Template:Infobox 民族
{{Infobox 民族 |民族 = |民族語名称 = |画像 = |画像の説明 = |人口 = |居住地 = |言語 = |宗教 = |関連 = |註 = }}
{{Infobox 民族 | group = | population = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | image = | region1 = | pop1 = | ref1 = | region2 = | pop2 = | ref2 = | region3 = | pop3 = | ref3 = | region4 = | pop4 = | ref4 = | region5 = | pop5 = | ref5 = | region6 = | pop6 = | ref6 = | region7 = | pop7 = | ref7 = | region8 = | pop8 = | ref8 = | region9 = | pop9 = | ref9 = | region10 = | pop10 = | ref10 = | languages = | religions = | related = | footnotes = }}
変数名はどちらでも同様に表示されます。<references />等は本文の註と競合する場合には使わないこと。
تاجيک Тоҷик | |
総人口 | |
およそ1650万人から2850万人 | |
居住地域 | |
アフガニスタン | 8,400,000[1] |
タジキスタン | 5,849,331[2] |
ウズベキスタン | |
イラン | 1,700,000 |
パキスタン | 900,000 |
ロシア | 500,000 |
ドイツ | 120,000 |
アメリカ | 93,000 |
カタール | 87,000 |
中国 | 41,000 |
ウクライナ | 419[6][7][8] |
言語 | |
ペルシア語 (ダリー語やタジク語含む) | |
宗教 | |
イスラーム(スンニ派が多数) | |
関連する民族 | |
その他のイラン人 | |
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{{Infobox 民族 |image = |group = タジク人 | native_name = تاجيک {{unicode|Тоҷик}} |population = およそ1650万人から2850万人 | region1 = {{flagcountry|Afghanistan}} | pop1 = 8,400,000 | ref1 = <ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/af.html CIA - The World Factbook - Afghanistan]</ref> | region2 = {{flagcountry|Tajikistan}} | pop2 = 5,849,331 | ref2 = <ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ti.html CIA - The World Factbook - Tajikistan]</ref> | region3 = {{flagcountry|Uzbekistan}} | pop3 = {{Unbulleted list |class=nowrap | 1,365,356<ref>[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/uz.html CIA - The World Factbook - Uzbekistan]</ref> | もしくは4,915,284<ref>[http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/1999/369.htm US Department of State Report]</ref> | もしくは11,000,000<ref>D. Carlson, ''Uzbekistan: Ethnic Composition and Discriminations'', [[Harvard University]], August 2003.</ref> }} | region4 = {{flagcountry|Iran}} | pop4 = 1,700,000 | ref4 = | region5 = {{flagcountry|Pakistan}} | pop5 = 900,000 | ref5 = | region6 = {{flagcountry|Russia}} | pop6 = 500,000 | ref6 = | region7 = {{flagcountry|Germany}} | pop7 = 120,000 | ref7 = | region8 = {{flagcountry|United States}} | pop8 = 93,000 | ref8 = | region9 = {{flagcountry|Qatar}} | pop9 = 87,000 | ref9 = | region10 = {{flagcountry|People's Republic of China|name=中国}} | pop10 = 41,000 | ref10 = | region11 = {{flagcountry|Ukraine}} | pop11 = 419 | ref11 = <ref>[https://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/results/nationality_population/nationality_popul1/select_5/?botton=cens_db&box=5.1W&k_t=00&p=75&rz=1_1&rz_b=2_1%20%20%20&n_page=4 State statistics committee of Ukraine - National composition of population, 2001 census] (Ukrainian)</ref><ref>[http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/1999/369.htm US Department of State Report]</ref><ref>D. Carlson, ''"Uzbekistan: Ethnic Composition and Discriminations"'', [[Harvard University]], August 2003</ref> |languages = [[ペルシア語]] ([[ダリー語]]や[[タジク語]]含む) |religions = [[イスラーム]]([[スンニ派]]が多数) |related = その他の[[:en:Iranian people|イラン人]] |footnotes = Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...<br />{{reflist}} }}