上田実 (医学研究者)
上田 実(うえだ みのる、1949年5月30日 - )は、日本の歯科医師、再生医学者、顎顔面外科医、博士(医学)(名古屋大学)。
Minoru Ueda 上田 実 | |
生誕 |
1949年5月30日 日本 大阪 |
国籍 | 日本 |
研究分野 | 再生医療・顎顔面外科 |
研究機関 | 名古屋大学・ベルゲン大学 |
出身校 |
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科 |
博士課程 指導教員 | 岡 達 |
主な業績 | 乳歯幹細胞培養上清の発見およびそれによる臓器・器官の再生メカニズムの解析 |
影響を 受けた人物 | 岡 達 江口 吾郎 H・グリーン ビートルズ |
主な受賞歴 | 日本学術会議会長賞 |
プロジェクト:人物伝 |
編集紛争が終息した後、東京に出ることを決意。 親の許しを得るためには専門職につくことが得策と考え、東京医科歯科大学に再入学。在学中は「自分とは何か」という青春期特有の悩みに憑りつかれ、心の葛藤を解消するために小説を書きはじめる。プロ作家を目指して「エディター・スクール」に通う日もあった。卒業が迫り同級生の多くが進路を決めはじめたが、行く先が決まらず焦燥がつのっていた。帰省の途中、偶然に立ち寄った名古屋大学医学部で、岡達(おかとおる)教授と運命的に出会う。
編集「人が人と出会うことほど不思議なことはない」と上田は研究人生を振り返る。 岡の人格に感銘をうけ、名古屋大学医学研究科へ進学。 そこでその後の研究者人生に影響をあたえる江口吾郎(名古屋大学理学部教授)、H・グリーン(マサチューセッツ工科大学)と邂逅することになる。江口は、すでに高名な分子生物学者(のち熊本大学総長)であり、アメリカ・ボストンでは培養細胞を使った皮膚の再生研究がグリーンの手で完成されつつあった。こうした幸運な出会いによって、上田は再生医学の世界に導かれていった。
編集グリーンを通じて知った培養細胞で、皮膚をつくるという魅力的な研究に上田は従事。 「それまであった迷いは完全に払しょくされ文字通り寝食を忘れて実験に没頭した。2、3日の徹夜はざらであり、空腹を感じても食事に行く時間が惜しく、角砂糖を頬張りながら実験を続けた。実験のたびに新しい発見があり、同時に次の疑問が生まれる。この体験は研究者としての生涯をおくる決心をさせるのに充分であった。」と上田は述べている。やがて日本でも数少ない培養皮膚の研究者として存在感を発揮するようになる。
名古屋大学に入り12年経過した1990年、思いがけないチャンスに恵まれ海外留学を果たす。 当時、留学先としてはアメリカが人気で、先輩たちも西海岸の大学を目指していたが上田はあえてヨーロッパへの留学を希望。 医学を専攻しながらも、芸術に対する憧れは消えることはなく、ヨーロッパにはアメリカにはない文化があると感じ想いを馳せていた。
編集留学中、上田と再生研究の接点はみられない。ヨーロッパの大学は伝統的にバイオマテリアル研究を重視していて、それらを使った組織の再生を目指していた。一方、アメリカでは幹細胞に大きな期待を寄せていた。両者には、臨床応用に対する強い熱意があり、人を救ってこその医学研究という明確な考えがあった。 「日本では研究は研究として完結しており、臨床応用を意識する必要はなかったが、留学によって目が開かれた」と上田は述懐している。 そのころ欧米では研究者と企業の連携が活発に行われていた。イエテボリ大学ではチタンインプラントの研究が企業主導でおこなわれていた。また再生医療の発祥の地であるボストンには、多くのバイオベンチャー企業が生まれつつあった。培養皮膚の開発者であるグリーン氏は「Bio-surface社」を立ち上げ商品化をすすめていた。またニューヨーク大学では皮膚科教授であったG・ノートン氏が自身の人工皮膚の実績を持って「Advanced Tissue Science社」の社長に就任。上田自身も1999年、日本初の再生医療ベンチャーである「Japan Tissue Engineering 」の創設に参加している。 帰国とともに上田の研究活動はさらに加速させ2000年代には、ほとんどの組織が研究の対象となる。政府はミレニアム・プロジェクトを打ち出し再生医療分野に大型の予算を配分。 この研究費によって骨、皮膚はもとより、角膜(2000)、歯(2002)末梢神経(2003)、循環器(2003)、尿管(2003)運動器(2004)、唾液腺(2004)、まで研究対象を拡大し、臨床研究も活発に行った。上田は骨の再生医療にターゲットを絞り研究に拍車をかけた。これらの功績により2014年日本学術会議会長賞を受賞する。[7] 名古屋大学における皮膚、骨の再生医療は、豊富な研究費と人材に恵まれたこともあり奨励数を伸ばし海外講演、論文発表も飛躍的に増加した。全国から研究者が見学に訪れ、マスコミの取材も頻繁であった。しかし「こうした表向きの成功とは別に『ほんとうに幹細胞が組織を作るのか?』という根本的を持つようになった」と当時の心境を語っている。
編集それまでの幹細胞への理解は、あらゆる組織のもとになる細胞で、幹細胞自身が組織・臓器を構築すると考えられていた。 骨でいえば移植した幹細胞は骨芽細胞に分化し、みずから石灰化して骨組織をつくる。 しかし上田らの実験結果や臨床データには、この考え方では説明のつかない現象がいくつも発見された。 移植した幹細胞の数と再生する骨の量は必ずしも正比例しないこと、移植した幹細胞はたった数週間で消えてしまうこと、拒絶されるはずの他家細胞(別の個体の細胞)を移植しても自家細胞(自分の体の細胞)と同様に骨は再生すること、などであった。これらは従来の幹細胞を主役とする再生理論では説明がつかない。かわりに「幹細胞は何らかの信号物質を産生するにすぎず、それらが生体内にある幹細胞を刺激して組織を再生する。」という仮説は成り立つ。この信号物質こそが「培養上清」であり、そのうち最も活性の高い培養上清が乳歯幹細胞培養上清であった。
2012年から培養上清の臨床応用をスタート。骨[8]皮膚の再生に加えてアレルギー疾患、中枢神経疾患に顕著な治療効果を示した。2016年時点で症例数は100例を超え、その結果の一部は同年上海で開催されたThe 7th World Gene Conventionで発表され大きな反響を読んだ。ここで幹細胞療法にかわる培養上清療法が提唱された。2017年これらの功績に対して The Johnson & Johnson Innovation Awardが授与された[9]。
2022年1月、株式会社再生医学研究所(SAISEIKEN)にて『 筋委縮性側索硬化症(ALS)を対象とした乳歯幹細胞を用いた培養上清治療の有効性を確認 』を報道機関各位へ発表。
編集- 1978年3月 - 東京医科歯科大学歯学部歯学科卒業
- 1984年3月 - 名古屋大学大学院医学研究科修了
- 1984年4月 - 名古屋大学博士(医学)
- 1984年10月 - 名古屋大学医学部助手
- 1986年4月 - 名古屋大学医学部講師
- 1990年4月 - 名古屋大学助医学部教授
- 1990年4月 - イエテボリ大学(スウエーデン)客員研究員
- 1991年4月 - チューリッヒ大学(スイス)客員研究員
- 1994年6月 - 名古屋大学医学部教授(口腔外科学)
- 2000年4月 - 名古屋大学医学部大学院教授(頭頚部感覚器外科学)
- 2002年4月 - 名古屋大学・遺伝子・再生医療センター・副センター長 兼任
- 2006年4月 - 名古屋大学・産学連携委員会・委員 兼任
- 2015年4月 - 名古屋大学医学部名誉教授
編集- 2003年-2008年 東京大学医科学研究所客員教授(幹細胞組織医工学)
- 2006年-2007年 ワシントン大学(アメリカ)客員教授
- 2011年-2015年 ベルゲン大学(ノルウエー)客員教授
- Oral and Maxillofacial Implant 査読委員
- Craniofacial Tissue engineering 編集顧問・査読委員
- Tissue Engineering 査読委員
- 独立行政法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構(NEDO)技術委員
- 経済産業省・新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構分科会委員
- 文部科学省・第6期幹細胞・再生医学戦略作業部会委員
- 文部科学省・再生医療の実現化プロジェクト(第II期)事後評価委員
- 文部科学省・新学術領域研究・専門委員会・審査員
- 文部科学省・ライフサイエンス委員会・委員
- 国立研究開発法人日本医療研究開発機構(AMED)評価委員長
- 日本学術振興会・科学研究費委員会・専門委員
- 日本再生医療学会・顧問
編集- 1995年- Academy of Osseointegration ・最優秀講演賞
- 2004年- 日本学術会議・会長賞
- 2015年- 日本再生医療学会・ジョンソン&ジョンソン賞
編集- 1999年 テイッシュエンジニアリング・名古屋大学出版会
- 1999年 咀嚼健康法・中公新書
- 2000年 人体再生・中公新社
- 2000年 生命医学と生命科学・共立出版
- 2003年 再生医学とは何か・メデイア出版
- 2013年 再生医療叢書第8巻・朝倉書店
- 2019年 驚異の再生医療・扶桑社
- 2022年 改訂版 驚異の再生医療〜培養上清が世界を救う〜・扶桑社
編集- 1984年 An Experimental Study of Skin Grafting on Irradiated Bed
(放射線照射部位における皮膚移植に関する研究)J. Oral. Maxillofac. Surgery, 1984
- Ueda M, Hata K, Sawaki Y, Kaneda T.In vitro analysis of wound healing with a mucosal tissue model.Advances in wound dressing and culture skin substitute 113-127, 1994
- Ueda M, Hata K, Sawaki Y, Kaneda T.In vitro favrication of bioartificial mucosa for reconstraction of oral mucosa; clinical trials. Advances in wound dressing and culture skin substitute 128-135, 1994
- Katsuragawa T, Usami T, Niimi N, Tomita S, Ueda M, Ohsuka S. Study of oral immunity in HIV-hemophilias.AIDS research Newsletter 8: 127, 1994
- Yasue K, Kobayashi M, Hattori H, Teramoto T, Senga K, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Kaneda T, Hoshino T.An ultrastructural study of extracellular fibrillar components of developing mouse mandibular condyle with special reference to type VI collagen.Arch Oral Biol. 39: 689-94, 1994
- Kawai M, Hattori H, Yasue K, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Kaneda T, Hoshino T.Development of hemopoietic bone marrow within the ectopic bone induced by bone morphogenetic protein.Blood Cells. 20: 191-9, 1994
- Niimi N, Wajjwalku W, Ando Y, Tomida S, Takeuchi M, Ueda M, Kaneda T, Yoshikai Y.Delay in expression of a mammary tumor provirus is responsible for defective clonal deletion during postnatal period.Eur J Immunol.24: 488-91, 1994
- Yamada T, Sumi Y, Okazaki Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Bone resorption in the mandible secondary to siliconerabber chin implant. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 6: 44-46, 1994
- Niimi N, Wajjwalku W, Ando Y, Tomida S, Ueda M, Yoshikai Y.A new gene encoding the ligand for deletion of T cells bearing Tcrb-V6 and V8.1 (Mtv-50). Immunogenetics. 40: 312, 1994
- Tomida S, Hasegawa T, Takeuchi M, Niimi N, Ueda M, Kaneda T, Tanaka T, Tamatani T, Miyasaka M, Yoshikai Y.Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 are involved in protection mediated by CD3+TCR alpha beta- T cells at the early stage after infection with Listeria monocytogenes in rats.Int Immunol.6: 955-61, 1994
- Ohsuka S, Ohta M, Masuda K, Kaneda T, Ueda M.Microbiological evaluation of a newly designed dental air-turbine handpiece for anti-cross contaminations.Int J Prosthodont.7: 201-8, 1994
- Masuda K, Ohta M, Ohsuka S, Matsuyama M, Ashoori M, Usami T, Ito M, Ueda M, Kaneda T. Bacteriological evaluation of a new air turbine handpiece for preventing cross-contamination in dental procedures.Nagoya J Med Sci. 57: 69-76, 1994
- Kaneko R, Hattori H, Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Ohtsuka K.Heat-shock protein 40, a novel predictor of thermotolerance in murine cells. Radiat Res.142: 91-97, 1994
- Senga K, Kobayashi M, Hattori H, Yasue K, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Hoshino T.Type VI collagen in mouse masseter tendon, from osseous attachment to myotendinous junction. Anat Rec. 243: 294-302, 1995
- Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Torii S, Matsuyama M.The characteristics of cultured mucosal cell sheet as a material for grafting; comparison with cultured epidermal cell sheet.Ann Plast Surg.34: 530-8, 1995
- Ueda M, Hata K, Horie K, Torii S.The potential of oral mucosal cells for cultured epithelium: a preliminary report. Ann Plast Surg.35: 498-504, 1995
- Tsai CY, Hata K, Torii S, Matsuyama M, Ueda M.Contraction potency of hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts in a connective tissue model: in vitro analysis of wound contraction.Ann Plast Surg.35: 638-46, 1995
- Teramoto T, Kobayashi M, Mizuno I, Yasue K, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Hoshino T.Type VI collagen periodic fibrils in the synovium of the mouse temporomandibular joint. Arch Oral Biol. 40: 975-8, 1995
- Mitsudo K, Kobayashi M, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Kotani H, Hoshino T.Electron-microscopic and immunohistochemical studies of Langerhans cells and Thy-1-positive cells in mouse tongue epithelium subjected to local hyperthermia.Arch Oral Biol. 40: 533-8, 1995
- Ashoori M, Usami T, Ohkubo H, Ueda M.Report of two cases of squamous cell carcinoma in patients with history of oral lichenoid reaction. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 7: 61-5, 1995
- Umeda K, Sawaki Y, Kato T, Usami T, Ueda M, Nabeshima T.Effect of tooth loss on spatial leraning and memory abilities in adult rats: implication for central acetylcholine.Biog Amines 11: 225-233, 1995
- Yamane M, Hattori H, Sugito K, Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Nishizawa K, Ohtsuka K. Cotranslocation and colocalization of hsp40 (DnaJ) with hsp70 (DnaK) in mammalian cells. Cell Struct Funct. 20: 157-66, 1995
- Sugito K, Yamane M, Hattori H, Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Tsuchida N, Ohtsuka K.Interaction between hsp70 and hsp40, eukaryotic homologues of DnaK and DnaJ, in human cells expressing mutant-type p53.FEBS Lett. 358: 161-4, 1995
- Fujimoto T, Niimi A, Usami T, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Surgical technique for complete removal of cysts in the soft tissue : use of agar hydrocolloid impression material.Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 7: 24-25, 1995
- Niimi A, Ueda M.Crevicular fluid in the osseointegrated implant sulcus: a pilot study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 10: 434-6, 1995
- Hibi H, Ueda M.A technique for ensuring accurate bone cuts in the intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 53: 1480-1, 1995
- Niimi N, Wajjwalku W, Ando Y, Nakamura N, Ueda M, Yoshikai Y.A novel V beta 2-specific endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus which is capable of producing a milk-borne exogenous virus.J Virol. 69: 7269-73,
- Hiramatsu Y, Kagami H, Kosaki K, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Kobayashi S, Sakanaka M.The localization of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) in rat submandibular glands. Nagoya J Med Sci. 57: 143-52, 1995
- Kagami H, Hayashi T, Shigetomi T, Ueda M.Assessment of the effects of aging and medication on salivary gland function in patients with xerostomia using 99mTC-scintigraphy.Nagoya J Med Sci. 58: 149-55, 1995
- Tohnai I, Hayashi Y, Yambe M, Mitsudo K, Mizutani H, Ueda M.The clinical and histopathological effects of combined chemotherapy using cisplatin and peplomycin to treat cancer of the tongue.Nagoya J Med Sci. 58: 171-7, 1995
- Mizutani H, Tohnai I, Yambe M, Ueda M.Leiomyosarcoma of the maxillary gingiva: a case report.Nagoya J Med Sci. 58: 165-70, 1995
- Mandana A, Ito M, Ohsuka S, Masuda K, Usami T, Ohta M, Ueda M.Clinical evaluation of a new dental unit designed to prevent internal contamination.有病者歯科医療 3: 33-38, 1995
- Horie K, Kagami H, Hiramatsu Y, Hata K, Shigetomi T, Ueda M.Selected salivary-gland cell culture and the effects of isoproterenol, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P.Arch Oral Biol.41: 243-52, 1996
- Mitsudo K, Sumi Y, Hattori H, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Benign mesenchymoma of the cheek -report of a case with review of the literature- Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 8: 101-4, 1996
- Nakamura Y, Sumi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M.A case of neurilemmoma on the hard palate.Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 8: 26-27, 1996
