八島 智子(やしま ともこ)は、日本の言語学者。専門分野は、応用言語学・異文化間コミュニケーション論。特に、第二言語不安やモチベーション研究。学位は、博士(文化科学)(岡山大学・2002年)。関西大学外国語学部大学院外国語教育学研究科教授。
居住 |
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研究分野 | 言語学 |
出身校 |
神戸市外国語大学大学院修士課程 岡山大学大学院博士課程修了 |
主な業績 |
異文化接触状況における 対人行動と対人関係形成の分析 性格要因、国際的志向性、学習動機、 英語習熟度の関連の研究 |
プロジェクト:人物伝 |
編集神戸市外国語大学で文学修士を修め、2002年に学位論文「滞米日本人高校生の社会文化的適応 : 第二言語コミュニケーション行動の視点から」で、岡山大学より博士(文化科学)の学位を取得[1][2]。
編集- 八島智子 (2014) 「継続的に学ぶには(動機づけ)」 全国英語教育学会第40回研究大会特別編集委員会編 『英語教育の今 理論と実践の統合』 (9章−2, p.238-242)
- 八島智子・大谷麻美 (2011) 第3章 「異文化間コミュニケーションと英語教育」p. 50-73. (八島担当箇所 1、3、4、5.1、5.3節 ) 第10章 (八島担当箇所 10節 p. 240-243.) 大学英語教育学会編 塩澤正・吉川寛・石川有香編 『英語教育学体系 第3巻 英語教育と文化』 東京:大修館
- 八島智子 (2007)「バイリンガルと教育」 河野守夫監修 井狩幸男・石川圭一・門田修平・村田純一・山根繁編 (Pp.156-167) 『ことばの認知としくみ』 東京:三省堂
Book chapter
編集- Yashima, T., Ikeda, M. & Nakahira, S., (2016). Talk and silence in an EFL classroom: Interplay of learners and context. In J. King, (ed.) The dynamic interplay between context and the learner. (pp.104−126). Hampshire, UK; Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yashima, T. (2014). Self-regulation and autonomous dependency among Japanese learners of English. In Murray, G. & Smith, R. (Eds.). The social dimensions of autonomy in language learning. (Pp. 60-87.) Hampshire, UK; Palgrave Macmillan.
- Yashima, T. (2013). Imagined L2 selves and motivation for intercultural communication. In Apple, M. T., Da Silva, D., & Fellner, T. (Eds.). Language learning motivation in Japan. (Pp.35-53.) Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Yashima, T. (2013). Individuality, imagination and community in a globalizing world: An Asian EFL perspective. In Benson, P. and Cooker, L. (Eds.). The applied linguistic individual: Sociocultural approaches to autonomy, agency and identity. (Pp. 46-58.). London: Equinox.
- Yashima, T. (2012). Willingness to communicate: Momentary volition that results in L2 behaviour In Mercer, S., Ryan, S., & Williams, M. (Eds). Psychology for language learning: Insights from research, theory and practice. (Pp.119-135.). Hampshire, UK; Palgrave Macmillan.
- Noels, K., Yashima, T., & Zhang, R. (2011). Language, identity and intercultural communication. In Jackson, J. (Ed.) The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural communication. (Pp. 52-66.). London: Routledge.
- Yashima, T. & Ohtani, M. (2011). Intercultuarl communication and English education. In Shiozawa, T., Yoshikawa, H., & Ishikawa, Y. (Eds.). Eigokyoikugaku taikei Vol.3 Eigokyoikuto bunka. Tokyo: Taishukan. Pp. 50-73.
- Yashima, T. (2009). International posture and the ideal L2 self in the Japanese EFL Context. In Dörnyei, Z. and Ushioda, E. (Eds.). Motivation, language identity and the L2 self. (Pp.144-163.). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
- Yashima, T. (2007. 7). Bilingualism and education. In Kohno, M., Ikari, Y, Ishikawa, K., Kadota, S., Murata, J., & Yamane, S. (Eds.). Explorations into the mechanism of language and cognition. Tokyo: Sanseido. Pp.156-167.
- Yashima, T. (1985). An analysis of interpretation skills. In Kohno, M. & Sawamura, F. Listening & Speaking: A New Perspective. (1985) Tokyo: Yamaguchishten. Pp.176ー193.
