
希土戦争 (1919年-1922年)
場所 オスマン帝国の旗 オスマン帝国トルコのスミュルナ(現イズミル郡)メネメン
日付 1919年6月16日 - 6月17日 [1]
標的 トルコ市民
攻撃手段 虐殺[2]
死亡者 100 - 200名死亡、200名負傷[3]
犯人 ギリシャ陸軍[2]








  1. ^ Foreign documents US”. 14 June 2014閲覧。
  2. ^ a b c “The Council of Heads of Delegations: minutes of meetings November 6, 1919, to January 10, 1920”. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States: 55-56-70. http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/FRUS/FRUS-idx?type=turn&id=FRUS.FRUS1919Parisv09&entity=FRUS.FRUS1919Parisv09.p0080&q1=menemen 11 June 2014閲覧。. 
  3. ^ United States Department of State / Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, The Paris Peace Conference, 1919 (1919)”. http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu. 14 June 2014閲覧。
  4. ^ Report of the Inter-Allied Commission of Inquiry (May-September 1919) by the Members of the Commission; Adm. Bristol, the US Delegate - Gen. Hare, the British Delegate - Gen. Bunoust, the French Delegate - Gen. Dall'Olio, the Italian Delegate. The statements in defense of the Greek government presented by Col. Mazarakis.
  5. ^ Solomonidis, Victoria (1984年). “Greece in Asia Minor: The Greek Administration in the Vilayet of Aydin”. University of London, King's College. p. 117. 5 June 2014閲覧。 “These incidents were used by the Sheik-ui--Islam to accuse the Greek troops of alleged atrocities against the Turkish population.”
  6. ^ US Foreign documents”. 15 June 2014閲覧。
  7. ^ Gidney, James B. (1967). A mandate for Armenia. Kent State University Press. p. 118. https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=0OxmAAAAMAAJ&q=Some+of+the+resulting+bloodshed+was+blamed+on+both+parties,+but+some%E2%80%94+for+example,+that+at+Menemen%E2%80%94+on+the+Greeks+alone.&dq=Some+of+the+resulting+bloodshed+was+blamed+on+both+parties,+but+some%E2%80%94+for+example,+that+at+Menemen%E2%80%94+on+the+Greeks+alone.&hl=com&sa=X&ei=g-WZU-aTEMH_ygO5zYGQBw&redir_esc=y 12 June 2014閲覧. "Some of the resulting bloodshed was blamed on both parties, but some— for example, that at Menemen— on the Greeks alone." 
  8. ^ Justin McCarthy, Death and Exile: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ottoman Muslims, 1821-1922, Darwin Press, 1996, p. 270 ISBN 0-87850-094-4.