- Tohnai I, Hattori H, Hayashi Y, Tsurusako S, Niimi A, Ueda M.Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the mandible treated by thermo radiotherapy. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 8: 52-54, 1996
- Niimi A, Ueda M, Nagasaka T.Diffuse lobular oncocytic metaplasia of the submandibular gland: a new entity of tumor-like lesion. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 8: 30-32, 1996
- Hata K, Ueda M.Fabrication of cultured epithelium using oral mucosal cells and its clinical applications. Hum Cell. 9: 91-96, 1996
- Tohnai I, Ueda M, Kaneda T, Hashimoto K, Sioda S, Sakuda M, Takada K.Primary Clinical Effects of PP Therapy (Cisplatin and Peplomycin) and TPP Therapy (4ʼ-O-tetrahydro pyranyladriamycin, Cisplatin and Peplomycin) for Oral Cancer.Int J Clin Oncol. 1: 139-44, 1996
- Tohnai I, Goto Y, Hayashi Y, Ueda M, Kobayashi T, Matsui M.Preoperative thermochemotherapy of oral cancer using magnetic induction hyperthermia (Implant Heating System: IHS).Int J Hyperthermia. 12: 37-47, 1996
- Fujimoto T, Morishima T, Ueda M.Probable BCG osteomyelitis of the hard palate: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 25: 145-6, 1996
- Hibino Y, Hata K, Horie K, Torii S, Ueda M.Structural changes and cell viability of cultured epithelium after freezing storage. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 24: 346-51, 1996
- Sugimura Y, Hata K, Torii S, Ueda M.Transplantation of cultured mucosal epithelium: an experimental study. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 24: 352-9, 1996
- Kagami H, Horie K, Nishiguchi H, Shigetomi T, Ueda M.Effect of 'bakumondo-to', a Chinese-Japanese herbal medicine, on cultured and dispersed salivary gland cells.J Ethnopharmacol. 53: 89-95, 1996
- Sumi Y, Hattori H, Hayashi K, Ueda M.Ultrasonic root-end preparation: clinical and radiographic evaluation of results. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 54: 590-3, 1996
- Sawaki Y, Ohkubo H, Hibi H, Ueda M.Mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants and an intraoral device: a preliminary report.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 54: 594-600, 1996
- Sawai T, Niimi A, Takahashi H, Ueda M.Histologic study of the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on autogenous free bone grafts. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 54: 975-81, 1996
- Mizutani M, Hattori H, Yasue K, Senga K, Kawai M, Ueda M, Hoshino T.The hypertrophic chondrocytes of the bone morphogenetic protein induced cartilage. Jpn J Oral Biol. 38: 309-16, 1996
- Mizutani H, Mera K, Ueda M, Iwata H.A study of the bone morphogenetic protein derived from bovine demineralized dentin matrix. Nagoya J Med Sci. 59: 37-47, 1996
- Tohnai I, Hayashi Y, Mitsudo K, Kobayashi T, Matsui M, Ueda M.Thermochemotherapy for cancer of the tongue using magnetic induction hyperthermia (implant heating system: IHS).Nagoya J Med Sci. 59: 49-54, 1996
- Watanabe M, Kobayashi M, Fujita Y, Senga K, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Hoshino T.Association of type VI collagen with D-periodic collagen fibrils in developing tail tendons of mice. Arch Histol Cytol. 60: 427-34, 1997
- Tohnai I, Yamada T, Kaneko R, Mitsudo K, Niimi A, Yambe M, Hayashi Y, Ueda M.Correlation between prognosis and lymph node metastasis in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 9: 87-91, 1997
- Hayashi Y, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Murase Y, Yamada T.Effectiveness of hyperthermia for head and neck advanced malignant tumors. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 9: 858, 1997
- Kato T, Usami T, Noda Y, Hasegawa M, Ueda M, Nabeshima T.The effect of the loss of molar teeth on spatial memory and acetylcholine release from the parietal cortex in aged rats.Behav Brain Res. 83: 239-42, 1997
- Niimi A, Ozeki K, Ueda M, Nakayama B.A comparative study of removal torque of endosseous implants in the fibula, iliac crest and scapula of cadavers: preliminary report.Clin Oral Implants Res. 8: 286-9, 1997
- Yamada T, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Mouth guard for athletes during orthodontic treatment. Endod Dent Traumatol. 13: 40-41, 1997
- Fujimoto T, Niimi A, Ueda M.Implant-supported prostheses after maxillary cancer resection: preliminary report. Implant Dent. 6: 295-8, 1997
- Hibi H, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Three-dimensional model simulation in orthognathic surgery. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 12: 226-32, 1997
- Kaneko R, Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Ohtsuka K.Hsp40, a possible indicator for thermotolerance of murine tumour in vivo.Int J Hyperthermia. 13: 507-16, 1997
- Niimi A, Fujimoto T, Nosaka Y, Ueda M.A Japanese multicenter study of osseointegrated implants placed in irradiated tissues: a preliminary report.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 12: 259-64, 1997
- Hibi H, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Modified osteosynthesis for condylar neck fractures in atrophic mandibles. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 26: 348-50, 1997
- Mizutani H, Sawaki Y, Hagino H, Ueda M.A case of micrognathia treated by mandibular lengthening.International congress, Cranial and facial bone distraction processes. 201-6, 1997
- Ohkubo H, Ueda M.Experimental study of distraction osteogenesis in the maxillofacial region. J Craniofac Surg.8: 187-93, 1997
- Sawaki Y, Hagino H, Yamamoto H, Ueda M.Trifocal distraction osteogenesis for segmental mandibular defect: a technical innovation. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 25: 310-5, 1997
- Hibino Y, Hata K, Horie K, Torii S, Ueda M.Structural changes and cell viability of cultured epithelium after freezing storage. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 24: 346-51, 1997
- Tsai CY, Ueda M, Hata K, Horie K, Hibino Y, Sugimura Y, Toriyama K, Torii S.Clinical results of cultured epithelial cell grafting in the oral and maxillofacial region. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 25: 4-8, 1997
- Sumi Y, Hattori H, Hayashi K, Ueda M.Titanium-inlay--a new root-end filling material. J Endod. 23: 121-3, 1997
- Matsuyama M, Usami T, Masuda K, Niimi N, Ohta M, Ueda M. Prevention of infection in dental procedures.J Hosp Infect. 35: 17-25, 1997
- Hibi H, Ueda M.Occlusal restoration with surgical interventions-osteotomy, implant surgery, and tooth transplantation: a clinical report.J Prosthet Dent. 78: 236-40, 1997
- Yamada T, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Oral injury and the use of mouth guards. Soccer, rugby, basketball player in Japanese high school. Jpn J Phys Fitn Sports Med. 8: 259-64, 1997
- Nishiguchi H, Hayashi T, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Tomita T.Changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration produced by the alteration of intracellular pH in rat parotid acinar cells.Jpn J Physiol. 47: 41-49, 1997
- Tohnai I, Yambe M, W.Z.Su, Ueda M, Ohno Y.A case control study of oral cancer in Aichi, Japan -smoking and drinking habits as risk factors- Oral Oncol. 5: 72-75, 1997
- Tomaru Y, Nishiguchi H, Hayashi Y, Kaneko R, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Torii S.An evaluation of maxillofacial reconstruction cases after resection of oral cancer. Oral Oncol. 5: 205-208, 1997
- Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Kaneko R, Ueda M.Cervical lymph node metastasis of squamous cel carcinoma of oral cavity. Oral Oncol. 5: 290-293, 1997
- Nakai H, Niimi A, Ueda M.The influence of compressive loading on growth of cartilage of the mandibular condyle in vitro. Arch Oral Biol. 43: 505-15, 1998
- Yamada T, Sumi Y, Okazaki Y, Ueda M.A new intermaxillary fixation method using adhesive cast splints for avoiding skin puncture. Aust Dent J. 43: 167-9, 1998
- Yamada Y, Itano N, Zako M, Yoshida M, Lenas P, Niimi A, Ueda M, Kimata K. The gene structure and promoter sequence of mouse hyaluronan synthase 1. Biochem J. 330: 1223-7, 1998
- Sawai T, Niimi A, Johansson CB, Sennerby L, Ozeki K, Takahashi H, Albrektsson T, Ueda M.The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on bone tissue reactions to c.p. titanium implants placed in free autogenous bone grafts. A histomorphometric study in the rabbit mandible.Clin Oral Implants Res. 9: 384-97, 1998
- Yamada T, Sawaki Y, Tomida S, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Oral injury and mouthguard usage by athletes in Japan. Endod Dent Traumatol. 14: 84-7, 1998
- Shigetomi T, Asahina T, Kagami H, Hayashi Y, Mizutani H, Ueda M.Relationship between quantification of labial minor salivary gland secretion and histopathologic findings on labial glands in xerostomia. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 10: 25-27, 1998
- W. Z. Su, Ohno Y, Tohnai I, Tamakoshi A, Wakai K, Yambe M, Li ZL, D. R. Wang, S. F. Ge, Y. X. Wang, Ueda M.A case control study of oral cancer in Shenyang, Northeasetrn China. Int J Clin Oncol. 13: 13-18, 1998
- Fujimoto T, Niimi A, Sawai T, Ueda M.Effects of steroid-induced osteoporosis on osseointegration of titanium implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 13: 183-9, 1998
- Niimi A, Ueda M, Keller EE, Worthington P.Experience with osseointegrated implants placed in irradiated tissues in Japan and the United States. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 13: 407-11, 1998
- Nakai H, Niimi A, Fujimoto T, Ueda M.Prosthetic treatment using an osseointegrated implant after secondary bone grafting of a residual alveolar cleft: a case report.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 13: 412-5, 1998
- Oda T, Sawaki Y, Fukuta K, Ueda M.Segmental mandibular reconstruction by distraction osteogenesis under skin flaps. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 27: 9-13, 1998
- Endo Y, Mizutani H, Yasue K, Senga K, Ueda M.Influence of food consistency and dental extractions on the rat mandibular condyle: a morphological, histological and immunohistochemical study.J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 26: 185-90, 1998
- Fujimoto T, Niimi A, Murakami I, Ueda M.Use of new magnetic attachments for implant-supported overdentures. J Oral Implantol. 24: 147-51, 1998
- Yamada T, Hayashi Y, Kaneko R, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Ito M.Effect of the combination of a local OK-432 injection and hyperthermia on SCC VII tumors in mice. J Radiat Res. 39: 101-9, 1998
- Ueda M, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Hata K.Clinical results of cultured epithelial grafting deliverd by bio-skin bank system - the Nagoya experiences.Mater Sci Eng. 6: 211-9, 1998
- Tohnai I, Fuwa N, Hayashi Y, Kaneko R, Tomaru Y, Hibino Y, Ueda M.New superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal artery for cancer of the tongue and tumour tissue platinum concentration after carboplatin (CBDCA) infusion.Oral Oncol. 34: 387-90, 1998
- Ueda M, Hata KI, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Niimi A.Peri-implant soft tissue management through use of cultured mucosal epithelium. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.86: 393-400, 1998
- Yamada T, Sawaki Y, Tohnai I, Takeuchi M, Ueda M.A study of sports-related mandibular angle fracture: relation to the position of the third molars. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 8: 116-9, 1998
- Tsuzuki T, Ina K, Ohta M, Hasegawa T, Nagasaka T, Saburi N, Ueda M, Konagaya T, Kaneko H, Imada A, Nishiwaki T, Nobata K, Ando T, Kusugami K.Clarithromycin increases the release of heat shock protein B from Helicobacter pylori. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2: 217-28, 2002
