最新のコメント:7 か月前 | トピック:East West Line, North South line and Tokyo Metro Tozai line, Namboku line confusion. | 投稿者:2400:2410:B260:6000:209F:F391:BF41:4280
East West Line, North South line and Tokyo Metro Tozai line, Namboku line confusion.
編集On the Japanese wikipedia page, the North south line (NSL) Translated into Japanese is the Namboku line. When english readers come onto the webpage, It shows as the Namboku line in Romaji [Japanese pronounciation written in english.] People in Japan may confuse this for the Tokyo Metro Namboku line. (N) The same applies for the East West line (EWL) Which is written as Tozai line. This may be confused for the Tokyo Metro Tozai line (T). If Wikipedia uses any Translation Services, they should change this issue immediately using those. --2400:2410:B260:6000:209F:F391:BF41:4280 2024年5月25日 (土) 07:26 (UTC)