平井 豊美(HIRAI TOYOMI 1947年‐)は日本うつ病学会所属の大学講師。






「枠付けマインドシークエンス」を大和大学在職中に考案作成(2017年 - 2018年)し、2019年、精神看護学の講義で提示した。精神看護学を学ぶ学生が精神看護学、精神看護学実習に関心を抱き、学生の知的好奇心を満足させる教材を工夫して作成されたものである。中井久夫の風景構成法、スクウィッグル、仏教哲学、イスラム哲学、クリスチャン・サイエンスから学んだ。

学生の反応は大きく、教材による影響とその成果の一部が"Metacognition ―Thanatology and the scientific evidence on grief care - Toward trauma experience to prevent mental illness"として、2019年3月22日の『The 21st Annual ISBD Conference:Global Advances In Bipolar Disorder And Depression』で発表された[2]。以下、概要である。

Metacognition- the scientific evidence ongrief care Nakayamaand Yotsumoto (2012) [1] give the following description ofmetacognition:

Metacognition is anotion that spread in the 1970s, and the term of ‘Metacognition’ was first usedby J. H. Flavell (1976 p. 232)[2]:

Metacognitionrefers to one's knowledge concerning one's own cognitive processes or anythingrelated to them, e.g., the learning-relevant properties of information or data.For example, I am engaging in metacognition if I notice that I am having moretrouble learning A than B; if it strikes me that I should double check C beforeaccepting it as fact.

Monitoring of one'scognitive activity is the fundamental basis of metacognition, and ranges frombasic sensory responses to high-order cognitive function comprising complexcombinations of neural procedures until a behavioral goal is achieved.Scrutinizing monitored information consciously or unconsciouslyalso makes it possible to control a variety of cognitive activities. Someexamples include making the appropriate judgment about future behavior bycomparing ability of the self to task difficulty, selecting the optimalstrategies or tools adapted to the situation, or performing monitoring itselfefficiently. These adaptive cognitive activities are supported by the abilitiesto understand and execute the actions that should be taken based on knowledgeand determine when they should be taken in order to solve complex problems[3].Cultural studies haveshown that instances of metacognition are found commonly throughout cultures,suggesting that metacognition is a universally effective ability for humansurvival and social life [4]. The initial descriptions ofmetacognition go back to Greek philosopher Aristotle's works De Anima and Parva Naturalia.


  1. ^ a b c d 平井豊美 (HIRAI TOYOMI) 講師 - 秋田看護福祉大学
  2. ^ Metacognition ―Thanatology and the scientific evidence on grief care - Toward trauma experience to prevent mentalillness



