ファイル:Zosterophyllum deciduum (fossil land plant) (Devonian; Lohmar-Breidt, Germany) (49081796348).jpg

元のファイル (2,345 × 1,737 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 3.91メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)
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解説Zosterophyllum deciduum (fossil land plant) (Devonian; Lohmar-Breidt, Germany) (49081796348).jpg |
Zosterophyllum deciduum Gerrienne, 1988 - fossil land plant branches from the Devonian of Germany. (FMNH PP45137, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois, USA) Plants are multicellular, photosynthetic eucaryotes. The oldest known land plant body fossils are Silurian in age. Fossil root traces of land plants are known back in the Ordovician. The Devonian was the key time interval during which land plants flourished and Earth experienced its first “greening” of the land. The earliest land plants were small and simple and probably remained close to bodies of water. By the Late Devonian, land plants had evolved large, tree-sized bodies and the first-ever forests appeared. The most conspicuous group of living plants is the angiosperms, the flowering plants. They first unambiguously appeared in the fossil record during the Cretaceous. They quickly dominated Earth's terrestrial ecosystems, and have dominated ever since. This domination was due to the evolutionary success of flowers, which are structures that greatly aid angiosperm reproduction. Seen here is a very early fossil land plant from the mid-Paleozoic of Europe. Classification: Plantae, Tracheophyta, Lycophyta, Zosterophyllopsida Locality: attributed to "Lomar-Breidt", which is presumably in western Germany See info. at: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zosterophyllum" rel="noreferrer nofollow">en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zosterophyllum</a> |
日付 | |
原典 | Zosterophyllum deciduum (fossil land plant) (Devonian; Lohmar-Breidt, Germany) |
作者 | James St. John |

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この画像は当初、James St. John によって Flickr の https://flickr.com/photos/47445767@N05/49081796348 に投稿されたものです。2019-12-07、FlickreviewR 2 ボットによってレビューされ、cc-by-2.0 のライセンスで提供されていることが確認されました。 |
11 6 2010
0.01666666666666666666 秒
170 ミリメートル
4,097,038 バイト
1,737 ピクセル
2,345 ピクセル
日付と時刻 | サムネイル | 寸法 | 利用者 | コメント | |
現在の版 | 2019年12月7日 (土) 19:06 | ![]() | 2,345 × 1,737 (3.91メガバイト) | Ser Amantio di Nicolao | Transferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons |
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ファイル変更日時 | 2019年11月17日 (日) 21:17 |
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デジタルデータの作成日時 | 2010年6月11日 (金) 11:23 |
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メタデータの最終更新日 | 2019年11月17日 (日) 16:17 |
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