ファイル:Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project (cropped).jpg

このプレビューのサイズ: 800 × 423 ピクセル。 その他の解像度: 320 × 169 ピクセル | 640 × 339 ピクセル | 1,024 × 542 ピクセル | 1,280 × 677 ピクセル | 3,264 × 1,727 ピクセル。
元のファイル (3,264 × 1,727 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 1.12メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)
![]() |
解説Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project (cropped).jpg |
English: Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is one of the most highly populated and traffic congested cities in the world with an ever increasing population of over 14 million. With continued economic growth and development, unbearable traffic congestion all around the city has become a grim reality for its inhabitants. The congestion and pollution problems are rapidly growing due to rapid urbanization. In the absence of a dependable and adequate public transport system, most of the roads remain occupied by vehicles with very little capacity. Currently, the notable mass transit facility within the city in the form of Government and privately owned buses, and a very few railway routes are overburdened with the ever increasing demand of a better and modern commuting system within the city.
The urgency to mitigate the mass transportation problems in Dhaka prompted the Bangladesh Government to seek expansion and modernization of the city’s Mass transit mode. In 1998, Bangladesh Government created the Dhaka Transport Coordination Authority. An urban transport plan was commissioned in 2008, wherein the Government laid out a comprehensive transport plan naming Strategic Transport Plan (STP) for the Greater Dhaka City and its adjoining areas. The plan looked at various Key Policy issues including safety, pedestrian preferences, public transport, non-motorized transport, travel demand management, mass transit systems, etc. From 70 different policy recommendations under the STP, 10 comprehensive transportation strategies were evaluated. Later the Strategic Transport Plan was revised and the newly adopted plan includes construction of 5 Metro Rail lines across the City. Under the Road Transport and Highways Division of the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, the Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project (DMRTDP) was taken up by the Government. In June 2013, Dhaka Mass Transit Company Limited (DMTC) was established by the Government to implement the Metro Rail Lines across the city. |
日付 | ||||
原典 | 投稿者自身による著作物 | |||
作者 | Md Shaifuzzaman Ayon | |||
その他のバージョン |

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0.0025 秒
96 ミリメートル
日付と時刻 | サムネイル | 寸法 | 利用者 | コメント | |
現在の版 | 2022年12月27日 (火) 07:01 | ![]() | 3,264 × 1,727 (1.12メガバイト) | Mehedi Abedin | File:Dhaka Mass Rapid Transit Development Project.jpg cropped 5 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode. Removed watermark. |
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原画像データの生成日時 | 2018年11月20日 (火) 20:51 |
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使用ソフトウェア名 | Adobe Photoshop Express (Android) |
ファイル変更日時 | 2018年11月21日 (水) 00:37 |
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デジタルデータの作成日時 | 2018年11月20日 (火) 20:51 |
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カメラのシリアル番号 | 278076097933 |
カメラの所有者 | Ayan Zaman |
メタデータの最終更新日 | 2018年11月21日 (水) 06:37 |
元文書の一意なID | xmp.did:3a5bd12d-086a-4e2f-b7d9-13209377b3c6 |
IIMバージョン | 4 |