- Boo JS, Hibino Y, Yamada Y, Okazaki Y, Honda M, Hata K, Yoshikawa T, Niimi A, Ueda M. Experimental study of tissue engineerd bone using biodegradable ceramic β-TCP as a scaffold. Dent Jpn. 38: 67-72, 2002
- Sumi Y, Muramatsu H, Takei Y, Hata K, Ueda M, Muramatsu T.Midkine, a heparin-binding growth factor, promotes growth and glycosaminoglycan synthesis of endothelial cells through its action on smooth muscle cells in an artificial blood vessel model.J Cell Sci. 115: 2659-67, 2002
- Boo JS, Yamada Y, Okazaki Y, Hibino Y, Okada K, Hata K, Yoshikawa T, Sugiura Y, Ueda M. Tissue-engineered bone using mesenchymal stem cells and a biodegradable scaffold.J Craniofac Surg. 13: 231-9, 2002
- Maeda H, Kasuga T, Nogami M, Hibino Y, Hata K, Ueda M, Ota Y.Biomimetic apatite formation on poly(lactic acid) composites containing calcium carbonates. J Mater Res. 17: 727-730, 2002
- Oda Y, Kagami H, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Asynchronously occurring bilateral mandibular hemorrhagic bone cysts in a patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 60: 95-99, 2002
- Kimura T, Yamano H, Tanaka A, Matsumura T, Ueda M, Ogawara K, Higaki K.Transport of D-glucose across cultured stratified cell layer of human oral mucosal cells. J Pharm Pharmacol. 54: 213-9, 2002
- Tsurusako S, Tanaka H, Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Ishizaki K.Low incidence of p53 mutations in well-differentiated tongue squamous cell carcinoma in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol. 32: 327-31, 2002
- Ueda M, Sumi Y, Hibino Y, Hata K. Transplantation of cultured epithelial cells. Methods Mol Biol. 188: 197-211, 2002
- Tohnai I, Hayashi Y, Mitsudo K, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Ishigaki T.Prognostic evaluation of preoperative thermochemoradiotherapy for N (3) cervical lymph node metastases of oral cancer.Oncology. 62: 234-40, 2002
- Okada K, Yamada Y, Kagami H, Ueda M, Hata K.Mechanical stress up-regulates on osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells in vitro. Tissue Eng Abs.8: 1157-1158, 2002
- Furuichi F, Yamada Y, Yamamoto M, Matsuyama T, Obata T, Kinji M, Nakamura T, Yoshimoto T, Hata K, Kagami H, Okazaki Y, Ito K, Izumi Y, Ueda M.Periodontal tissue regeneration using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with platelet rich plasma (PRP) and/or barrier membrane. a preliminary study in dogs.Tissue Eng Abs. 8: 1162-1163, 2002
- Honda M, Morikawa N, Hata K, Yada T, Morita S, Ueda M, Kimata K.Rat costochondral cell characteristics on poly (L-lactide-co-epsilon-caprolactone) scaffolds. Biomaterials. 24: 3511-19, 2003
- Kasuga T, Maeda H, Kato K, Nogami M, Hata K, Ueda M.Preparation of poly (lactic acid) composites containing calcium carbonate (vaterite). Biomaterials. 24: 3247-53, 2003
- Hamaguchi S, Tohnai I, Ito A, Mitsudo K, Shigetomi T, Ito M, Honda H, Kobayashi T, Ueda M.Selective hyperthermia using magnetoliposomes to target cervical lymph node metastasis in a rabbit tongue tumor model.Cancer Sci. 94: 834-9, 2003
- Ueda M.Maxillofacial bone regeneration using tissue engineering concepts. Dent Jpn. 39: 199-207, 2003
- Shinoda M, Honda T, Ozaki N, Hattori H, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Sugiura Y.Nerve terminals extend into the temporomandibular joint of adjuvant arthritic rats. Eur J Pain. 7: 493-505, 2003
- Nakai H, Okazaki Y, Ueda M.Clinical application of zygomatic implants for rehabilitation of the severely resorbed maxilla: a clinical report.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 18: 566-70, 2003
- Ozawa R, Yamada Y, Nagasaka T, Ueda M.A comparison of osteogenesis-related gene expression of mesenchymal stem cells during the osteoblastic differentiation induced Type-Ⅰ collagen and/or fibronectin.Int J Oral Med Sci. 1: 148-155, 2003
- Ito A, Takizawa Y, Masashige S, Honda H, Hata K, Ueda M, Kuno N, Itakura A, Kobayashi T.Proliferation and stratification of keratinocyte on cultured amniotic epithelial cells for tissue engineering. J Biosci Bioeng. 95: 589-93, 2003
- Yamada Y, Boo JS, Ozawa R, Nagasaka T, Okazaki Y, Hata K, Ueda M.Bone regeneration following injection of mesenchymal stem cells and fibrin glue with a biodegradable scaffold.J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 31: 27-33, 2003
- Sakai K, Sumi Y, Muramatsu H, Hata K, Muramatsu T, Ueda M.Thrombospondin-1 promotes fibroblast-mediated collagen gel contraction caused by activation of latent transforming growth factor beta-1.J Dermatol Sci. 31: 99-109, 2003
- Maeda H, Kasuga T, Nogami M, Hibino Y, Hata K, Ueda M, Ota Y.Preparation of bioactive polylactic acid composites containing calcium carbonates. Key Eng Mater. 240-242: 163-6, 2003
- Nishikawa M, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto N, Fukui T, Fukuhara H, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Cell death of human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line induced by herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene and ganciclovir. Nagoya J Med Sci. 66: 129-37, 2003
- Yamada Y, Itano N, Narimatsu H, Kudo T, Hirohashi S, Ochiai A, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Kimata K.CD44 variant exon 6 expressions in colon cancer assessed by quantitative analysis using real time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.Oncol Rep. 10: 1919-24, 2003
- Fukuhara H, Hayashi Y, Yamamoto N, Fukui T, Nishikawa M, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Improvement of transduction efficiency of recombinant adenovirus vector conjugated with cationic liposome for human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.Oral Oncol. 39: 601-9, 2003
- Ito A, Hibino E, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.A new methodology of mesenchymal stem cell expansion using magnetic nanoparticles. Biochem Eng J. 20: 119-125, 2004
- Yamada Y, Ueda M, Hibi H, Nagasaka T.Translational research for injectable tissue-engineered bone regeneration using mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma: from basic research to clinical case study.Cell Transplant. 13: 343-55, 2004
- Sugito T, Kagami H, Hata K, Nishiguchi H, Ueda M.Transplantation of cultured salivary gland cells into an atrophic salivary gland. Cell Transplant. 13: 691-9, 2004
- Yamada Y, Itano N, Narimatsu H, Kudo T, Morozumi K, Hirohashi S, Ochiai A, Ueda M, Kimata K.Elevated transcript level of hyaluronan synthase1 gene correlates with poor prognosis of human colon cancer.Clin Exp Metastasis. 21: 57-63, 2004
- Yamada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Nagasaka T.Tissue-engineered injectable bone regeneration for osseointegrated dental implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 15: 589-97, 2004
- Ryoyama D, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Experimental study of mechanical analysis in mandibular lengthening. Application of strain gauge measurement.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg.33: 294-300, 2004
- Takahashi M, Yamada Y, Ozawa R, Ohya M, Ito K, Ueda M.Expression of odontoblastic-related genes in human dental follicle cells, dental pulp stem cells, and oral mucosal cells.Int J Oral Med Sci. 3: 41-48, 2004
- Miyata Y, Okada K, Fujimoto A, Hata K, Kagami H, Tomita Y, Ueda M.The effect of the long-term cultivation on telomere length and morphology of cultured epidermis. J Dermatol Sci. 34: 221-30, 2004
- Yamada Y, Itano N, Hata K, Ueda M, Kimata K.Differential regulation by IL-1beta and EGF of expression of three different hyaluronan synthases in oral mucosal epithelial cells and fibroblasts and dermalfibroblasts: quantitative analysis using real-time RT- PCR.J Invest Dermatol.122: 631-9, 2004
- Oda Y, Kagami H, Ueda M.Accelerating effects of basic fibroblast growth factor on wound healing of rat palatal mucosa. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 62: 73-80, 2004
- Honda MJ, Yada T, Ueda M, Kimata K.Cartilage formation by serial passaged cultured chondrocytes in a new scaffold: hybrid 75:25 poly (L-lactide-epsilon-caprolactone) sponge.J Oral Maxillofac Surg.62: 1510-6, 2004
- Oda T, Suzuki H, Yokota M, Ueda M.Horizontal alveolar distraction of the narrow maxillary ridge for implant placement. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 62: 1530-4, 2004
- Maeda H, Kasuga T, Nogami M, Kagami H, Hata K-I, Ueda M. Preparation of bonelike apatite composite sponge.Key Eng Mater. 254: 497-500, 2004
- Hayashi M, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Hata K.An experimental study of novel bioartificial materials applied to glycotechnology for tissue engineering. Mater Sci Eng C.24: 447-455, 2004
- Mizuno H, Roy AK, Vacanti CA, Kojima K, Ueda M, Bonassar LJ.Tissue-engineered composites of anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus for intervertebral disc replacement.Spine. 29: 1290-7, 2004
- Ebisawa K, Hata K, Okada K, Kimata K, Ueda M, Torii S, Watanabe H.Ultrasound enhances transforming growth factor beta-mediated chondrocyte differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells.Tissue Eng.10: 921-9, 2004
- Narita Y, Hata K, Kagami H, Usui A, Ueda M, Ueda Y.Novel pulse duplicating bioreactor system for tissue-engineered vascular construct. Tissue Eng. 10: 1224-33, 2004
- Ito A, Takizawa Y, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Tissue engineering using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force: heterotypic layers of cocultured hepatocytes and endothelial cells.Tissue Eng. 10: 833-40, 2004
- Ito A, Hayashida M, Honda H, Hata K, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T.Construction and harvest of multilayered keratinocyte sheets using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng.10: 873-80, 2004
- Yamada Y, Ueda M, Naiki T, Takahashi M, Hata K, Nagasaka T.Autogenous injectable bone for regeneration with mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma: tissue-engineered bone regeneration.Tissue Eng. 10: 955-64, 2004
- Honda MJ, Sumita Y, Kagami H, Ueda M.Histological and immunohistochemical studies of tissue engineered odontogenesis. Arch Histol Cytol. 68: 89-101, 2005
- Ohya M, Yamada Y, Ozawa R, Ito K, Takahashi M, Ueda M.Sinus floor elevation applied tissue-engineered bone. Comparative study between mesenchymal stem cells/platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and autogenous bone with PRP complexes in rabbits.Clin Oral Implants Res. 16: 622-9, 2005
- Kito K, Kagami H, Kobayashi C, Ueda M, Terasaki H.Effects of cryopreservation on histology and viability of cultured corneal epithelial cell sheets in rabbit. Cornea. 24: 735-41, 2005
- Tatebe M, Nakamura R, Kagami H, Okada K, Ueda M.Differentiation of transplanted mesenchymal stem cells in a large osteochondral defect in rabbit. Cytotherapy. 7: 520-30, 2005
- Kobayashi C, Kagami H, Kito K, Ishikawa K, Ebisawa K, Ueda M, Terasaki H.Selective and efficient culturing of retinal pigment epithelial cells using a feeder layer. Cytotherapy. 7: 427-37, 2005
- Hamamura K, Tanahashi K, Furukawa K, Hattori T, Hattori H, Mizutani H, Ueda M, Urano T, Furukawa K. GM1 expression in H-ras-transformed NIH3T3 results in the suppression of cell proliferation inducing the partial transfer of activated H-ras from non-raft to raft fraction.Int J Oncol. 26: 897-904, 2005
- Ueda M, Yamada Y, Ozawa R, Okazaki Y.Clinical case reports of injectable tissue-engineered bone for alveolar augmentation with simultaneous implant placement.Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 25: 129-37, 2005
