Post-Linguistic Thaw" (Times Literary Supplement, 1960)
- "Freedom and Resentment" (Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. 48, 1960)
- "Singular Terms and Predication" (Journal of Philosophy, 1961)
- "Perception and Identification" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supp. Vol. 35, 1961)
- "Carnap's Views on Constructed Systems v. Natural Languages in Analytical Philosophy" in The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap ed. P.A. Schlipp (La Salle Ill.: Open Court, 1963)
- " A Problem about Truth: A reply to Mr. Warnock" in Truth, ed. G. Pitcher, Englewood Cliffs (N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1964)
- "Truth: A Reconsideration of Austin's Views" (Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 15, 1965)
- "Self, Mind and Body" (Common Factor, Vol. 4, 1966)
- "Is Existence Never A Predicate" (Critica, Vol.1, 1967)
- "Bennett on Kant's Analytic" (Philosophical Review, Vol. 77, 1968)
- "Meaning and Truth" (Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1969)
- "Imagination and Perception" in Experience and Theory, ed. L. Foster and J.W. Swanson (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1970)
- "Categories" in Ryle: A Collection of Critical essays, ed. O.P. Wood and G. Pitcher, (New York: Doubleday, 1970)
- "The Asymmetry of Subjects and Predicates" in Language, Belief and Metaphysics, ed. H.E. Kiefer and M.K. Munitz (New York: State of University of New York Press, 1970)
- "Self-Reference, Contradiction and Content-Parasitic Predicates" (Indian review of Philosophy, 1972)
- "Different Conceptions of Analytical Philosophy" (Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, 1973)
- "Austin and 'Locutionary Meaning'" in Essays on J.L. Austin, ed. I Berlin (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973)
- "On Understanding the Structure of One's Language" in Freedom and Resentment and Other Essays
- "Positions for Quantifiers" in semantics and Philosophy, ed. M.K. Munitz and P.K. Unger (New York: New York University Press, 1974)
- "Does Knowledge Have Foundations?" (Conocimiento y Creencia, 1974)
- "Semantics, Logic and Ontology" (Neue Hafte fur Philosophie, 1975)
- "Knowledge and Truth" (Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 3., No. 3, 1976)
- "Entity and Identity" in Contemporary British Philosophy Fourth Series, ed. H.D. Lewis (London: Allen and Unwin, 1976)
- "Scruton and Wright on Anti-Realism" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 77, 1976)
- "May Bes and Might Have Beens" in Meaning and Use, ed. A. Margalit (London: Reidel, 1979)
- "Perception and its Objects" in Perception and Identity: Essays Presented to A.J. Ayer, ed. G.F. Macdonald (London: Macmillan, 1979)
- "Universals" (Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 1979)
- "Belief, Reference and Quantification" (Monist, 1980)
- "P.F. Strawson Replies" in Philosophical Subjects Presented to P.F. Strawson, ed. Zak Van Straaten (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1980)
- "Comments and Reples" (Philosophia, Vol. 10, 1981)
- "Logical Form and Logical Constants" in Logical Form, Predication and Ontology, ed. P.K. Sen (India: Macmillan, 1982)
- " Liberty and Necessity" in Spinoza, His Thought & Work, ed. Nathan Rotenstreich and Norma Schneider (Jerusalem: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, 1983)
- "Causation and Explanation" in Essays on Davidson, ed. Bruce Vermazen and J. Hintikka (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985)
- "Direct Singular Reference: Intended Reference and Actual Reference" in Wo steht die Analytische Philosophie Heute?, 1986
- "Reference and its Roots" in The Philosophy of W.V.Quine. ed L.E. Hahn and P.A. Schlipp (La Salle Ill.: Open Court, 1986)
- "Kant's Paralogisms: Self Consciousness and the 'Outside Obsrver'" in Theorie der Subjektivität, ed. K. Cramer, F. Fulda, R.-P. Hortsmann, U. Poshast (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1987)
- "Concepts and Properties, or Predication and Copulation" (Philosophical Quarterly, Vol. 37, 1987)
- "Kant's New Foundations of Metaphysics" in Metaphysik nach Kant, ed. Dieter Henrich and R.-P. Horstmann (Stuttgart: Klett Cotta, 1988)
- "Ma Philosophie: son Developpement, son Theme Central et sa Nature Generale (Revue de Theologie et de Philosophie, Vol. 120, 1988)
- "Sensibility, Understanding and the Doctrine of Synthesis: Comments on D. Henrich and P. Guyer" in Kant's Transcendental Deductions, ed. E. Forster (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1989)
- "Two Conceptions of Philosophy" in Perspectives on Quine, ed. Robert Barrett and Roger Gibson (Oxford: Blackwell: 1990)
- "The Incoherence of Empiricism" (Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supp. Vol. 66, 1992)
- "Comments on Some Aspects of Peter Unger's Identity, Consciousness and Value (Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Vol. 42, 1992)
- "Echoes of Kant" (Times Literary Supplement, 1992, The State of Philosophy)
- "Replies" in Ensayos sobre Strawson, ed. Carlos E. Carosi (Montevideo: Universidad de la Republica, 1992)
- "Knowing From Words" in Knowing From Words, ed. B.K. Matilal and A. Chakrabati (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992)
- "My Philosophy," and "Replies" to critics in The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson, ed. P.K. Sen and R.K. Verma (New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1994)
- "Individuals" in Philosophical Problems Today, Vol. 1, ed. G. Floistad (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994)
- "The Problem of Realism and the A Priori" in Kant and Contemporary Epistemology, ed. Paolo Parrini (Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994)
- "Introduction," "Kant on Substance," and "Meaning and Context" in Entity and Identity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)