編集- Residency at the Akademie Schloss Solitude October-December 2015[1]
- Fulbright Grant, residency at the CNMAT, December 2014-May 2015
- Residency at the Villa Ruffieux, February-April 2014
- Residency at the Herrenhaus Edenkoben, August-December 2013
- 1st Prize at the 2013 "Wär ich ein Ton" Composition Prize, Germany, with "De l'intérieur, éternel, terrestre"
- 1st Prize at the 2012 Composition Competition of the Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra with "Court métrage"
- 1st Prize at the 2012 Irino Prize, Japan, with "Voiceless"[2]
- 1st Prize at the 2011 Dutch Institut Composition Competition, France, with “Femme - tête - temps”
- 1st Prize at the 2010 SoundON festival Call for scores, USA, with “Mnésique”
- 1st Prize at the 2010 “Franco Donatoni” Competition, Italy, with “Mnésique”
- 1st Prize at the 2010 DuoSolo Emerging Composers Competition with “Incompatible(s) III”
- 1st Prize at the 2009 “Atahualpa Yupanquì” Competition, Argentina, with “Désaxé”
- 1st Prize at the 2008 “Viotti” Competition, Italy, with “Four Flash Fear”
- 1st Prize at the 2008 “a Camillo Togni” competition, Italy with “Mnésique”
- 1st Prize at the 2008 “Donald Aird” Competition, USA, with “Amenable”
- 1st Prize at the 2008 Composers Competition “Cità di Udine”, Italy, with “Four Flash Fear”
- 1st Prize at the 2008 Composers Competition of the CNR Boulogne with “L’accordage du menteur”
- 1st Prize at the 2007 Music Today 21 competition in Seoul, South Korea for “Amenable”
- 1st Prize at the 2006 “D.Dragatakis” Composition Competition, Greece, for “Fictif”
- 2nd Prize at the 2017 eviMus Composition Competition, Germany, with “Ossia”
- 2nd Prize at the 2013 "Ossia New Music" prize, USA, for "Court métrage"
- 2nd Prize at the 2011 “Zeitklang” Competition, Austria, with “Femme-tête-temps”
- 2nd Prize at the 2011 “Josef Reinl - Stiftung” Competition, Austria, with “Rop”
- 2nd Prize at the 2009 “Egidio Carella/ Val Tidone” Competition, Italy, with “Femme-tête-corps-temps”
- 3rd prize at the 2005 “Y.A.Papaioannou” competition, Greece, for “Immune”
- Winner of the ECCE ensemble/ l’arsenale Call for scores, with « What the wave meant »
- Selected for the “Ensemble 2010” Call for scores of the International Summer Course, Darmstadt, Germany
- Selected for the 2010 International Composers’ Puramid Call for Scores, Sounds New festival, UK
- Selected for the 2010 Ergon Ensemble Call for Scores, Greece, with “Mnésique”
- Honourable Mention at the 2008 “Clef Works” competition, USA, with “Four Flash Fear”
- Honourable Mention at the 2008 “Zeitklang” competition, Austria, with “What the wave meant”
- Honourable mention at the 2006 “Egidio Carella/ Val Tidone” Competition, Italy, for “Amenable”
- Finalist at the 2010 DuoSolo Emerging Composers Competition with “L’assemblage du menteur”
- Finalist at the 2009 Dutch Institut Competition of Paris, with “Quintette”
- Finalist at the 2009 Ensemblia Competition, Germany, with “Four Flash Fear”
- Finalist at the 2009 “Synthermia” Competition, Greece, with “Occid”
- Finalist of the «Robert Helps Prize 2009», USA, with “L’accordage du menteur”
- Finalist at the 2008 “Henri Dutilleux” competition, France, with “Amenable”
- Finalist at the 2006 ALEA III International Composition Prize, USA, with “Senza Memoria”
- Finalist at the 2006 Lamia Mediterranean Music Center, Greece, with “Fictif”
- Participation it the 2010 ISCM World Music days in Sydney, Australia, with “Mnésique”
- Participation in the 7th Forum de la jeune Création of the ISCM, (2008) with “L’accordage du menteur”
- Participation in the 6th Forum de la jeune Création of the ISCM, (2007) with “Sama”
- Participation in the 4th Forum de la jeune Création of the ISCM, (2005) with “Immune”
- Participation at the Young composers forum at the Athens Megaron with “Alliance – Collision”