編集- Yashima, T. (2016). A qualitative study of learning through participation in international volunteering. Journal of Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kasnai University, 15, 33-50.
- Yashima, T., MacIntyre, P. & Ikeda, M. (2016).Situated willingness to communicate in an L2: Interplay of individual characteristics and context. Language Teaching Research. 1-23. DOI: 10.1177/1362168816657851
- Denies, K., Yashima, T., & Janssen, R. (2015). Classroom versus societal willingness to communicate: Investigating French as a second language in Flanders. The Modern Language Journal, 99, 718-739
- Yashima, T. & Arano, K. (2014). Understanding EFL learners’ motivational dynamics: A three-level model from a dynamic systems and sociocultural perspectiveInDörnyei, Z., MacIntyre, P. D., & Henry, A. (Eds.). Motivational dynamics in language learning. (Pp. 285-314.) . Multilingual Matters.
- Yashima, T. (2013). Agency in second language acquisition. C. A. Chapelle (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (Social interaction and complexity theory approaches to SLA.). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Yashima, T. (2012). Development of intercultural competence through participating in international volunteering. (Paper presented in a Symposium, Effects of different learning environments on various types of English skills and knowledge in Japanese students: Mixed-method approaches, organized by Miyuki Sasaki, Naoko Taguchi, Tomoko Yashima. ) The JACET 51st International Conference Proceedings.
- Nakahira, S. & Yashima, T. (2012). Toward the development of instruments to assess motivation based on the L2 motivational self system. JACET Journal, 55, 31-48.
- Maekawa, Y. & Yashima, T. (2012). Examining the motivational effect of presentation-based instruction on Japanese engineering students: From the viewpoints of the ideal self and self-determination theory. Language, Education, & Technology, 49, 65-92.
- Maekawa, Y. & Yashima, T. (2012). Examining the effects of presentation-based instruction on Japanese engineering students’ attitudes towards learning English. JACET Kansai Journal, 14, 17-28.
- Yashima, T. (2011). Communication in English for living in a multicultural society. Kokusairikaikyouiku Kenkyusenta Nnepo (Miyagi University of Education), 6, 1-14.
- Nishida, R. & Yashima, T. (2010). Classroom interactions of teachers and elementary school pupils as observed during a musical project in a Japanese elementary school. System, 38, 480-490.
- Yashima, T. (2010). The effects of international volunteer work experiences on intercultural competence of Japanese youth. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 34, 268-282.
- Nakahira, S., Yashima, T., & Maekawa, Y. (2010). Relationships among motivation, psychological needs, FL WTC, and Can-Do statements of English language learning based on self-determination theory: Preliminary study of non-English-major junior college students in Japan. JACET Kansai Journal, 12, 44-55.
- Deguchi, T. & Yashima, T. (2009). An analysis of intercultural interactions among participants of an international volunteer project: The dialogic process toward a mutual understanding. Journal of Multicultural Relations, 6, 37-51.
- Nishida, R. & Yashima, T. (2009). An investigation of factors affecting willingness to communicate and interest in foreign countries among young learners. Language, Education, & Technology, 46, 151-170.
- Yashima, T. & Zenuk-Nishide, L. (2008). The impact of learning contexts on proficiency, attitudes, and L2 communication: Creating an imagined international community. System, 36, 566-585.
- Deguchi, T. & Yashima, T. (2008). Interpersonal relationships between international students and Japanese college students at a Japanese college dormitory as a community of practice, Journal of Multicultural Relations, 5, 33-47.
- Yashima, T., Noels, K., Shizuka, T., Takeuchi, O., Yamane, S., & Yoshizawa, K. (2008). The interplay of classroom anxiety, intrinsic motivation, and gender in the Japanese EFL context. Kansai University Journal of Foreign Language Education and Research, 17, 41-64.
- Simic, M., Tanaka, T., & Yashima, T. (2007). Willingness to communicate in Japanese as a third language among International Students in Japan. Multicultural Relations, 4, 101-122.
- Namura, K., Ikeda, M., & Yashima, T (2007). How can teachers motivate their learners in the classroom? An exploratory study based on the ARCS model. Language Education & Technology, 43, 169-186.
