塚谷 恒雄(つかたに つねお)は、日本の環境学者、経済学者。京都大学経済研究所経済情報解析研究部門教授。
編集1967年 京都大学工学部衛生工学科卒業
1969年 京都大学大学院工学研究科衛生工学専攻修士課程修了
1969年 京都大学助手
1980年 京都大学助教授
1985年 京都大学経済研究所教授
編集Ecological conservation and reclamation of arid/saline lands under agricultural system development in Kyzylkum deserts of Uzbekistan
Health Effects of the Nuclear Tests conducted at Nuclear Test
Explosions: Environmental Contamination and Health Effects
Global Water Enviroument and International Couflict
編集Living Environment and Car Problem
Absolute Loss of Life and Its Case Evidence
Nuclear Energy and Environment
編集Compensation System for Environmental Damage and Other Economic Incentives in Japan Operation of storage reservoir for water quality by using optimization and artificial intelligence techniques Risk assessment of Environmental contaminants of Asiatic Deserts Ecosystems in relation to plant distribution and structure Human Impact on Land Degradation of Kyzylkum Deserts Development in Kyzylkum Desert Baseline Study of Surface Streams of Zerafshan River Basins Perspectives for International Collaboration on the Water Resources of Central Asia Entrepreneurial Environment in Kazakhstan Current levels of Pu isotopes and Cs-137 at the former Soviet Union's Semipalatinsk nuclear test site Aral Sea and Socioeconomic Development Residual radioactivity in the soil of the semipalatinsk nuclear test site in the former USSR Plutonium isotopic composition in soil from the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site Current Economy and Environment of Kazakhstan in 1995 Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site and the Nuclear Development of the former USSR Political Economy in Ceutral Asia, Light and Shade of Cotton Monoculture
編集- 水文・水資源学会 理事
- 生物統計学会会員
- 応用統計学会会員