
最新のコメント:4 年前 | トピック:Fang the Sniper | 投稿者:WhisperToMe

Fang the Sniper


A YouTube video "Who The Hell Are Bark, Bean, and Fang?" by Cybershell, called attention to a sentence in this article about Fang the Sniper (Nack the Weasel) at 10:00 where it is claimed he's half wolf, half jerboa. However the sentence was unsourced so I marked it as such.Cybershell states that the Japanese version of the Sonic & Tails 2 (Sonic Triple Trouble) manual does not mention Fang's species.

However users on the Sonic Retro forum found a source, first the character designer directly said he was a jerboa, and secondly Sonic Jam Official Guide stated directly that he is a wolf/jerboa hybrid. I will add a citation to Sonic Jam Official Guide. (see info here)

WhisperToMe会話2020年4月1日 (水) 17:08 (UTC)返信
