ファイル:Tales of the Round table; based on the tales in the Book of romance (1908) (14580273130).jpg

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Identifier: talesofroundtabl00langrich (find matches)
Title: Tales of the Round table; based on the tales in the Book of romance
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912
Subjects: Arthur, King
Publisher: London, New York (etc.) Longmans, Green and co.
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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es saw the sworddrawn, and they closed upon one another, tobegin the fiercest fight that up to that time hadever taken place in a Christian land. TEE END OF IT ALL. 155 All day long they rode and speared, until inthe evening a hundred thousand men lay deadupon the down. Only two of King ArthursKnights were still alive, Sir Lucan and hisbrother, Sir Bedivere. Alas, that I should see this day, cried theKing aloud; and looking round he saw SirMordred leaning on his sword, and a heap ofdead men lay around him. THE END OF IT ALL Part II Give me my spear, cried King Arthur to SirLucan. Sir, let him be, answered Sir Lucan.Blessed be God, you have won the field, forwe three remain alive, while of the others noneare alive except Sir Mordred. Tide me life or tide me death, said theKing, he shall not escape me now, for so fairan opportunity may not occur again. He liftedhis spear with both hands, and ran towardsSir Mordred, crying, Traitor! your deathday has come, and struck him under the shield
Text Appearing After Image:
TEE END OF IT ALL. 157 SO fiercely that the spear ran right through hisbody. Sir Mordred knew that he had received hisdeath wound. Eaising himself from the groundhe struck the King a blow that cut his helmetin two, and then fell back dead. Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere carried the Kingto a little chapel that happened to be standingclose by. The walls of the chapel were green withmoss. Would that I could leave this place,said King Arthur, and the two Knights tried tolift him outside again; but Sir Lucan had beenwounded in the fight, and the wound breakingout afresh with the strain, he fell and died atKing Arthurs feet. Alas! said the King, he has died for mysake, and he had more need of help than I. Thetime is flying fast, and therefore. Sir Bedivere,cease your moaning and weeping. Take mysword Excalibur to yonder water side. Whenyou reach the waters edge, throw my sword intothe water, and come and tell me what you see. My lord, answered Sir Bedivere, yourcommand shall be obeyed, and he d

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


作者 Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912
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Flickr tags
  • bookid:talesofroundtabl00langrich
  • bookyear:1908
  • bookdecade:1900
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Lang__Andrew__1844_1912
  • booksubject:Arthur__King
  • bookpublisher:London__New_York__etc___Longmans__Green_and_co_
  • bookcontributor:University_of_California_Libraries
  • booksponsor:MSN
  • bookleafnumber:171
  • bookcollection:cdl
  • bookcollection:americana
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