ロバート・アート(Robert J. Art)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。専門は、国際関係論・安全保障論。ブランダイス大学教授。MIT国際関係研究所フェロー。
編集- The TFX Decision: McNamara and the Military, (Little, Brown, 1968).
- Influence of Foreign Policy on Sea Power, (Sage, 1974).
- A Grand Strategy for America, (Cornell University Press, 2003).
- America’s Grand Strategy and World Politics, (Routledge, 2009).
編集- Reorganizing America's Defense: Leadership in War and Peace, (Macmillan, 1985).
- Democracy and Counterterrorism: Lessons from the the Past, with Louise Richardson, (United States Institute of Peace, 2007).
編集- The Use of Force: International Politics and Foreign Policy, co-edited with Kenneth N. Waltz, (Little, Brown, 1971 2nd ed., 1983, 3rd ed., 1988, 4th ed., 1993, 5th ed., 1999, 6th ed., 2004).
- International Politics: Anarchy, Force, Political Economy, and Decision-making, co-edited with Robert Jervis, (Little, Brown, 2nd ed., 1985, 3rd ed., 1992, 4th ed., 1996, 5th ed., 2000, 6th ed., 2003, 7th ed., 2005, 8th ed., 2007).
- Reorganizing America's Defense: Leadership in War and Peace, co-edited with Vincent Davis and Samuel P. Huntington, (Pergamon-Brassey's, 1985).
- U.S. Foreign Policy: the Search for a New Role, co-edited with Seyom Brown, (Macmillan, 1993).
- The United States and Coercive Diplomacy, co-edited with Patrick M. Cronin, (United States Institute of Peace Press, 2003).