マルコム・アンダーソン (政治学者)
マルコム・アンダーソン(Malcolm Anderson, 1934年 - )は、イギリスの政治学者。エディンバラ大学名誉教授。
編集- Government in France: An Introduction to the Executive Power, (Pergamon Press, 1970).
- Conservative Politics in France, (G. Allen & Unwin, 1974).
- Policing the World: Interpol and the Politics of International Police Co-operation, (Clarendon Press, 1989).
- Frontiers: Territory and State Formation in the Modern World, (Polity Press, 1996).
- States and Nationalism in Europe since 1945, (Routledge, 2000).(土倉莞爾・古田雅雄訳『戦後ヨーロッパの国家とナショナリズム』ナカニシヤ出版, 2004年)
編集- Policing the European Union, with Monica Den Boer, Peter Cullen, William Gilmore, Charles Raab and Neil Walker, (Clarendon Press, 1995).
- The Frontiers of the European Union, with Eberhard Bort, (Palgrave, 2001).
編集- Frontier Regions in Western Europe, (Frank Cass, 1983).
編集- Women, Equality and Europe, co-edited with Mary Buckley, (Macmillan, 1988).
- Policing across National Boundaries, co-edited with Monica den Boer, (Pinter, 1994).
- The Frontiers of Europe, co-edited with Eberhard Bort, (Pinter, 1998).
- The Irish Border: History, Politics, Culture, co-edited with Eberhard Bort, (Liverpool University Press, 1999).
- Police and Justice Co-operation and the New European Borders, co-edited with Joanna Apap, (Kluwer Law International, 2002).