ファイル:Carnival Celebration Leaving Funchal, Madeira Portugal (52539419402).jpg

元のファイル (6,012 × 4,008 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 6.92メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)



The Carnival Celebration is the current flagship of Carnival Cruise Line. She is Carnival's second vessel of the fleet's Excel class, a subclass of Carnival Corporation & plc's Excellence class. At 183,521 GT, she is the largest ship in Carnival's fleet. Unlike her sister ship, Mardi Gras, as well as the original Celebration, this ship is named Carnival Celebration using the Carnival prefix. Her name was announced on 21 August 2020. Construction started on 13 January 2021 and was completed on 2 November 2022. Thanks to Wikipedia for the info: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_Celebration" rel="noreferrer nofollow">en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival_Celebration</a>

We had a bit of a run in with the folks from the Celebration and it wasn't real pleasant.

One of the things that Niccy really wanted to do on this trip was to ride the Monte Cable Cars up the hill and take the Wicker Toboggan Sleds back down. Super touristy but she really wanted to do it so OK, I'll go along. We went on a ship tour that took us up to Monte on the cable cars. Once there, we went to queue up for the toboggan ride back down. Well because the Celebration got into town before us their folks (it seemed like all 6500 of them) on their tour were already in the queue. Our tour guide told us the wait was going to be close to 3 hours and Niccy wasn't having it. We went to catch the cable car back down the hill and found out we only had one way tickets and had to buy another ticket to get back to town! Now she's madder than a wet hen!

Well, we got the tickets, went back down and actually found a beautiful park there called Parque de Santa Catarina that has all kinds of different flowers, trees, and shrubs with a very nice and easy walking path. If you follow the path you wind up at the top of the park (it's built on a hill) and at the top there's a small duck pond. They call it a lake but it's definitely not! The walk and the park turned a negative (the queue) into a real positive so everything ended well.
原典 Carnival Celebration Leaving Funchal, Madeira Portugal
作者 A Guy Named Nyal
カメラの位置32° 38′ 32.68″ 北, 16° 54′ 40.7″ 西 Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.以下のサービスでこの位置を確認する: オープンストリートマップinfo


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11 11 2022

32°38'32.676"N, 16°54'40.702"W


55 ミリメートル


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4,008 ピクセル

6,012 ピクセル



現在の版2022年12月5日 (月) 02:402022年12月5日 (月) 02:40時点における版のサムネイル6,012 × 4,008 (6.92メガバイト)TmTransferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons



