編集(UTC)現在 総数記事
- OK (Articles properly drafted, posted via the Media Wiki Content Translation tool (the "MWCT") ): 本(%)
- NG (Articles found coarse or license-violating, posted via the MWCT): 件(%)
- コンテンツ翻訳由来 (Cases the MWCT caused damage to the JAWP community): 件(%)
- Google翻訳 (MWCT-integrated Google translation left unrevised/not properly revised): 件
- Yandex. Translate (MWCT-integrated Yandex translation left unrevised/not properly revised): 件
- 外部ツール(ライセンス違反) (Articles incompatible with CC BY-SA 3.0 / GFDL due to use of unauthorized external machine translation): 件(%)
- DeepL翻訳: 件
- コンテンツ翻訳由来 (Cases the MWCT caused damage to the JAWP community): 件(%)
- 要検証 (Further review needed): 件