田邉 浩文(たなべひろふみ、1962年3月21日 - )は、兵庫県氷上郡氷上町(現、丹波市)出身のリハビリテーション研究者。タナベセラピー研究会を主宰。
2011年:Constraint-Induced (CI) Therapy Training Program: Upper Extremity。2013年:Constraint-Induced (CI) Therapy Training Program: pediatric。2015年:Constraint-Induced (CI) Therapy Training Program: Lower Extremity。
麻痺手の伸展が困難な重度の片麻痺を対象としたGrade5-CIセラピーの実践に世界で初めて成功。論文:Hirofumi Tanabe, Toru Nagao, Rumi Tanemura.Application of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy for People with Severe Chronic Plegic Hand.Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy vol9 pp:7-14,2008
編集- 田邉浩文,効果がみえる中枢神経疾患の再構築アプローチ-タナベセラピー.ヒューマンプレス,2016.
- Hirofumi T, Masahiro M, Norihiro T et al: Clinical Evaluation of UR-System 2 for Recovery of Motor Function of Plegic Upper Limb after Stroke.
Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life 3:33-36,2016.
- Hirofumi T, Yoshifumi M: Clinical Evaluation of UR-System-PARKO for Recovery of Motor Function of Severe Plegic Hand after Stroke.
Journal of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life 4-1:53–57,2017.
- Hirofumi T, Masahiro M, Norihiro Toya et al: Development of Training System for Recovery of Motor Function of Plegic Upper Limb after Stroke.
Conference on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology:39-41,2015.
- Hirofumi T, Toru N, Rumi T. Application of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy for People with Severe Chronic Plegic Hand.
Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy:7-12,2011.
- Hirofumi T. An introduction of the finger extension splint that used shape-memory alloy – Inspection of an application effect of Constraint-induced Movement
Therapy with Severe Chronic Plegic hand. Shape Memory Alloys Symposium:12-13,2012.
- 田邉浩文,長尾徹,種村留美.慢性重度麻痺手に対するConstraint-induced Movement Therapyの適用効果:独立検査者によるランダム化比較試験.
作業療法ジャーナル48(4): 347-351,2014.
- Hirofumi Tanabe:Self-training support system with biofeedback of load balance ratio for standing-up training of a patient with hemiplegic after stroke、
34th Chinese Control Conference and SICE Annual Conference,2015.
- Hirofumi Tanabe:Clinical Evaluation of UR-System 2 for Recovery of Motor Function of Plegic Upper Limb after Stroke、
ICAROB 2016 - International Conference on Artificial Life and Robotics、Okinawa, 2016.
- Hirofumi T, Munehiro I, Yoshifumi M: Validation of the Efficiency of a Robotic Rehabilitation Training System for Recovery of Severe Plegic Hand Motor Function
after a Stroke. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics:579-584,2017.