- Hibi H, Yamada Y, Ueda M, Schmelzeisen R.Tissue-engineered osteogenic material for dental implants: clinical results from Germany and Japan. Int Med J. 12: 243-5, 2005
- Ito K, Yamada Y, Nagasaka T, Baba S, Ueda M.Osteogenic potential of injectable tissue-engineered bone: a comparison among autogenous bone, bone substitute (Bio-Oss), platelet-rich plasma, and tissue-engineered bone with respect to their mechanical properties and histological findings.J Biomed Mater Res A. 73: 63-72, 2005
- Ito A, Hibino E, Shimizu K, Kobayashi T, Yamada Y, Hibi H, Ueda M, Honda H.Magnetic force-based mesenchymal stem cell expansion using antibody-conjugated magnetoliposomes. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 75: 320-7, 2005
- Sojo K, Sawaki Y, Hattori H, Mizutani H, Ueda M.Immunohistochemical study of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenetic protein-2, -4 (BMP-2, -4) on lengthened rat femurs.J Craniomaxillofac Surg.33: 238-45, 2005
- Hibi H, Ueda M.Body posture during sleep and disc displacement in the temporomandibular joint: a pilot study. J Oral Rehabil. 32: 85-9, 2005
- Seko K, Kagami H, Senga K, Ozeki K, Mizutani H, Ueda M.Effects of ovariectomy and estrogen replacement on rat oral mucosa. Maturitas. 50: 44-51, 2005
- Asai H, Ozaki N, Shinoda M, Nagamine K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Sugiura Y. Heat and mechanical hyperalgesia in mice model of cancer pain.Pain. 117: 19-29, 2005
- Hamamura K, Furukawa K, Hayashi T, Hattori T, Nakano J, Nakashima H, Okuda T, Mizutani H, Hattori H, Ueda M, Urano T, Lloyd KO, Furukawa K.Ganglioside GD3 promotes cell growth and invasion through p130Cas and paxillin in malignant melanoma cells.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 102: 11041-6, 2005
- Ito A, Ino K, Hayashida M, Kobayashi T, Matsunuma H, Kagami H, Ueda M, Honda H.Novel methodology for fabrication of tissue-engineered tubular constructs using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng. 11: 1553-61, 2005
- Ito A, Hibino E, Kobayashi C, Terasaki H, Kagami H, Ueda M, Kobayashi T, Honda H.Construction and delivery of tissue-engineered human retinal pigment epithelial cell sheets, using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.Tissue Eng. 11: 489-96, 2005
- Narita Y, Fukuhira Y, Kagami H, Kitazono E, Kaneko H, Sumi Y, Usui A, Ueda M, Ueda Y. Development of a novel temporary epicardial pacing wire with biodegradable film.Ann Thorac Surg. 82: 1489-93, 2006
- Honda MJ, Shimodaira T, Ogaeri T, Shinohara Y, Hata K, Ueda M.A novel culture system for porcine odontogenic epithelial cells using a feeder layer. Arch Oral Biol. 51: 282-90, 2006
- Murase Y, Narita Y, Kagami H, Miyamoto K, Ueda Y, Ueda M, Murohara T.Evaluation of compliance and stiffness of decellularized tissues as scaffolds for tissue-engineered small caliber vascular grafts using intravascular ultrasound.ASAIO J. 52: 450-5, 2006
- Yamada Y, Fujimoto A, Ito A, Yoshimi R, Ueda M.Cluster analysis and gene expression profiles: a cDNA microarray system-based comparison between human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) for tissue engineering cell therapy.Biomaterials. 27: 3766-81, 2006
- Sumita Y, Honda MJ, Ohara T, Tsuchiya S, Sagara H, Kagami H, Ueda M. Performance of collagen sponge as a 3-D scaffold for tooth-tissue engineering. Biomaterials. 27: 3238-48, 2006
- Mizuno H, Roy AK, Zaporojan V, Vacanti CA, Ueda M, Bonassar LJ.Biomechanical and biochemical characterization of composite tissue-engineered intervertebral discs. Biomaterials.27: 362-70, 2006
- Honda MJ, Shinohara Y, Sumita Y, Tonomura A, Kagami H, Ueda M. Shear stress facilitates tissue-engineered odontogenesis.Bone. 39: 125-33, 2006
- Hibi H, Ueda M.New internal transport distraction device for reconstructing segmental defects of the mandible. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 44: 382-5, 2006
- Ito K, Yamada Y, Naiki T, Ueda M.Simultaneous implant placement and bone regeneration around dental implants using tissue-engineered bone with fibrin glue, mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma.Clin Oral Implants Res.17: 579-86, 2006
- Mase J, Mizuno H, Okada K, Sakai K, Mizuno D, Usami K, Kagami H, Ueda M.Cryopreservation of cultured periosteum: effect of different cryoprotectants and pre-incubation protocols on cell viability and osteogenic potential.Cryobiology. 52: 182-92, 2006
- Ohya M, Yamada Y, Wada K, Watanabe K, Ozawa R, Hibi H, Ueda M.Bone regeneration method using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) complexes for sinus floor elevation in rabbits.Dent Jpn.42: 61-4, 2006
- Iwatsuki S, Honda MJ, Harada H, Ueda M.Cell proliferation in teeth reconstructed from dispersed cells of embryonic tooth germs in a three- dimensional scaffold.Eur J Oral Sci. 114: 310-7, 2006
- Watanabe K, Hayashi Y, Yambe M, Toh T, Ueda M.Mandibular malignant schwannoma with thoratic malignant melanoma, a case report. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 18:,2006
- Hibi H, Yamada Y, Kagami H, Ueda M.Distraction osteogenesis assisted by tissue engineering in an irradiated mandible: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 21: 141-7, 2006
- Hibi H, Yamada Y, Ueda M, Endo Y.Alveolar cleft osteoplasty using tissue-engineered osteogenic material. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 35: 551-5, 2006
- Yamada Y, Ueda M, Hibi H, Baba S.A novel approach to periodontal tissue regeneration with mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma using tissue engineering technology: A clinical case report.Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 26: 363-9, 2006
- Ozeki M, Narita Y, Kagami H, Ohmiya N, Itoh A, Hirooka Y, Niwa Y, Ueda M, Goto H. Evaluation of decellularized esophagus as a scaffold for cultured esophageal epithelial cells. J Biomed Mater Res A. 79: 771-8, 2006
- Okamoto H, Kagami H, Okada K, Ito Y, Sekiya I, Waguri-Nagaya Y, Ogikubo O, Ueda M, Otsuka T. Fate of transplanted nail matrical cells and potential of hard keratin production in vivo.J Dermatol Sci. 44: 175-8, 2006
- Murata M, Momose M, Okuda K, Ninagawa Y, Ueda M, Hiromasa Y.Immunohistochemical localization of cytokeratin 19, involucrin and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in cultured human gingival epithelial sheets.J Int Acad Periodontol. 8: 33-8, 2006
- Hibi H, Ueda M, Sakai M, Ikemori Y.Orthodontic anchorage system using a locking plate and self-drilling screws. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 64: 1173-5, 2006
- Honda MJ, Ohara T, Sumita Y, Ogaeri T, Kagami H, Ueda M.Preliminary study of tissue-engineered odontogenesis in the canine jaw. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 64: 283-9, 2006
- Sugimura T, Kumimoto H, Tohnai I, Fukui T, Matsuo K, Tsurusako S, Mitsudo K, Ueda M, Tajima K, Ishizaki K. Gene-environment interaction involved in oral carcinogenesis: molecular epidemiological study for metabolic and DNA repair gene polymorphisms.J Oral Pathol Med. 35: 11-8, 2006
- Nagamine K, Ozaki N, Shinoda M, Asai H, Nishiguchi H, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Sugiura Y. Mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia induced by experimental squamous cell carcinoma of the lower gingiva in rats.J Pain. 7: 659-70, 2006
- Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Fujimoto Y, Sawaki Y, Sugimura T, Nishiguchi H, Fukui T, Yamamoto N, Ueda M.Leiomyosarcoma of the maxilla: Effective chemotherapy with docetaxel (DOC) and cisplatin (CDDP) using superselective intra-arterial infusion via superficial temporal artery.Oral Oncol Extra. 42: 258-262, 2006
- Mizuno H, Hata K, Kojima K, Bonassar LJ, Vacanti CA, Ueda M.A novel approach to regenerating periodontal tissue by grafting autologous cultured periosteum. Tissue Eng. 12: 1227-335, 2006
- Matsunuma H, Kagami H, Narita Y, Hata K, Ono Y, Ohshima S, Ueda M.Constructing a tissue-engineered ureter using a decellularized matrix with cultured uroepithelial cells and bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells.Tissue Eng.12: 509-18, 2006
- Ebisawa K, Kato R, Sugimura T, Akimichi H, Katada T, Narita Y, Kagami H, Ueda M. The expression profile of anti-aging related genes in dermal and gingival fibroblasts. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 51: 409, 2007
- Iejima D, Sumita Y, Kagami H, Ando Y, Ueda M.Odontoblast marker gene expression is enhanced by a CC-chemokine family protein MIP-3alpha in human mesenchymal stem cells.Arch Oral Biol. 52: 924-31, 2007
- Honda MJ, Tsuchiya S, Sumita Y, Sagara H, Ueda M.The sequential seeding of epithelial and mesenchymal cells for tissue-engineered tooth regeneration. Biomaterials. 28: 680-9, 2007
- Nakashima H, Hamamura K, Houjou T, Taguchi R, Yamamoto N, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Urano T, Furukawa K, Furukawa K.Overexpression of caveolin-1 in a human melanoma cell line results in dispersion of ganglioside GD3 from lipid rafts and alteration of leading edges, leading to attenuation of malignant properties.Cancer Sci. 98: 512-20, 2007
- Honda MJ, Shinohara Y, Hata KI, Ueda M.Subcultured odontogenic epithelial cells in combination with dental mesenchymal cells produce enamel- dentin-like complex structures.Cell Transplant. 16: 833-47, 2007
- Tonomura A, Sumita Y, Ando Y, Iejima D, Kagami H, Honda MJ, Ueda M.Differential inducibility of human and porcine dental pulp-derived cells into odontoblasts. Connect Tissue Res. 48: 229-38, 2007
- Honda MJ, Nakashima F, Satomura K, Shinohara Y, Tsuchiya S, Watanabe N, Ueda M. Side population cells expressing ABCG2 in human adult dental pulp tissue.Int Endod J. 40: 949-58, 2007
- Shimizu K, Ito A, Yoshida T, Yamada Y, Ueda M, Honda H.Bone tissue engineering with human mesenchymal stem cell sheets constructed using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force.J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 82: 471-80, 2007
- Shimizu K, Ito A, Arinobe M, Murase Y, Iwata Y, Narita Y, Kagami H, Ueda M, Honda H.Effective cell-seeding technique using magnetite nanoparticles and magnetic force onto decellularized blood vessels for vascular tissue engineering.J Biosci Bioeng. 103: 472-8, 2007
- Agata H, Asahina I, Yamazaki Y, Uchida M, Shinohara Y, Honda MJ, Kagami H, Ueda M. Effective bone engineering with periosteum-derived cells.J Dent Res. 86: 79-83, 2007
- Ohno K, Hattori T, Kagami H, Ueda M.Effects of preceding sialadenitis on the development of autoimmunity against salivary gland. Oral Dis. 13: 158-62, 2007
- Ueda M.The use of fibroblasts.The Biochemist 29: 11-15, 2007
- Honda M, Ueda M.Growth your own teeth.The Biochemist 29: 16-19, 2007
- Ohya M, Fujimoto T, Ito Y, Watabe M, Yamamoto N, Ueda M. Tibial Bone Fracture after Bone Harvesting from the Tibia. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 20: 106-9, 2008
- Hibi H, Ueda M, Torii S.Titanium implant in a vascularised scapular bone graft after a 6-year loading period. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 20: 148-151, 2008
- Hamamura K, Tsuji M, Ohkawa Y, Nakashima H, Miyazaki S, Urano T, Yamamoto N, Ueda M, Furukawa K, Furukawa K.Focal adhesion kinase as well as p130Cas and paxillin is crucially involved in the enhanced malignant properties under expression of ganglioside GD3 in melanoma cells.Biochim Biophys Acta. 1780: 513-9, 2008
- Nakamura S, Yamada Y, Baba S, Kato H, Kagami H, Takao M, Matsumoto N, Ueda M.Culture medium study of human mesenchymal stem cells for practical use of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.Biomed Mater Eng. 18: 129-36, 2008
