熱音響断層撮影(ねつおんきょうだんそうさつえい、英語: Thermoacoustic Tomography : TAT)とは試料をマイクロ波等で加熱して生じた超音波を検出して試料の内部構造を可視化する手法。
編集- 無侵襲計測
- 比較的高分解能
編集- 診断
- 内部構造の可視化
- 非破壊検査
編集- ^ a b Omar, Murad, et al. "Near‐field thermoacoustic imaging with transmission line pulsers." Medical physics 39.7 (2012): 4460-4466.
- ^ a b c Ku, Geng; Lihong V. Wang (2001). “Scanning microwave‐induced thermoacoustic tomography: Signal, resolution, and contrast”. Medical Physics 28 (1): 4-10 .
- ^ マイクロ波の減衰には組織内の含水量とイオンの組成が影響する。減衰量の差が最も顕著なのは筋肉と脂肪で3GHzの照射時に脂肪では9cm、筋肉では1.2cmまで浸透する。
- ^ Ku, Geng, and Lihong V. Wang. "Scanning thermoacoustic tomography in biological tissue." Medical physics 27.5 (2000): 1195-1202.
- ^ Kellnberger, Stephan, et al. "Near-field thermoacoustic tomography of small animals." Physics in medicine and biology 56.11 (2011): 3433.
- ^ Razansky, Daniel, Stephan Kellnberger, and Vasilis Ntziachristos. "Near‐field radiofrequency thermoacoustic tomography with impulse excitation." Medical physics 37.9 (2010): 4602-4607.
編集- Xu, Minghua, and Lihong V. Wang. "Time-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography in a spherical geometry." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 21.7 (2002): 814-822.
- Xu, Yuan, Dazi Feng, and Lihong V. Wang. "Exact frequency-domain reconstruction for thermoacoustic tomography. I. Planar geometry." IEEE transactions on medical imaging 21.7 (2002): 823-828.
- Haltmeier, Markus, et al. "Thermoacoustic computed tomography with large planar receivers." Inverse problems 20.5 (2004): 1663.
- Xu, Yuan, et al. "Reconstructions in limited‐view thermoacoustic tomography." Medical physics 31.4 (2004): 724-733.
- Kuchment, Peter, and Leonid Kunyansky. "Mathematics of thermoacoustic tomography." European Journal of Applied Mathematics 19.02 (2008): 191-224.
- Stefanov, Plamen, and Gunther Uhlmann. "Thermoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed." Inverse Problems 25.7 (2009): 075011.