ロビン・コーエン(Robin Cohen、1944年 - )は、南アフリカ・ヨハネスブルク出身の社会学者、オックスフォード大学教授、同大学国際移民研究所所長。労働力移動論、移民研究専攻。
編集- The new helots: migrants in the international division of labour, Gower Pub. Co, 1987.
- Global diasporas: an introduction, UCL Press, 1997.
- 『グローバル・ディアスポラ』 角谷多佳子訳、明石書店、2001年、新版2012年
- Migration and its enemies: global capital, migrant labour and the nation-state, Ashgate, 2006.
- 『移民の世界史』 小巻靖子訳、東京書籍、2020年
編集- International labour and the Third World: the making of a new working class, edited by Rosalind E. Boyd, Robin Cohen, and Peter C.W. Gutkind, Avebury, 1987.
- Popular struggles in South Africa, edited by William Cobbett & Robin Cohen, Africa World Press, 1988.
- Democracy and socialism in Africa, edited by Robin Cohen and Harry Goulbourne, Westview Press, 1991.
- Contested domains: debates in international labour studies, Robin Cohen, with Jeff Henderson & David Michael, Zed Books, 1991.
- The Cambridge survey of world migration, edited by Robin Cohen, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
- Theories of migration, edited by Robin Cohen, E. Elgar, 1996.
- The sociology of migration, edited by Robin Cohen, E. Elgar, 1996.
- The politics of migration, edited by Robin Cohen and Zig Layton-Henry, E. Elgar 1997.
- Migration, diasporas, and transnationalism, edited by Steven Vertovec and Robin Cohen, Edward Elgar, 1999.
- Global social movements, edited by Robin Cohen and Shirin M. Rai, Athlone, 2000.
- Global sociology, Robin Cohen and Paul Kennedy. Macmillan, 2000, 2nd ed., 2007.