- Hagiwara S, Murakumo Y, Sato T, Shigetomi T, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Takahashi M.Up-regulation of CD109 expression is associated with carcinogenesis of the squamous epithelium of the oral cavity.Cancer Sci. 99: 1916-23, 2008
- Furue H, Matsuo K, Kumimoto H, Hiraki A, Suzuki T, Yatabe Y, Komori K, Kanemitsu Y, Hirai T, Kato T, Ueda M, Ishizaki K, Tajima K.Decreased risk of colorectal cancer with the high natural killer cell activity NKG2D genotype in Japanese.Carcinogenesis. 29: 316-20, 2008
- Tsuchiya S, Honda MJ, Shinohara Y, Saito M, Ueda M.Collagen type I matrix affects molecular and cellular behavior of purified porcine dental follicle cells. Cell Tissue Res. 331: 447-59, 2008
- Narita Y, Yamawaki A, Kagami H, Ueda M, Ueda Y.Effects of transforming growth factor-beta 1 and ascorbic acid on differentiation of human bone- marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells into smooth muscle cell lineage.Cell Tissue Res. 333: 449-59, 2008
- Mizuno D, Kagami H, Mizuno H, Mase J, Usami K, Ueda M.Bone regeneration of dental implant dehiscence defects using a cultured periosteum membrane. Clin Oral Implants Res. 19: 289-94, 2008
- Uejima S, Okada K, Kagami H, Taguchi A, Ueda M.Bone marrow stromal cell therapy improves femoral bone mineral density and mechanical strength in ovariectomized rats.Cytotherapy. 10: 479-89, 2008
- Ueda M, Yamada Y, Kagami H, Hibi H.Injectable bone applied for ridge augmentation and dental implant placement: human progress study. Implant Dent. 17: 82-90, 2008
- Furue H, Kumimoto H, Matsuo K, Suzuki T, Hasegawa Y, Shinoda M, Sugimura T, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Tajima K, Ishizaki K.Opposite impact of NKG2D genotype by lifestyle exposure to risk of aerodigestive tract cancer among Japanese.Int J Cancer. 123: 181-6, 2008
- Sugie Y, Hattori H, Hamamura K, Shinoda M, Mizutani H, Ueda M.Sonic hedgehog cDNA-plasmid vector transduction by microbubble-enhanced sonoporation for ectopic bone formation.Int J Oral Med Sci. 7: 77-86, 2008
- Narita Y, Kagami H, Matsunuma H, Murase Y, Ueda M, Ueda Y. Decellularized ureter for tissue-engineered small-caliber vascular graft. J Artif Organs. 11: 91-9, 2008
- Kinoshita K, Hibi H, Yamada Y, Ueda M.Promoted new bone formation in maxillary distraction osteogenesis using a tissue-engineered osteogenic material.J Craniofac Surg. 19: 80-7, 2008
- Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Kohgo T, Hibi H, Nagasaka T, Ueda M.Injectable tissue-engineered bone using autogenous bone marrow-derived stromal cells for maxillary sinus augmentation: clinical application report from a 2-6-year follow-up.Tissue Eng Part A. 14: 1699-707, 2008
- Yokokoji M, Fujimoto T, Ohya M, Ueda M.Dental implants for an elderly patient with rheumatoid arthritis taking long-term steroids. Asian J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 21: 123-6, 2009
- Okabe K, Yamada Y, Ito K, Kohgo T, Yoshimi R, Ueda M.Injectable soft-tissue augmentation by tissue engineering and regenerative medicine with human mesenchymal stromal cells, platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid scaffolds.Cytotherapy. 11: 307-16, 2009
- Tadauchi A, Narita Y, Kagami H, Niwa Y, Ueda M, Goto H.Novel cell-based therapeutic strategy for ischemic colitis with use of bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells in rats.Dis Colon Rectum. 52: 1443-51, 2009
- Usami K, Mizuno H, Okada K, Narita Y, Aoki M, Kondo T, Mizuno D, Mase J, Nishiguchi H, Kagami H, Ueda M.Composite implantation of mesenchymal stem cells with endothelial progenitor cells enhances tissue- engineered bone formation.J Biomed Mater Res A.90: 730-41, 2009
- Yoshimi R, Yamada Y, Ito K, Nakamura S, Abe A, Nagasaka T, Okabe K, Kohgo T, Baba S, Ueda M.Self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffolds, platelet-rich plasma, and mesenchymal stem cells for injectable bone regeneration with tissue engineering.J Craniofac Surg. 20: 1523-30, 2009
- Nakamura S, Yamada Y, Katagiri W, Sugito T, Ito K, Ueda M.Stem cell proliferation pathways comparison between human exfoliated deciduous teeth and dental pulp stem cells by gene expression profile from promising dental pulp.J Endod. 35: 1536-42, 2009
- Okuda K, Yamamiya K, Kawase T, Mizuno H, Ueda M, Yoshie H.Treatment of human infrabony periodontal defects by grafting human cultured periosteum sheets combined with platelet-rich plasma and porous hydroxyapatite granules: case series.J Int Acad Periodontol. 11: 206-13, 2009
- Oda T, Kinoshita K, Ueda M.Effects of cortical bone perforation on periosteal distraction: an experimental study in the rabbit mandible.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 67: 1478-85, 2009
- Ando Y, Honda MJ, Ohshima H, Tonomura A, Ohara T, Itaya T, Kagami H, Ueda M.The induction of dentin bridge-like structures by constructs of subcultured dental pulp-derived cells and porous HA/TCP in porcine teeth.Nagoya J Med Sci. 71: 51-62, 2009
- Mizuno D, Agata H, Furue H, Kimura A, Narita Y, Watanabe N, Ishii Y, Ueda M, Tojo A, Kagami H.Limited but heterogeneous osteogenic response of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to bone morphogenetic protein-2 and serum.Growth Factors. 28: 34-43, 2010
- Sumita Y, Honda MJ, Ueda M, Asahina I, Kagami H.Differential effects of growth differentiation factor-5 on porcine dental papilla- and follicle-derived cells.Growth Factors. 28: 56-65, 2010
- Mizutani T, Tadauchi A, Arinobe M, Narita Y, Kato R, Niwa Y, Ohmiya N, Itoh A, Hirooka Y, Honda H, Ueda M, Goto H.Novel strategy for prevention of esophageal stricture after endoscopic surgery. Hepatogastroenterology. 57: 1150-6, 2010
- Watanabe K, Yambe M, Toh T, Hayashi Y, Ueda M.A case of malignant histiocytoma of the maxilla reduced by ligation. Hosp Dent Oral Maxillofac Surg. 22: 199-201, 2010
- Ueda M, Nishino Y.Cell-based cytokine therapy for skin rejuvenation. J Craniofac Surg. 21: 1861-6, 2010
- Hibi H, Sakai K, Oda T, Hattori H, Ueda M, Sakai M.Stability of a locking plate and self-drilling screws as orthodontic skeletal anchorage in the maxilla: a retrospective study.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 68: 1783-7, 2010
- Mizuno H, Kagami H, Mase J, Mizuno D, Ueda M.Efficacy of membranous cultured periosteum for the treatment of patients with severe periodontitis: a proof-of-concept study.Nagoya J Med Sci.72: 59-70, 2010
- Katagiri W, Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Hara K, Hibi H, Ueda M.Regulation of the wnt signaling pathways during cell culture of human mesenchymal stem cells for efficient bone regeneration.Oral Sci Int.7: 37-46, 2010
- Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Sugito T, Yoshimi R, Nagasaka T, Ueda M.A feasibility of useful cell-based therapy by bone regeneration with deciduous tooth stem cells, dental pulp stem cells, or bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for clinical study using tissue engineering technology.Tissue Eng Part A. 16: 1891-900, 2010
- Wadagaki R, Mizuno D, Yamawaki-Ogata A, Satake M, Kaneko H, Hagiwara S, Yamamoto N, Narita Y, Hibi H, Ueda M.Osteogenic induction of bone marrow-derived stromal cells on simvastatin-releasing, biodegradable, nano- to microscale fiber scaffolds.Ann Biomed Eng. 39: 1872-81, 2011
- Fujio M, Yamamoto A, Ando Y, Shohara R, Kinoshita K, Kaneko T, Hibi H, Ueda M.Stromal cell-derived factor-1 enhances distraction osteogenesis-mediated skeletal tissue regeneration through the recruitment of endothelial precursors.Bone. 49: 693-700, 2011
- Nishino Y, Yamada Y, Ebisawa K, Nakamura S, Okabe K, Umemura E, Hara K, Ueda M.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) enhance wound healing and the possibility of novel cell therapy.Cytotherapy. 13: 598-605, 2011
- Sato F, Oze I, Kawakita D, Yamamoto N, Ito H, Hosono S, Suzuki T, Kawase T, Furue H, Watanabe M, Hatooka S, Yatabe Y, Hasegawa Y, Shinoda M, Ueda M, Tajima K, Tanaka H, Matsuo K.Inverse association between toothbrushing and upper aerodigestive tract cancer risk in a Japanese population.Head Neck. 33: 1628-37, 2011
- Okamoto Y, Tateishi H, Kinoshita K, Tsuchiya S, Hibi H, Ueda M.An experimental study of bone healing around the titanium screw implants in ovariectomized rats: enhancement of bone healing by bone marrow stromal cells transplantation.Implant Dent. 20: 236-45, 2011
- Kohgo T, Yamada Y, Ito K, Yajima A, Yoshimi R, Okabe K, Baba S, Ueda M.Bone regeneration with self-assembling peptide nanofiber scaffolds in tissue engineering for osseointegration of dental implants.Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 31: e9-16, 2011
- Hamamura K, Tsuji M, Hotta H, Ohkawa Y, Takahashi M, Shibuya H, Nakashima H, Yamauchi Y, Hashimoto N, Hattori H, Ueda M, Furukawa K.Functional activation of Src family kinase yes protein is essential for the enhanced malignant properties of human melanoma cells expressing ganglioside GD3.J Biol Chem. 286: 18526-37, 2011
- Nishino Y, Ebisawa K, Yamada Y, Okabe K, Kamei Y, Ueda M.Human deciduous teeth dental pulp cells with basic fibroblast growth factor enhance wound healing of skin defect.J Craniofac Surg.22: 438-42, 2011
- Hara K, Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Umemura E, Ito K, Ueda M.Potential characteristics of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth compared with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for mineralized tissue-forming cell biology.J Endod. 37: 1647-52, 2011
- Hibi H, Ueda M.Supraperiosteal transport distraction osteogenesis for reconstructing a segmental defect of the mandible. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 69: 742-6, 2011
- Matsumoto K, Yamamoto N, Hagiwara S, Saito M, Furue H, Shigetomi T, Narita Y, Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Kobayashi T, Ueda M.Optimization of hyperthermia and dendritic cell immunotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Rep. 25: 1525-32, 2011
- Sugiyama M, Iohara K, Wakita H, Hattori H, Ueda M, Matsushita K, Nakashima M.Dental pulp-derived CD31-/CD146- side population stem/progenitor cells enhance recovery of focal cerebral ischemia in rats.Tissue Eng Part A. 17: 1303-11, 2011
- Umemura E, Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ito K, Hara K, Ueda M.Viable cryopreserving tissue-engineered cell-biomaterial for cell banking therapy in an effective cryoprotectant.Tissue Eng Part C Methods. 17: 799-807, 2011
- Shibuya H, Hamamura K, Hotta H, Matsumoto Y, Nishida Y, Hattori H, Furukawa K, Ueda M, Furukawa K. Enhancement of malignant properties of human osteosarcoma cells with disialyl gangliosides GD2/GD3. Cancer Sci. 103: 1656-64, 2012
- Shohara R, Yamamoto A, Takikawa S, Iwase A, Hibi H, Kikkawa F, Ueda M.Mesenchymal stromal cells of human umbilical cord Wharton's jelly accelerate wound healing by paracrine mechanisms.Cytotherapy. 14: 1171-81, 2012
- Hotta H, Hamamura K, Yamashita K, Shibuya H, Tokuda N, Hashimoto N, Furukawa K, Yamamoto N, Hattori H, Toyokuni S, Ueda M, Furukawa K.Lewis y antigen is expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and tissues, but disappears in the invasive regions leading to the enhanced malignant properties irrespective of sialyl-Lewis x.Glycoconj J. 30: 585-97, 2012
- Sakai K, Yamamoto A, Matsubara K, Nakamura S, Naruse M, Yamagata M, Sakamoto K, Tauchi R, Wakao N,Imagama S, Hibi H, Kadomatsu K, Ishiguro N, Ueda M.Human dental pulp-derived stem cells promote locomotor recovery after complete transection of the rat spinal cord by multiple neuro-regenerative mechanisms. J Clin Invest. 122: 80-90, 2012
