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English: King Sisowath of Cambodia

Identifier: theirmajestiesas00paoluoft (find matches)
Title: Their majesties as I knew them; personal reminiscences of the kings and queens of Europe
Year: 1911 (1910s)
Authors: Paoli, Xavier, 1835- Teixeira de Mattos, Alexander, 1865-1921
Subjects: Europe -- Kings and rulers
Publisher: New York, Sturgis (and) Walton
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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Mar-seilles or Genoa. On each of the journeys duringwhich I was attached to her person, she gave meevery sign of that captivating and bewitching kind-ness of which she alone appears to possess the secret.I also remember perceiving, as do all those whoapproach her, the touching affection that unites herto her sister, the Dowager Empress of Russia.Each time that she left her at Calais, to go eitherto Copenhagen or to the south, while the EmpressMarie Feodorovna was returning to St. Peters-burg, she never failed to say to me, in a voice full ofanxiety: M. Paoli, do take great care of my sister.Watch over her attentively. I shall not know amoments peace until I hear that she has arrived atthe end of her journey. The years have passed and it is not without pride 326 THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM that I reflect upon the fact that I have known fourgenerations of that glorious royal family of Eng-land! But, alas, it makes me feel no younger! . . . X THE KING OF CAMBODIA AND HISDANCING-GIRLS
Text Appearing After Image:
THE KING OF CAMBODIA AND HISDANCING-GIRLS 1. I PROPOSE to conclude this stroll through myroyal portrait-gallery with the entertainingstory of the King of Cambodia. He was, soto speak, my last client, at least the last of thosewhom I was protecting for the fiist time, for hehad never set foot in France when, three years ago,I beheld him, in the bright light of a fine morningin June, greeting with a loud laugh the port of Mar-seilles, the gold-laced officials who had come to re-ceive him, the soldiers, the sailors, the porters andthe regimental band. For he loved laughing. Hilarity with him was ahabit, a necessity; it burst forth like a flourish oftrumpets, it went off like a rocket at anything ornothing, suddenly fighting up his elderly monkey-face and revealing amidst the dark smudge thatformed his features a dazzfing key-board of ivoryteeth. Sisowath, King of Cambodia, struck me as a Httle329 330 THEIR MAJESTIES AS I KNEW THEM yellow, dry, sinewy man who had been snowed upon,for amid

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