2009-02-08T23:17:13Z Kolja21 800x520 (564619 Bytes) Rev. Montenegro was deleted
2009-02-03T09:39:06Z Koyos 800x520 (548987 Bytes) This map is more accurate, supported by more sources
2008-07-24T10:36:24Z Aegean Boy 800x520 (564619 Bytes)
2006-05-23T10:51:14Z Tintazul 800x520 (548987 Bytes) {{Tintazul| |Description=Blank map of Europe, showing national borders. SVG format. Includes Kazakhstan. |Date=19 May 2006 }} [[Category:Maps of Europe]]
{{Information |Description='Helix pomatia', land snail species: presence in European countries based upon data from: [http://www.faunaeur.org/Maps/display_map.php?map_name=euro&map_language=en&taxon1=277702] |Source=*File:Europe_countries.svg |Date