- Hibi H, Ueda M.Interfaces of titanium implants and a vascularized osteocutaneous scapular graft revised with distraction osteogenesis.J Craniofac Surg. 23: 1549-50, 2012
- Osugi M, Katagiri W, Yoshimi R, Inukai T, Hibi H, Ueda M.Conditioned media from mesenchymal stem cells enhanced bone regeneration in rat calvarial bone defects.Tissue Eng Part A. 35: 1102-10, 2012
- Inoue T, Sugiyama M, Hattori H, Wakita H, Wakabayashi T, Ueda M.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous tooth-derived conditioned medium enhance recovery of focal cerebral ischemia in rats.Tissue Eng Part A. 19: 24-29, 2012
- Inukai T, Katagiri W, Yoshimi R, Osugi M, Kawai T, Hibi H, Ueda M.Novel application of stem cell-derived factors for periodontal regeneration. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 430: 763-8, 2013
- Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ueda M, Ito K.Osteotome technique with injectable tissue-engineered bone and simultaneous implant placement by cell therapy.Clin Oral Implants Res. 24: 468-74, 2013
- Katagiri W, Osugi M, Kawai T, Ueda M.Novel cell-free regeneration of bone using stem cell-derived growth factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: 1009-16, 2013
- Tamari M, Nishino Y, Yamamoto N, Ueda M.Acceleration of wound healing with stem cell-derived growth factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: e369-75, 2013
- Tsuchiya S, Hara K, Ikeno M, Okamoto Y, Hibi H, Ueda M.Rat bone marrow stromal cell-conditioned medium promotes early osseointegration of titanium implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: 1360-9, 2013
- Ikeno M, Hibi H, Kinoshita K, Hattori H, Ueda M.Effects of the permeability of shields with autologous bone grafts on bone augmentation. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: e386-92, 2013
- Ikeno M, Hibi H, Kinoshita K, Hattori H, Ueda M.Effects of self-assembling peptide hydrogel scaffold on bone regeneration with recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: e283-9, 2013
- Tateishi H, Okamoto Y, Kinoshita K, Hibi H, Ueda M.Effects of implant surface on bone healing around titanium screw implants in ovariectomized rats.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 28: e252-9, 2013
- Nishiguchi H, Mitsudo K, Yamamoto N, Tohnai I.Thermochemoradiotherapy using superselective intra-arterial infusionfor N3 cervical lymph node metastases of tongue cancer.J Cancer Res Ther. 9: 718-20, 2013
- Yamada Y, Nakamura S, Ueda M, Ito K.Papilla regeneration by injectable stem cell therapy with regenerative medicine: long-term clinical prognosis.J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 27: 10.1002/term.1737., 2013
- Yamagata M, Yamamoto A, Kako E, Kaneko N, Matsubara K, Sakai K, Sawamoto K, Ueda M.Human dental pulp-derived stem cells protect against hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in neonatal mice. Stroke. 44: 551-4, 2013
- Sugiyama M, Hattori H, Inoue T, Wakita H, Hibi H, Ueda M.Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth enhance recovery from focal cerebral ischemia in rats. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol. 24: 10.1016/j.ajoms.2013.04.014, 2013
- Hagiwara S, Yamamoto N, Furue H, Sakakura H, Shigetomi T, Murakumo Y, Hibi H, Takahashi H, Ueda M.Pathological analysis of Ki-67 and CD109 expression in tongue squamous cell carcinoma.J Oral Maxillofac Surg Med Pathol. 25: 276–281, 2013
- Ando Y, Matsubara K, Ishikawa J, Fujio M, Shohara R, Hibi H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Stem cell-conditioned medium accelerates distraction osteogenesis through multiple regenerative mechanisms.Bone. 61: 82-90, 2014
- Ueda M.A novel approach for skin rejuvenation by regenerative medicine: delivery of stem cell-derived growth factors through an iontophoretic system.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 29: e59-65, 2014
- Yamamoto A, Sakai K, Matsubara K, Kano F, Ueda M.Multifaceted neuro-regenerative activities of human dental pulp stem cells for functional recovery after spinal cord injury.Neurosci Res. 78: 16-20, 2014
- Sakakura H, Murakumo Y, Mii S, Hagiwara S, Kato T, Asai M, Hoshino A, Yamamoto N, Sobue S, Ichihara M, Ueda M, Takahashi M.Detection of a soluble form of CD109 in serum of CD109 transgenic and tumor xenografted mice. PLoS One. 9: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083385, 2014
- Al-Sharabi N, Xue Y, Fujio M, Ueda M, Gjerde C, Mustafa K, Fristad I.Bone marrow stromal cell paracrine factors direct osteo/odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp cells.Tissue Eng Part A. 20(21-22): 3063-72, 2014
- Hironaka K, Ozaki N, Hattori H, Nagamine K, Nakashima H, Ueda M, Sugiura Y.Involvement of glial activation in trigeminal ganglion in a rat model of lower gingival cancer pain.Nagoya J Med Sci. 76(3-4):323-32, 2014
- Kawai T, Katagiri W, Osugi M, Sugimura Y, Hibi H, Ueda M.Secretomes from bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells enhance periodontal tissue regeneration.Cytotherapy. 17(4): 369-81, 2015
- Ogata K, Katagiri W, Osugi M, Kawai T, Sugimura Y, Hibi H, Nakamura S, Ueda M.Evaluation of the therapeutic effects of conditioned media from mesenchymal stem cells in a rat bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw-like model.Bone. 74: 95-105, 2015
- Matsubara K, Matsushita Y, Sakai K, Kano F, Kondo M, Noda M, Hashimoto N, Imagama S, Ishiguro N, Suzumura A, Ueda M, Furukawa K, Yamamoto A.Secreted ectodomain of sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin-9 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 promote recovery after rat spinal cord injury by altering macrophage polarity.J Neurosci. 35(6):2452-64, 2015
- Fujii H, Matsubara K, Sakai K, Ito M, Ohno K, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Dopaminergic differentiation of stem cells from human deciduous teeth and their therapeutic benefits for Parkinsonian rats.Brain Res. 1613:59-72, 2015
- Wakayama H, Hashimoto N, Matsushita Y, Matsubara K, Yamamoto N, Hasegawa Y, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Factors secreted from dental pulp stem cells show multifaceted benefits for treating acute lung injury in mice.Cytotherapy. 17(8):1119-29, 2015
- Ichimura N, Shinjo K, An B, Shimizu Y, Yamao K, Ohka F, Katsushima K, Hatanaka A, Tojo M, Yamamoto E, Suzuki H, Ueda M, Kondo Y.Aberrant TET1 Methylation Closely Associated with CpG Island Methylator Phenotype in Colorectal Cancer.Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 8(8):702-11, 2015
- Omori M, Tsuchiya S, Hara K, Kuroda K, Hibi H, Okido M, Ueda M.A new application of cell-free bone regeneration: immobilizing stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth-conditioned medium onto titanium implants using atmospheric pressure plasma treatment.Stem Cell Res Ther. 6:124, 2015
- Mita T, Furukawa-Hibi Y, Takeuchi H, Hattori H, Yamada K, Hibi H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Conditioned medium from the stem cells of human dental pulp improves cognitive function in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.Behav Brain Res. 293:189-97, 2015
- Tsuchiya S, Ohmori M, Hara K, Fujio M, Ikeno M, Hibi H, Ueda M.An Experimental Study on Guided Bone Regeneration Using a Polylactide-co-glycolide Membrane-Immobilized Conditioned Medium.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 30(5):1175-86, 2015
- Izumoto-Akita T, Tsunekawa S, Yamamoto A, Uenishi E, Ishikawa K, Ogata H, Iida A, Ikeniwa M, Hosokawa K, Niwa Y, Maekawa R, Yamauchi Y, Seino Y, Hamada Y, Hibi H, Arima H, Ueda M, Oiso Y.Secreted factors from dental pulp stem cells improve glucose intolerance in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice by increasing pancreatic β-cell function.BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 3(1):e000128, 2015
- Hattori Y, Kim H, Tsuboi N, Yamamoto A, Akiyama S, Shi Y, Katsuno T, Kosugi T, Ueda M, Matsuo S, Maruyama S.Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth in Models of Acute Kidney Injury.PLoS One. 10(10):e0140121, 2015
- Yamaguchi S, Shibata R, Yamamoto N, Nishikawa M, Hibi H, Tanigawa T, Ueda M, Murohara T, Yamamoto A.Dental pulp-derived stem cell conditioned medium reduces cardiac injury following ischemia-reperfusion.Sci Rep. 5:16295, 2015
- Hattori Y, Kim H, Tsuboi N, Yamamoto A, Akiyama S, Shi Y, Katsuno T, Kosugi T, Ueda M, Matsuo S, Maruyama S.Correction: Therapeutic Potential of Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth in Models of Acute Kidney Injury.PLoS One. 10(11):e0143561, 2015
- Ishikawa J, Takahashi N, Matsumoto T, Yoshioka Y, Yamamoto N, Nishikawa M, Hibi H, Ishigro N, Ueda M, Furukawa K, Yamamoto A.Factors secreted from dental pulp stem cells show multifaceted benefits for treating experimental rheumatoid arthritis.Bone. 83:210-219, 2016
- Shimojima C, Takeuchi H, Jin S, Parajuli B, Hattori H, Suzumura A, Hibi H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Conditioned Medium from the Stem Cells of Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Ameliorates Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis.J Immunol. 196(10):4164-71, 2016
- Hirata M, Ishigami M, Matsushita Y, Ito T, Hattori H, Hibi H, Goto H, Ueda M, Yamamoto A.Multifaceted Therapeutic Benefits of Factors Derived From Dental Pulp Stem Cells for Mouse Liver Fibrosis.Stem Cells Transl Med.5(10):1416-1424, 2016
- Hishida S, Ozaki N, Honda T, Shigetomi T, Ueda M, Hibi H, Sugiura Y.Atrophy of submandibular gland by the duct ligation and a blockade of SP receptor in rats.Nagoya J Med Sci.78(2):215-27, 2016
- Fujio M, Xing Z, Sharabi N, Xue Y, Yamamoto A, Hibi H, Ueda M, Fristad I, Mustafa K.Conditioned media from hypoxic-cultured human dental pulp cells promotes bone healing during distraction osteogenesis.J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 11(7):2116-2126, 2017
- Al-Sharabi N, Mustafa M, Ueda M, Xue Y, Mustafa K, Fristad I.Conditioned medium from human bone marrow stromal cells attenuates initial inflammatory reactions in dental pulp tissue.Dent Traumatol. 33(1):19-26, 2017
- Kano F, Matsubara K, Ueda M, Hibi H, Yamamoto A.Secreted Ectodomain of Sialic Acid-Binding Ig-Like Lectin-9 and Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Synergistically Regenerate Transected Rat Peripheral Nerves by Altering Macrophage Polarity.Stem Cells. 35(3):641-653, 2017
- Ito T, Ishigami M, Matsushita Y, Hirata M, Matsubara K, Ishikawa T, Hibi H, Ueda M, Hirooka Y, Goto H, Yamamoto A.Secreted Ectodomain of SIGLEC-9 and MCP-1 Synergistically Improve Acute Liver Failure in Rats by Altering Macrophage Polarity.Sci Rep. 7:44043, 2017
- Itaya T, Hirai T, Hirai T, Numoto H, Takeda H, Ueda M.The Use of Fibroblasts for Ameliorating Structural Changes Associated with Skin Aging.Rejuvenation Res. 20(5):383-388, 2017
- Neurology and Neurorehabilitation 2022, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 011-015 The First in Human Case of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Treated with Stem Cell-Derived Conditioned Medium: A 1-Year- Follow Up Minoru Ueda1,2* and Yasuhiro Seta3 1Department of Medicine, Postgraduate School of Medicine, Emeritus of Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan 2President of SAISEIKEN Co. LTD, Tokyo, Japan 3Director of Smart Clinic Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
編集- Special Lecture in the Annual Meeting in Göteborg University (1990.5.22 Göteborg, Sweden) Ueda M, Kaneda T Bioartificial mucosa for maxillofacial surgery.
