元のファイル (1,111 × 1,464 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 797キロバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)



Stamp of Nicaragua; 1984; commemorative stamp of the series "Paintings by Correggio"; stamp motive with a detail of the painting "The Abduction of Ganymed" by Antonio Allegri da Correggio (1489-1534); The painting was created between 1520 and 1534 in the style of the Italian Renaissance and is actual located in the "Kunsthistorisches Museum" in Vienna. (The given picture title "Madonna de San Gerolamo" is a mistake.); stamp postmarked

アントニオ・コレッジョ (1489–1534)  wikidata:Q8457 q:it:Correggio
Birth name:Antonio Allegri
説明 -イタリアの 画家、挿画家およびfresco painter
生年月日・没年月日 1490年頃
date QS:P,+1490-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
出生地・死没地 Correggio bei Modena コッレッジョ ウィキデータを編集
creator QS:P170,Q8457
institution QS:P195,Q95569

Stamp: Michel: No. 2505; Yvert & Tellier: No. 1334; Scott: No. 1352
Color: multicolored with silver
Watermark: none
Nominal value: 0.50 C$ (Córdoba)
Postage validity: 1984年5月17日から?まで

Stamp picture size (printed area of a single stamp): 27.5 x 40.0 mm
日付 (first issue day of the stamp)
原典 scan of original
作者 Postal administration of the government of the Republic of Nicaragua
Public domain According to the Nicaraguan Law No. 312/2001 on Copyright and Neighboring Rights Chapter 3 Article 16 the following documents are in the public domain and shall not benefit from the legal protection accorded to copyright:
  • (a) official texts of a political, legislative, administrative or judicial nature, and official translations thereof;
  • (b) official symbols of the State, public authorities and organizations, such as armorial bearings, seals, flags, emblems, shields, badges and medals, provided they have been specified in any of the texts in (a);

図案 Corregion, "The Abduction of Ganymed" (between 1520 and 1534)
発行者 Postal administration of the government of the Republic of Nicaragua
デザイナー Antonio da Corregio (1489-1534) (creator of the depicted painting)
印刷所 "Thomas de la Rue de Colombia", Bogota (probably)
印刷技法 Offset printing
発行枚数 ?
目打 Comb perforation, K 12¾
ミッヘル番号 Nicaragua, Nr. 2505
スコット番号 Nicaragua, No. 1352





17 5 1984



現在の版2019年4月23日 (火) 23:382019年4月23日 (火) 23:38時点における版のサムネイル1,111 × 1,464 (797キロバイト)Katharinaiv{{Information |Description=Stamp of Nicaragua; 1984; commemorative stamp of the series "Paintings by Correggio"; stamp motive with a detail of the painting "The Abduction of Ganymed" by Antonio Allegri da Correggio (1489-1534); The painting was created between 1520 and 1534 in the style of the Italian Renaissance and is actual located in the "Kunsthistorisches Museum" in Vienna. (The given picture title "Madonna de San Gerolamo" is a mistake.); stamp postmarked<br /> {...