- Yashima, T., Abe, J. & Deguchi, T. (2007) Qualitative analyses of what students learned in intercultural communication classes: Action research by a community of teacher-trainees. LET Kansai Shibu Kenkyu Shuroku, 11, 29-43.
- Yashima, T. (2007) Understanding of words at critical moments of intercultural contact — From a perspective of the social cultural theory. In Takeuchi, O., Kikuchi, A., Nabei, T., Yamane, S., Yashima, T., Sumi, S., &. Ikeda, M. (Eds.). Exploration of English Language Instruction. Tokyo: Sanseido. p. 116-129.
- Chon, H. & Yashima, T. (2006). Language use and ethnic identity of Koreans in Japan. Journal of Multicultural Relations, 3, 41-49.
- Yashima, T. (2006). Emotional scripts and second language communication. Kansai University Foreign Language Education, 10, 43- 58.
- Shizuka, T., Takeuchi, O., Yashima, T., & Yoshizawa, K. (2006). A comparison of three- and four-option English tests for university entrance selection purposes in Japan. Language Testing, 23, 35-57.
- Yashima, T., Zenuk-Nishide, L & Shimizu, K. (2004). Influence of attitudes and affect on willingness to communicate and L2 communication. Language Learning, 54, 119-152.
- Yashima, T. (2002). Willingness to communicate in L2: The Japanese EFL context. The Modern Language Journal, 86, 54-66.
- Yashima, T. & Tanaka, T. (2001). Roles of social support and social skills in the intercultural adjustment of Japanese adolescent sojourners in the USA. Psychological Reports, 88, 1201-1210.
- Yashima, T (2000). L2 use anxiety and willingness for intercultural interaction. Kansai University Audio-visual Education, 23, 1-15.
- Yashima, T. (2000). Orientations and motivation in foreign language learning: A study of Japanese college students. JACET Bulletin, 31, 121-133.
- Yashima, T. (1999). Influence of personality, L2 proficiency and attitudes on Japanese adolescents' intercultural adjustment. JALT Journal, 21-1, .66-86.
- Tanaka, T. & Yashima, T. (1999). Social support and intercultural adjustment of adolescent Japanese sojourners in the U. S. A. Journal of Intercultural Communication, 3, 99-113.
- Yashima, T. & Tanaka, T. (1998). Social skills and intercultural adjustment of second language users. Journal of Language Processing, 2 14-26.
- Yashima, T (1998). Willingness to communicate in a foreign language: A preliminary study. Kansai University Journal of Informatics, 9, 121-134.
- Viswat, L. & Yashima, T. (1998). English teaching for social adjustment: Research and application. Otemon Gakuin Eibungaku Ronshu, 7, 61-79.
- Yashima, T. & Viswat, L. (1997). Acquisition of 'fluency' in L2' through an overseas study program. JACET Bulletin, 193-206.
- Yashima, T. (1997). Extroversion, introversion and foreign language learning. Language Laboratory, 34, 93-105.
- Yashima, T. and Tanaka, T. (1996). English teaching for intercultural adjustment using social skill training techniques. Intercultural/transcultural Education: Bulletin of Intercultural Education Research Society, 10, 150-166.
- Yashima, T. (1995). English proficiency, personality and intercultural adjustment of Japanese students studying in America Intercultural Communication Studies 5, 83-108. (International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies)
- Yashima, T. (1994). Acquisition of communicative competence through overseas study in America --A case study of Japanese high school students. Language Laboratory, 31, 31-43.
- Yashima, T. & Viswat, L. (1993). An analysis of communication problems of Japanese high school students and their host families. Human Communication Studies, 21, 181-196.
- Yashima, T. & Viswat, L. (1992). Sojourner adjustment: The role of a support group. Heian Jogakuin Kiyo, 22, 49-59.
- Yashima, T. & Viswat, L. (1991). A study of Japanese high school students' intercultural experience -- Change in image of Americans. Human Communication Studies, 19, 181-194.
- Yashima, T. (1989). Application of interpretation training to English pedagogy I - Shadowing. Heian Jogakuin Eigaku, 21, 29ー37.
- Yashima, T. (1987). The effect of background knowledge on the EFL reading process. Osaka Jogakin Kiyo, 18, 111-124.
編集- ^ 博士論文書誌データベース
- ^ 授与される学位 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科 2022年6月閲覧