ライヒェンバッハ条約 (1813年)
ライヒェンバッハ条約(ライヒェンバッハじょうやく、英語: Treaties of Reichenbach、ドイツ語: Konventionen von Reichenbach)は、1813年6月にライヒェンバッハ(現ポーランド領ジェルジョニュフ)で、グレートブリテン及びアイルランド連合王国(イギリス)、プロイセン王国、ロシア帝国、オーストリア帝国の間で締結された一連の条約。
ライヒェンバッハ条約(1813年) | |
署名 | 1813年6月 |
署名場所 | ライヒェンバッハ |
締約国 | |
主な内容 | 第六次対仏大同盟の設立と強化 |
編集- ^ Clare, p. 2707. The following were the treaties constituting the new Coalition against Napoleon: I. The Treaty of Reichenbach between Great Britain and Prussia, June 14, 1813, by which the former agreed to furnish a subsidy of six hundred and sixty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-six pounds sterling to the latter for the maintenance of eighty thousand troops, while the King of Prussia agreed to cede the principality of Hildesheim and other territory to the Electorate of Hanover.
- ^ Clare, p. 2707. 2. The Treaty of Reichenbach between Great Britain and Russia, June 15, 1813, by which the former agreed to pay to the latter a subsidy of one million three hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-four pounds sterling for the maintenance of one hundred and sixty thousand troops.
- ^ Clare, p. 2707. 3. The Treaty of Reichenbach between Austria, Prussia and Russia, June 27, 1813, by which Austria engaged to declare war against Napoleon if he rejected her conditions of peace.
編集- Clare, Israel Smith (1897) (英語). Library of Universal History: Containing a Record of the Human Race from the Earliest Historical Period to the Present Time Embracing a General Survey of the Progress of Mankind in National and Social Life, Civil Government, Religion, Literature, Science and Art. Volume 7. R. S. Peale, J. A. Hill. p. 2707