常に備えあり(羅: Semper Paratus)とは、アメリカ沿岸警備隊の公式軍歌である。曲名は、アメリカ合衆国沿岸警備隊のモットーに因む。
編集- chorus
- We're always ready for the call,
- We place our trust in Thee.
- Through surf and storm and howling gale,
- High shall our purpose be,
- "Semper Paratus" is our guide,
- Our fame, our glory, too.
- To fight to save or fight and die!
- Aye! Coast Guard, we are for you.
- 1.
- From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone,
- To Europe and Far East,
- The Flag is carried by our ships
- In times of war and peace;
- And never have we struck it yet,
- In spite of foemen's might,
- Who cheered our crews and cheered again
- For showing how to fight.
- 2.
- Surveyor and Narcissus,
- The Eagle and Dispatch,
- The Hudson and the Tampa,
- These names are hard to match;
- From Barrow's shores to Paraguay,
- Great Lakes or Ocean's wave,
- The Coast Guard fights through storms and winds
- To punish or to save.
- 3.
- Aye! We've been Always Ready
- To do, to fight, or die!
- Write glory to the shield we wear
- In letters to the sky.
- To sink the foe or save the maimed
- Our mission and our pride.
- We'll carry on 'til Kingdom Come
- Ideals for which we've died.
- chorus
- so here's the Coast Guard march song,
- We sing on land or sea.
- Through surf and storm and howling gale,
- High shall our purpose be,
- "Semper Paratus" is our guide,
- Our fame, our glory, too.
- To fight to save or fight and die!
- Aye! Coast Guard, we are for you
- 1.
- From Aztec Shore to Arctic Zone,
- To Europe and Far East,
- The Flag is carried by our ships
- In times of war and peace;
- And never have we struck it yet,
- In spite of foemen's might,
- Who cheered our crews and cheered again
- For showing how to fight.
- 2.
- Surveyor and Narcissus,
- The Eagle and Dispatch,
- The Hudson and the Tampa,
- These names are hard to match;
- From Barrow's shores to Paraguay,
- Great Lakes or Ocean's wave,
- The Coast Guard fights through storms and winds
- To punish or to save.
- 3.
- Aye! We've been Always Ready
- To do, to fight, or die!
- Write glory to the shield we wear
- In letters to the sky.
- To sink the foe or save the maimed
- Our mission and our pride.
- We'll carry on 'til Kingdom Come
- Ideals for which we've died.
編集- コーラス
- 我らは常に備え有り。
- 汝の信頼を寄せてくれ。
- 暴風波濤を突き進め。
- 崇高なる使命がある限り。
- 「常に備えあり」が我らの指針。
- 我らが誇り、そして栄光。
- 救難救助のため命を懸けて戦う。
- そう!我ら沿岸警備隊は汝の為に!
- 一、
- アステカ沖に北極に、
- 欧州そして極東まで、
- 船には常に我らの旗がある。
- 仇敵が襲い来ようとも、
- 旗を降ろした事は一度たりとて無い。
- 我らの戦いぶりを見て、
- 誰が歓呼するだろうか。
- (コーラス)
- 二、
- サーベイヤーにナルキッソス、
- イーグルそしてディスパッチ、
- ハドソンそしてタンパ、
- これらの名前に敵うものは無い。
- バロー岬からパラグアイまで、
- 大湖と大洋の波浪を越えて、
- 懲罰そして救助のために、
- 嵐を越えて沿岸警備隊は戦う。
- (コーラス)
- 三、
- そう!我ら常に備えあり!
- 全身全霊で任務に当たれ!
- 救命胴衣に栄光を刻み、
- 空に向かって手紙を書く。
- 仇敵を沈め負傷者を救う。
- それが我らが使命そして誇り。
- そこに祖国が在る限り。
- そして魂の果てぬ限り。
- (コーラス)