- Special Lecture in Honor of Opening Ceremony of Newly Constructed Hospital of the Korea University (1991.6.22 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M Osseointegrated implant for maxillofacial reconstructive surgery.
- 1st international Symposium of Wound healing (1993.6.22) Ueda M In vitro analysys of wound healing using mucosal tissue model.
- Kaunas Medical Academy (1993.6.21-25 Kaunas, Lithuania) Ueda M Recent advance of maxillofacial surgery in Japan.
- International Symposium on Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration (1995.2.22-24 Hiroshima, Japan) Ueda M, Hata K, Takahashi K. Cell kinetic analysis of wound contraction using connective tissue model and computer simulation.
- Academy of Osseointegration 10th Annual Meeting (1995.3.2-4 Chicago, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Ohkubo H, Yamamoto H, Sawaki Y. Mandibular lengthening by intraoral distraction using osseointegrated implants.
- Brånemark System 30 Year Anniversary (1995.8.17-19 Gothenburg, Sweden) Ueda M, Ohkubo H, Hibi H, Sawaki Y. Mandibular lengthening by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants and an intraoral device Ueda M, Hata K, Murakami I, Niimi A. Vestibloplasty for implant therapy using cultured mucosal epithelium.
- Academy of Osseointegration 11th Annual Meeting (1996.2.29-3.2 New York, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Sawai Y, Ohkubo H, Yamamoto H. Osteomorphous control of craniofacial skelton by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants.
- 12th Annual Meeting Academy of Osseointegration (1997.3.6-8 San Francisco, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Hata K, Niimi A.Peri-implant soft tissue management using cultured mucosal epithelium.
- International Congress on Cranial and Facial Bone Distraction Processes (1997.6.20-21 Paris, France) Ueda M. Maxillofacial bone distraction processes using osseointegrated implant and intraoral device.
- 13th European Conference on Biomaterials (1997.9.4-7 Gothenburg, Sweden) Ueda M. Establishment of bio-skin bank using human living cells.
- 13th International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (1997.10.20-24 Tokyo, Japan)Ueda M. Osteomorphous control by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implant in maxillofacial region.
- 13th Annual Meeting of Academy of Osseointegration (1998.3.5-7 Atlanta, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Sawaki Y, Oda T. Ridge augmentation by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants.
- Association for Dental Science of the Republic of China (1998.4.10-12 Taiwan)Ueda M. The effect of teeth loss on spatial memory and acetylcholine release from the parietal cortex in aged rats.
- The 3rd Japan-China Conference on Oral Biology and Science (1998.8.10-13 China) Ueda M. Bioartificial skin using cultured living cells - the present and the future.
- The 6th Japan-Russia Medical Exchange Foundation International Symposium (1998.8.24-25 Khabarovsk, Russia) Ueda M.Clinical results of cultured epithelial grafting.
- 1st Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis (1998.11.18-22 Malaysia) Ueda M. Osteomorphous control by distraction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implants Ueda M.A pilot of motor driven distraction device for mandibular reconstruction.
- 2nd Bi-annual Meeting of the Tissue Engineering Society(1998.12.4-6 Orland, Florida, U.S.A.) Ueda M. Establishment of bio-skin bank and its clinical results in japan.
- The20th Annual conference of the America College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (1999.2.25-28 Orland, U.S.A.) Ueda M. Biology of distruction osteogenesis using osseointegrated implant.
- Global Aspects on Function and Esthetics by Design (1999.3.3 Palm Springs, U.S.A.)Ueda M. A new horizon in implant dentistry using tissue engineered matererials .
- 2nd International Congress on Cranial and Facial Bone Distraction Processes (1999.6.17-19 Paris, France) Ueda M.Biological basis of distraction osteogenesis.
- Lecture in Tübingen Univeresity (1999.6.21-25 Germany) Ueda M. Ossification Mechanism in Distraction Osteogenesis-In Vivo and In Vitro Study.
- 第38回顎顔面形成再建外科学会 (1999.11.4-6 Korea) Ueda M. Biology of distraction osteogenesis with use of osseointegrated implants -in vivo and in vitro study-
- Asian Dentech2000 (2000.1.27-30 Hong Kong) Ueda M. Tissue engineering, application for implant surgery.
- Pittsburgh Orthopaedic Tissue Engineering Symposium Ueda M.Applications in oral surgery.
- International Tissue Engineering Meeting (2000.5.18-20 Austria)Ueda M. Tissue engineering: application in oral surgery.
- Kyung pook National University (2000.12.15-16 Korea) Ueda M.Soft & hard tissue engineering: application in dental implant surgery.
- Basic and Clinical Research in Skeletal Tissue Engineering; Perspectives (2001.5.9-12 Italy) Ueda M. Basic and clinical research in maxillofacial bone surgery.
- The 3rd International Symposium on Tissue Engirneering (2001.6.1 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M. Tissue engineering in oral surgery and recent advances in Japanese Tissue Engineering Society.
- 3rd International Congress of Craniofacial and Maxillofacial Distraction (2001.6.14-16 France) Ueda M. Research on bone distraction.
- Second International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (2002.1.15-17 Nagoya, Japan) Ueda M. Strategy for maxillofacial bone regeneration using tissue engineering concept.
- 29th Annual Meeting and Exposition of the Controlled Release Society (2002.7.22-25 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M. Strategy for maxillofacial bone reconstraction using tissue engineering concept.
- 13th International Alexandria Dental Congress (2002.10.29-11.1 Alexandria, Egypt) Ueda M. Maxillofacial bone regeneration using tissue engineering concept.
- Academy of Osseointegration 18th Annual Meeting (2003.2.27-3.1 Boston, U.S.A.) Ueda M, Yamada Y, Ito K, Okazaki Y. Tissue engineered bone using mesenchymal stem cells and platelet-rich plasma.
- 5th Annual Meeting of Korean Tissue Engineering Society and 1st Korea-Japan Joint Symposium (2003.5.24 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M. Tissue-engineered bone applied for implant surgery and its commercialization.
- 5th Pan-Pacific Connective Tissue Societies Symposium (2003.6.3-7 Yamaguchi, Japan) Ueda M. Application of tissue engineering to bone and periodontal tissue.
- Korea Food and Drug Administration Current Status of Gene and Cell Therapy (2003.9.3 Korea) Ueda M. Skin and bone engineering using human living cell.
- 2004 Korea Congress of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (2004.4.22-24 Seoul, Korea) Ueda M. Tissue-engineered bone applied for alveolar ridge augmentation with simultaneous implant placement.
- International Conference on Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering 2004 (2004.5.24-26 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Ueda M. Tissue-engineered bone applied for alveolar ridge augmentation with simultaneous implant placement.
- 2nd Annual Conference Commercialization of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2004.11.18-19 London, U.K.) Ueda M.Tissue-engineered and its commercialization in Japan.
- 1st congress of ICOI Korea-KSOI (2006.3.12 Korea) Ueda M.Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
- Astra World Congress Parallel Session (2006.4.8 New York, U.S.A.) Ueda M. Anti-aging therapy using cell & implant.
- IADR Plenty Lecture (2006.6.28 Australia) Ueda M.Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
- 2006 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Association for Dental Sciences of the Republic of China (2006.8.25 Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue Engineering and its Commercialization.
- The 3rd World Congress of G.O.I.A (2006.10.14 Germany) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
- Australia New Zealand Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Society (2006.10.19 Australia) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and implant.
- Finnish Dental Society APOLLONIAʼs Research Days (2007.3.15 Finland) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging theraphy.
- Molecular Biomometics and Bionanotechnology (2007.5.25 Istanbul, Turkey) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and its clinical applications.
- Bio Korea 2007 Conference (2007.9.14 Korea) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and its commercialization.
- US-Japan Cooperative Activity on Cutting Edge Biomedical Research (2008.2.28 U.S.A.) Ueda M. Clinical applications of tissue engineering technology in maxillofacial region.
- The 23rd Annual Meeting of The Academy of Osseointegration (2008.2.28-3.1 Boston, U.S.A.) Ueda M. Skin and gingival rejuvenation using mucosal fibroblasts injection with implant.
- Esthetic Forum (2008.5.24 Tokyo, Japan) Ueda M. Clinical parameters for successful implant and esthetic treatment.
- Lecture in Yuan's General Hospital (2008.9.7 Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging therapy.
- Jeddah International Dental Congress (2008.11.3-5 Saudi Arabia) Ueda M. Part 1: Tissue Engineering and Anti-aging in Dentistry. Part 2: The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
- Lecture in Kaohsiung Medical University (2009.3.24 Taiwan) Ueda M. The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
- The 2nd International Symposium Bone Conduction (2009.6.12 Sweden)Ueda M. Tissue engineering and osseointegration.
- TERMIS World Congress 2009 (2009.8.31 Korea) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and anti-aging in dentistry
- FDI (2009.9.3 Singapore) Ueda M. The future possibilities of teeth pulp stem cell for tissue engineering therapy.
- BIOKOREA2009 (2009.9.17 Korea) Ueda M. Recent advances of tissue engineering in dentistry.
- 18th Annual Scientific Meeting of European Association for Osseointegration (2009.10.2-3 Monaco)Ueda M. Tissue engineering and implant.
- AOI-ROCʼs annual Symposium (2009.10.11 Taipei, Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
- Lecture in Kaohsiung Medical University (2009.12.13 Taiwan) Ueda M. Tissue engineering and implant.
- The World Gene Convention ( 2016. 10.19 Shanghai )[ Plenary Lecture ] Ueda M.The First in Human Study of Diabetes Type II with the Conditioned Medium from Stem Cell of Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth.
- Joint Work Shop Between Norway and Japan in Regenerative Medicine ( 2018.6.4 Tokyo )[ Key Note Speech ]Regenerative Medicine by Mesenchymal Stem CellUeda,M [ Symposium Session 2. Central Nerve Regeneration ]Functionary Recovery of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Tooth-Derived Conditioned Medium.Ueda M.
- Ueda M, Sumi Y, Hata K.Establishment of Bioskin bank: how we do it in our hospitals. Ann Plast Surg. 42: 574-6, 1999
- Ohno K, Takahashi T, Maki K, Ueda M, Taguchi O.Successful transfer of localized autoimmunity with positively selected CD4+ cells to scid mice lacking functional B cells.Autoimmunity. 29: 103-10, 1999
- Nishigaki-Maki K, Takahashi T, Ohno K, Morimoto T, Ikeda H, Takeuchi M, Ueda M, Taguchi O. Autoimmune diseases developed in athymic nude mice grafted with embryonic thymus of xenogeneic origin.Eur J Immunol. 29: 3350-9, 1999
- Mizuno H, Emi N, Abe A, Takahashi I, Kojima T, Saito H, Sumi Y, Hata KI, Ueda M.Successful culture and sustainability in vivo of gene-modified human oral mucosal epithelium. Hum Gene Ther. 10: 825-30, 1999
- Nakai H, Niimi A, Ueda M.Histologic evaluation of clinically successful osseointegrated implants retrieved from irradiated bone: a report of 2 patients.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 14: 442-6, 1999
- Mizutani H, Senga K, Ueda M.Trichofolliculoma of the upper lip: report of a case. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 28: 135-6, 1999
- Oda T, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Alveolar ridge augmentation by distraction osteogenesis using titanium implants: an experimental study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 28: 151-6, 1999
- Senga K, Mizutani H, Kobayashi M, Ueda M.Ultrastructural study on adhesions in internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 57: 165-70, 1999
- Sawaki Y, Yamada M, Kasuya Y, Ueda M.Disseminated intravascular coagulation presenting as hemorrhage after tooth extraction. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 57: 341-4, 1999
- Honda M, Niimi A, Ueda M.New orbital prosthesis with a blinking eyelid: report of a case. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 57: 730-3, 1999
- Yamada Y, Itano N, Narimatsu H, Kudo T, Hirohashi S, Ochiai A, Niimi A, Ueda M, Kimata K.Receptor for hyaluronan-mediated motility and CD44 expressions in colon cancer assessed by quantitative analysis using real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.Jpn J Cancer Res. 90: 987-92, 1999
- Sumi Y, Hata KI, Sawaki Y, Mizuno H, Ueda M.Clinical application of cultured oral epithelium for palatal wounds after palatoplasty: a preliminary report.Oral Dis. 5: 307-12, 1999
- Su WZ, Tohnai I, Kawamura T, Tamakoshi A, Wakai K, Aoki R, Kojima M, Ueda M, Ohno Y.Trends in site-specific mortality from oral and pharyngeal cancer among Japanese males, 1950-94. Oral Oncol. 35: 9-16, 1999
- Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Nagasaka T.Sarcomatous overgrowth in recurrent ameloblastic fibrosarcoma. Oral Oncol. 35: 346-8, 1999
- Sumi Y, Nakamura Y, Mitsudoh K, Ueda M.Application of titanium-alloy endodontic implants in conjunction with periradicular surgery. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 88: 484-7, 1999
- Watanabe K, Niimi A, Ueda M.Autogenous bone grafts in the rabbit maxillary sinus.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 88: 26-32, 1999
- Kagami H, Hiramatsu Y, Hishida S, Okazaki Y, Horie K, Oda Y, Ueda M. Salivary growth factors in health and disease.Adv Dent Res. 14: 99-102, 2000
- Hiramatsu Y, Kagami H, Horie K, Okazaki Y, Shigetomi T, Hata K, Kobayashi S, Ueda M.Effects of basic fibroblast growth factor on cultured rat and human submandibular salivary gland cells. Arch Oral Biol. 45: 593-9, 2000
- Oda T, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Experimental alveolar ridge augmentation by distraction osteogenesis using a simple device that permits secondary implant placement.Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 15: 95-102, 2000
- Nakai H, Niimi A, Ueda M.Osseous proliferation of the mandible after placement of endosseous implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 15: 419-24, 2000
- Matsuno M, Hata K, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Ueda M. In vitro analysis of distraction osteogenesis. J Craniofac Surg. 11: 303-7, 2000
- Kasuya M, Sawaki Y, Ohno Y, Ueda M.Psychological study of cleft palate children with or without cleft lip by kinetic family drawing. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 28: 373-9, 2000
- Kasuya M, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.The tree test in children with cleft lip and plate-Low grade elementary school- J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 11: 303-307, 2000
- Nakai H, Okazaki Y, Ueda M.Clinical evaluation of vascularized bone grafts and osseointegrated implants. J Oral Implantol. 26: 304-8, 2000
- Honda M, Yada T, Ueda M, Kimata K.Cartilage formation by cultured chondrocytes in a new scaffold made of poly(L-lactide-epsilon- caprolactone) sponge.J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 58: 767-75, 2000
- Ueda M, Sumi Y, Mizuno H, Honda M, Oda T, Wada K, Boo J and Hata K. Tissue engineering:application for maxillofacial surgery.Mater Sci Eng C. 13: 4-7, 2000
- Mizuno H, Emi N, Abe A, Takahashi I, Kojima T, Saito H, Matsuno M, Sumi Y, Hata K, Ueda M.An ex vivo model for gene therapy of hemophilia B using cultured humal oral mucosal epithelium. Mater Sci Eng. 13: 45-48, 2000
- Mitsudo K, Tohnai I, Hayashi Y, Ueda M, Yambe M, Hirose Y.A case of Burkitt's lymphoma that presented initially with resorption of alveolar bone. Oral Dis. 6: 256-8, 2000
- Sumi Y, Miyaishi O, Tohnai I, Ueda M.Alveolar ridge augmentation with titanium mesh and autogenous bone. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 89: 268-270, 2000
- Sumi Y, Miyaishi O, Ito K, Ueda M.Magnetic resonance imaging of myxoma in the mandible: a case report. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 90: 671-6, 2000
- Ueda M, Tohnai I, Nakai H.Tissue engineering research in oral implant surgery. Artif Organs. 25: 164-71, 2001
- Hayashi Y, Iwashita T, Murakamai H, Kato Y, Kawai K, Kurokawa K, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Takahashi M. Activation of BMK1 via tyrosine 1062 in RET by GDNF and MEN2A mutation.Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 281: 682-9, 2001
- Hayashi Y, Tohnai I, Yamamoto N, Fukuhara H, Fukui T, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Suicide gene therapy with ganciclovir and adeno-associated virus vector containing the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase gene for human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines.Dent Jpn. 37: 74-77, 2001
- Sumi Y, Hasegawa T, Miyaishi O, Ueda M.Interface analysis of titanium implants in a human vascularized fibula bone graft. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 59: 213-6, 2001
- Matsuno H, Tohnai I, Mitsudo K, Hayashi Y, Ito M, Shinkai M, Kobayashi T, Yoshida J, Ueda M.Intersitial hyperthermia using magnetite cationic liposomes inhibit to tumor growth of VX-7 transplanted tumor in rabbit tongue.Jpn J Hyperthermic Oncol. 17: 17-26, 2001
- Kasuya M, Sawaki Y, Ueda M.Spatial image of school environment in children with cleft lip and/or palate. Nagoya J Med Sci. 64: 43-49, 2001
- Fukui T, Hayashi Y, Kagami H, Yamamoto N, Fukuhara H, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Mizuno M, Yoshida J.Suicide gene therapy for human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines with adeno-associated virus vector.Oral Oncol. 37: 211-5, 2001
- Kaneko R, Tohnai I, Ueda M, Negoro M, Yoshida J, Yamada Y.Curative treatment of central hemangioma in the mandible by direct puncture and embolisation with n-butyl-cyanoacrylate (NBCA).Oral Oncol. 37: 605-8, 2001
編集- 2019年 歯髄幹細胞培養上清と毛乳頭培養上清とを含む育毛剤およびその製造方法
- 2017年 NK細胞培養上清を含む抗腫瘍組成物およびその製造方法
- 2017年 医薬組成物およびその製造方法ならびに医薬品
- 2007年 生体組織または器官再生器具
- 2007年 腱もしくは靭帯組織再生用器具
- 2005年 骨または歯周組織再生用材料
- 2004年 歯胚の再生方法
- 2004年 神経再生誘導管
- 2004年 未分化多能性細胞ならびに、それを用いた関連組織または歯作製方法
- 2004年 創収縮抑制剤およびその製造方法
- 2002年 角膜治療用培養上皮細胞シートおよびその製造方法
- 2000年 粘膜上皮細胞シート
- 2000年 遺伝子導入細胞シート
編集科研費 研究代表者
編集- 60570924 培養人工粘膜の作製および移植に関する基礎的研究
- 63480442 培養人工粘膜の臨床応用に関する研究
- 06672001 凍結保存培養粘膜の移植に関する基礎的研究
- 07457486 培養粘膜上皮の同種移植に関する基礎的、臨床的研究
- 09877388 培養唾液腺細胞を用いた唾液腺の増殖に関する基礎的研究
- 11557158 増殖因子と培養細胞による唾液腺組織の再生
- 11307048 培養ヒト骨髄細胞を用いた骨形成技術の開発
- 12794015 ヒト未分化間葉系幹細胞を用いた培養骨、軟骨の作製に関する研究
- 12877325 表皮欠損治療における培養表皮細胞および培養粘膜上皮の移植方法の検討
- 13470430(2001水谷秀樹, 2002-2003上田実)顎顔面領域へのBMP、SHH遺伝子を用いた遺伝子治療の基礎的研究
- 16390583 幹細胞を用いた再生医学的歯周組織再生療法-実用化に向けた多施設共同研究-
- 16659549 微細コラーゲンファイバーと培養骨膜細胞による下顎骨再生に関する研究
- 19659525 低酸素培養による歯髄幹細胞の分画の選択培養とそのキャラクタライズ
- 21390524 乳歯・永久歯由来幹細胞バンキングの有用性の検討と難治性疾患に対する再生治療研究
- 23659914 ヒト歯髄幹細胞の培養上清をもちいた中枢神経再生療法の開発
- 厚生労働科学研究費補助金
- 事業名:再生医療実用化研究事業
- タイトル:歯髄幹細胞の神経分化能の検証とその治療応用
- 研究期間:2010-2012 配分額:39,000千円
- 文部科学研究費補助金
- 研究種目:挑戦的萌芽研究 研究課題/領域番号 23659914
- タイトル:ヒト歯髄幹細胞の培養上清をもちいた中枢神経再生療法の開発
- 研究期間 (年度):2011 – 2012
- 配分額:3,770千円 (直接経費 : 2,900千円、間接経費 : 870千円)
- 研究種目:基盤研究(B)
- 研究課題/領域番号21390524
- タイトル:乳歯・永久歯由来幹細胞バンキングの有用性の検討と難治性疾患に対する再生治療研究
- 研究期間 (年度)2009 – 2012
- 配分額 :18,200千円 (直接経費 : 14,000千円、間接経費 : 4,200千円)
- 研究種目:萌芽研究 研究課題/領域番号19659525
- タイトル:低酸素培養による歯髄幹細胞の分画の選択培養とそのキャラクタライズ
- 研究期間 (年度): 2007 – 2008
- 配分額:3,300千円 (直接経費 : 3,300千円)
編集- 1990年11月6日・中日新聞「自然科学研究と国家の成熟度」
- 2004年3月1日・医学書院第2574号「再生医療の実用化はどこまできたか?」
- 2009年3月19日・読売新聞「産学・研究環境・日米に格差」
編集- 2006年2月12日 夢の扉 (TBS)
- 2012年2月13日 モーニングバード (テレビ朝日)
- 2011年7月7日 地球・アステク (BSテレ東)
- 2011年8月6日 世界一受けたい授業 (日本テレビ)『アナタの知っている医療はもう古い!?不可能を可能にする最先端医療 2011』
- プライムニュース (BSフジ)「ipsだけではない!再生医療最前線」
- 今日の健康 (NHK)
- スーパーnews 〜 驚異の(新)歯の治療「歯槽骨再生法」
- ブレイン 〜 5年後に劇的に変える日本のスゴイ研究「人工培養された人工皮膚」
- とくダネ! (フジテレビ)〜「検証ニッポンの医療 再生医療③再生医療の最新技術」
編集- 2008年3月7日東京大学「乳歯幹細胞研究に関する最新知見とその実用化」
- 2012年11月29日名古屋大学「幹細胞培養液を用いた歯周病の再生治療~細胞移植を行わず歯周組織の再生に成功 名大病院などで臨床研究開始~」
- 2006年6月24日名古屋大学「幹細胞由来成長因子を用いた骨の再生医療~細胞移植を行わず骨の再生に成功 名大病院などで臨床研究開始~」
編集- 日本経済新聞(2011年2月2日)『点鼻薬で脳梗塞治療 名大がマウスで効果確認』
- 日本経済新聞(2011年5月10日)『たんぱく質移植し骨再生 名古屋大、ラットで成功』
- 日本経済新聞(2011年12月2日)『歯の幹細胞で神経再生 名大など、脊髄損傷治療に可能性』
- 日本経済新聞(2012年7月1日)『幹細胞使わず骨再生、培養液で安全性高める 名古屋大』
- 中日新聞(2012年11月30日)『骨髄幹細胞から歯周病治療薬 イヌで組織再生成功 』
- 共同通信 (2022年1月12日)「報道機関各位 「 筋委縮性側索硬化症(ALS)を対象とした乳歯幹細胞を用いた培養上清治療の有効性を確認 」
編集- ^ “点鼻薬で脳梗塞治療 名大がマウスで効果確認”. 日本経済新聞. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
- ^ “タンパク質 移植し骨再生名古屋大、ラットで成功”. 日本経済新聞. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
- ^ “Head & Face Medicine . Katagiri et al. (2016)12:5 First in human study and clinical case report of alveolar bone regeneration with the secretome from human mesenchymal stem cell”. Head Face Med. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
- ^ “7th World Gene Convention (2016.Nov.3rd-5th , Shanghai)”. BIT's 7th Annual World. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
- ^ “第2回産学官連携功労者表彰(平成16年度)” (PDF). 内閣府. 2019年10月28日閲覧。
- ^ “学会賞各賞”. 日本再生医療学会. 2019年10月28日閲覧。
- ^ “第2回産学官連携功労者表彰(平成16年度)” (PDF). 内閣府. 2019年10月28日閲覧。
- ^ “Head & Face Medicine . Katagiri et al. (2016)12:5 First in human study and clinical case report of alveolar bone regeneration with the secretome from human mesenchymal stem cell”. Head Face Med. 2019年10月27日閲覧。
- ^ “学会賞各賞”. 日本再生医療学会. 2019年10月28日閲覧。