ファイル:1852 Levasseur Map of the World - Geographicus - Planisphere-levasseur-1853.jpg

元のファイル (3,500 × 2,527 ピクセル、ファイルサイズ: 3.33メガバイト、MIME タイプ: image/jpeg)

ヴィクトル・ジュール・ルバスール  (1800–1870)  wikidata:Q588019
Victor Levasseur; Jean Charles Victor
説明 フランスの 地図製作者および地理学者
生年月日・没年月日 1800年12月8日 ウィキデータを編集 1870年2月4日 ウィキデータを編集
出生地・死没地 カーン ウィキデータを編集 9区 ウィキデータを編集
artist QS:P170,Q588019
フレデリック=ギヨーム・ラギレルミー  (1805–1870)  wikidata:Q55256153
説明 フランスの 彫版工
生年月日・没年月日 1805年 ウィキデータを編集 1870年 ウィキデータを編集
artist QS:P170,Q55256153
English: A visually stunning decorative map of the world dating to 1852, by French map publisher Victor Levasseur. Levasseur depicts the world on a Mercator Projection, showing the six known continents as well as traces of Antarctica. The cartographic style of this piece is minimalist, but a few elements do bear special note. These include the extension of Oregon territory well into British Columbia, reflecting the American claims that later led to the 54’ 40” dispute. Also in North America, Texas is identified as an independent nation. Far to the north both the Northwest Passage over America and the Northeast Passage over Europe and Asia, are drawn as open and practically navigable waterways. By far this map's most striking feature is its elaborate allegorical border work. Levasseur composed this map for publication in his magnificent Atlas Nacionale de la France Illustree , one of the most decorative and beautifully produced atlases to appear in the 19th century. This particular map is surrounded by four medallions bearing allegorical representations of the seasons. Spring, in the upper left, is represented by a young unclothed woman modestly covering herself with garlands. Summer, in the lower right, is a powerful bearded man wearing an animal skin and surrounded by the bounty of life. Fall, upper right, is a young man reaping the harvest. And winter, lower left, is a huddled old woman in a barren snow covered setting. Atop the map is an image of the firmament, with shooting starts, clouds, and a symbolic representation of the Zodiac. At center is a curious unclothed women with four breasts who appears to be chained to the earth or to a heavy box which she is holding - Pandora? Adam and Eve appear to her right walking hand in hand through pre-fall Eden. There too is the serpent, slithering just behind the couple. At the base of the map an even more interesting scene unfolds in the form of a curious panorama. Here Jesus sits enthroned, bearing a cross in his left hand and pointing with his right, his head surrounded by a pyramid (a Masonic reference?). To his left are a stoic crowd including Napoleon, Socrates, and other unidentifiable great men bearing signs reading Paix (peace), Liber (freedom), and Egalite (equality). Behind them is a domed building that appears to be a Greek or Roman temple. Opposite this scene, on Jesus' right is a very different scene showing a crowd fleeing in terror - these include a Pharisee holding the Torah and a turbaned Saracen. Behind them are the pyramids of Egypt. They are running towards what appears to be the jungle in the midst of which is a plinth upon which sets a bust of Satan. In this we can only assume that Levasseur is attempting to convey the righteousness of reason and logic over emotion and old world superstition. Published by V. Levasseur as page no. 95 in the 1853 edition of his Atlas National de la France Illustree.
日付 1853年 (undated)
寸法 高さ: 12.5 in (31.7 cm);幅: 16.5 in (41.9 cm)
dimensions QS:P2048,12.5U218593
dimensions QS:P2049,16.5U218593
Geographicus link: Planisphere-levasseur-1853

Levassuer, V., Atlas National Illustre des 86 Departements et des Possessions de La France Divise par Arrondissements, Cantons et Communea avec La Trace de Toutes Les Routes, Chemins,de fer et Canaux., 1852 edition.

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現在の版2011年3月25日 (金) 03:482011年3月25日 (金) 03:48時点における版のサムネイル3,500 × 2,527 (3.33メガバイト)BotMultichillT{{subst:User:Multichill/Geographicus |link=http://www.geographicus.com/P/AntiqueMap/Planisphere-levasseur-1853 |product_name=1852 Levasseur Map of the World |map_title=Planisphere. |description=A visually stunning decorative map of the world dating to 185
