
A WikiProject is a metadata page that serves as a reference point for those who wish to be involved in a specific project.

Structural principles for a WikiProject page

  • 個々のプロジェクトの範囲を定める
  • defines the scope of the particular project
  • 個々の記事のために、フォーマットの慣習を作る
  • establishes the formatting conventions for individual entries eg: how each individual entry should be structured - in a biographical entry - relevant dates, notable achievements, etc
  • ここから派生したもののために、フォーマットの慣習を作る
  • establishes the formatting conventions for hierarchical descendants eg: guidelines on how to define "Prime Ministers of New Zealand" as a descendant of "Prime Minister" as a descendant of "Political Leader"
  • (任意) 「最低限の基準」を定義する。
  • (optional) Define 'Minimum standards'. A WikiProject can lay down the principles by which an individual entry can be considered to have achieved 'Minimum standard of completion'. Eg: "WikiProject Countries of the World" may require Capital, imports/exports, major cities, poopulation, political history, etc etc... whatever. Both the standards and the 'accreditation' maintain their dynamic status, so we are not getting into "locking pages" or other methods which contradict the essential nature of the Wikipedia.
  • 参加している寄稿者を列挙する
  • lists participating contributors
  • テーマについての議論の場を提供する
  • provides subject specific forums

Note: such pages already exist in an ad hoc sense (eg: Tree of Life). However, my concept for a WikiProject page seeks to standardise and formalise this approach. also it seeks to segregate the "information" from the "management of the information".

What are the advantages?

  • ルック&フィールの標準化。今あるページでも標準化を扱っていますが、そういったものは包括的に適用できません。たとえば、数学や科学の記事における慣習と「有名な作家」における慣習とは全くかけ離れています。「生物学の記事」における一般的な基準でさえ、例外無く適用されているわけではありません。
  • Standardisation of look and feel. There are existing page that deal with standardisation, but they cannot be applied generically. The conventions for entries on mathematics or chemistry are worlds apart from the conventions for 'famous authors'. Even a generic standard for 'Biographical Entries' cannot be applied universally - the method of describing 'Egyptian Pharoahs' would be radically different to pages for "American Baseball Players' (Pharoahs don't have RBI statistics).
  • リダイレクトの量が減る
  • Decreases the volume of REDIRECTs, due to there being a consistent and well-defined hierarchical descendent schema.
  • ウィキペディア内における同好の士のコミュニティが発展しやすくなる。これはもちろん既に起きていることですが、ウィキプロジェクトのページはその過程をフォーマルなものにします。
  • Allows the development of special interest communities within the Wikipedia. This has already happened of course, but the WikiProject page formalises the process.
  • 戦略的なプランニングと、合意のある議論を可能にする。わかりやすい位置に会話の場所を集めることで、現在起きている、複数の場所で議論が行われていることによって生じる議論の分裂が少なくなります。
  • Permits strategic planning and consensual discussion. by centralising the TALK forums to predictable locations, we minimise the fragmentation of discussion into multiple locations which occurs presently.
  • プロジェクトを制御しつつ、発展も許す。 あらゆる私的なプロジェクトに固有の問題は、中心となる権威(authority)がないために混乱が起きることです。しかし中心となる権威が過度だと、停滞してしまいます。ウィキプロジェクトは「中心となる権威」です。()しかし、ウィキプロジェクトのページ自体は合意があって動的なままです。もし進展があっても、その過程は中央で管理できます。
  • Allows controlled dynamic evolution. The inherent problem in any communal project is that without central authority chaos emerges. But with excessive central authority, stagnation sets in. The WikiProject is a 'central authority' (thus providing the benefits of stability), but the WikiProject page itself remains consensual and dynamic. Where evolution occurs, the process can be centrally managed.
  • a convention for information management. Participants in the overall Wikipedia will have a convention defined for creating new projects, and they will know where to go to find existing framework definitions and discussion forums for the framework.
  • A resource for standards and comprehensiveness. Numerous attempts have been made to document what has not been achieved and give suggestions for areas needing attention. This merely formalises the process.
  • Provides a forum for 'Endorsement', without closing off editorial freedom. Each Wikiproject can evolve a definition of "minimum required standard". As entries achieve this status, they can be documented on the WikiProject page. Dissenters can always remove the status, or upgrade the entry in question.

What a WikiProject is not:

A Wikiproject is not a place for subject information. It is a place for the management of entries within a specific subject area. Neither is it rigids in its hierarchical management. All hierarchies are arbitrary, the Wikipedia seeks to create one purely for the management of entry creation, not as a schema of knowledge.

Is it worth the effort?

このようなメタデータ管理モデルの価値は、寄稿者の数とともに上昇します。一握りの寄稿者しかプロジェクトで活動していない場合、ウィキプロジェクトの実際の成果は期待に反します - それは余分な仕事を増やすだけです。しかし、寄稿者の数が増えれば、ウィキプロジェクトのページを維持するに必要な仕事量は、スタイルと内容の分裂や重複記事を訂正するのに必要な仕事量より実質的には少ないのです。
The value of such a metadata management model increases with the volume of contributors. In a case where only a handful of contributors are working on a project the actual value of a WikiProject page is negative - it only adds additional work. However, as the volume of contributors increases the work required to maintain the WikiProject pages is substantially less than the work required to correct the fragmentation of style and content, and the duplication which will otherwise occur. (Have you ever spent an hour tracking down and editing REDIRECTs?)
