ファイル:The aquatic birds of Great Britain and Ireland (1906) (14775399783).jpg

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Identifier: aquaticbirdsofgr00patt (find matches)
Title: The aquatic birds of Great Britain and Ireland
Year: 1906 (1900s)
Authors: Patten, Charles Joseph, 1870-
Subjects: Water birds Water birds
Publisher: London, R. H. Porter
Contributing Library: Smithsonian Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Smithsonian Libraries

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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the back and on the inner secondaries. Beak. Base, rich blue ; point, blackish. Feet. Yellowish-pink ; soles, yellow. Irides. Yellow. AVERAGE MEASUREMENTS. Total LENGTH 20 in. Wing 9 ,, Beak ... ... 26 ,, Tarso-metatarsus 28 ,, Egg 1-5 X Il in. NIGHT HERON. Nycticorax griseus (Linnaeus). Coloured Figures.—Gould, Birds of Great Britain, vol. iv, pi.26 ; Dresser, Birds of Europe, vol. vi, pi. 402 ; Lilford, Coloured Figures, vol. vii, pi. 11. The Night Heron, though far from common, may beregarded as an annual spring and autumn migrant to theBritish Isles. It has been more often recorded, in bothGreat Britain and Ireland, than the Squacco Heron. InEngland it appears to have visited the west and north lessfrequently than the other districts. It has occurred fourtimes in the south of Scotland, several times in Argyllshire,and once in Aberdeenshire. Moreover, on October 12th,1896, a specimen was shot on Benbecula, after aheavy galefrom the south. The bird, an immature male, is heretofore
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 5.—night HEKON. 28 AKDEID^ the only one recorded from the Outer Hebrides. (EagleClarke, Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.) In Ireland, Mr. Ussher states that over twenty occur-rences have taken place since 1834. Of these, seven camefrom Cork, a noted county for rare Herons, three fromDublin, two from Down, and one each from the followingcounties:—Kilkenny, Queens County, Kings County, Louth,Monaghan, Mayo, Armagh, and Donegal. ( Birds ofIreland, p. 164.) The first British specimen on recordwas procured near London in May, 1782 (Saunders, Man.Brit. Birds, 1899, p. 379) ; among recent captures maybe mentioned, specimens taken in co. Cork, May 31st,1899; in co. Wexford, April 21st, 1899; in co. Meath, May10th, 1900 (Ussher) ; in Norfolk, November 8th, 1899,(J. H. Gurney), and a specimen taken in Sussex, Sep-tember 24th, 1904 (J. B. Nicholls). Voice.—During the greater part of the day the Night-Heron skulks silently through dense and tall vegetation,such as flags, reeds and bulrushes ; aft

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  • bookid:aquaticbirdsofgr00patt
  • bookyear:1906
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Patten__Charles_Joseph__1870_
  • booksubject:Water_birds
  • bookpublisher:London__R__H__Porter
  • bookcontributor:Smithsonian_Institution_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Smithsonian
  • bookleafnumber:70
  • bookcollection:biodiversity
  • bookcollection:americana
  • BHL Collection
  • BHL Consortium
  • bookcontributor:Smithsonian_Libraries
  • booksponsor:Smithsonian_Libraries
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