トーマス・クリステンセン(英語:Thomas J. Christensen、1962年 - )はアメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者、プリンストン大学政治学部教授。専門は国際安全保障、中国外交、東アジアの国際関係。
編集- Useful Adversaries: Grand Strategy, Domestic Mobilization, and Sino-American Conflict, 1947-58, (Princeton University Press, 1996).
編集- "Chain Gangs and Passed Bucks: Predicting Alliance Patterns in Multipolarity," (with Jack Snyder), International Organization, (Spring 1990).
- "Correspondence: Mobilization and Inadvertence in the July Crisis," International Security, Vol.16, No.1 (1991).
- "Threats, Assurances, and the Last Chance for Peace: The Lessons of Mao's Korean War Telegrams," International Security, Vol.17, No.1 (1992).
- "A Lost Chance for What? Rethinking the Origins of US-PRC Confrontation," The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, Vol.4, No.3 (1995).
- "Chinese Realpolitik," Foreign Affairs, (September/October 1996).
- "Perceptions and Alliances in Europe, 1865-1940," International Organization, (Winter 1996/97).
- "Progressive Research About Degenerate Alliances," (with Jack Snyder), American Political Science Review, (Winter 1997/98).
- "China, the U.S.-Japan Alliance and the Security Dilemma in East Asia," International Security, Vol.23, No.4 (1999).
- "Theater Missile Defense and Taiwan's Security," Orbis, Vol.44, No.1 (2000).
- "Correspondence: Spiral, Security, and Stability in East Asia," International Security, Vol.24, No.4 (2000).
- "Clarity on Taiwan: Correcting Misperceptions on Both Sides of the Strait," Washington Post OpEd, (March 20, 2000).
- "China: Getting the Questions Right," (with Richard K. Betts) The National Interest, (Winter 2000/2001).
- "Posing Problems Without Catching Up: China's Rise and Challenges for U.S. Security Policy," International Security, Vol.25, No.4 (2001).
- "Correspondence: Power and Resolve in U.S. China Policy," International Security, Vol.26, No.2 (2001).
- "Tracking China's Security Relations: Causes for Optimism and Pessimism," China Leadership Monitor, No.1 (2002)[1]
- "Terrorism, Taiwan Elections, and Tattered Treaties: PRC Security Politics From September 11 Through Year's End," China Leadership Monitor, No.2 (2002).[2]
- "Bejing's Views of Taiwan and the United States in Early 2002: The Renaissance of Pessimism," China Leadership Monitor, No.3 (2002). [3]
- "The Contemporary Security Dilemma: Deterring a Taiwan Conflict," The Washington Quarterly, Vol.25, No.4 (2002).
- "A Smooth Ride Despite Many Potholes: The Road to Crawford," China Leadership Monitor, No.4(2002). [4]
- "The Party Transition: Will It Bring a New Maturity in Chinese Security Policy?," China Leadership Monitor, No.5 (2003). [5]
- "Optimistic Trends and Near-term Challenges: Sino-American Security Relations in Early 2003," China Leadership Monitor, No.6 (2003). [6]
- "PRC Foreign Relations After the National People's Congress: Iraq, North Korea, SARS, and Taiwan," China Leadership Monitor, No.7 (2003).[7]
- "PRC Security Relations with the United States: Why Things are Going so Well," China Leadership Monitor, No.8 (2003). [8]
- "Taiwan's Legislative Yuan Elections and Cross-Strait Security Relations: Reduced Tensions and Remaining Challenges," China Leadership Monitor, No.13 (2005).[9]
- "Worse than a Monolith: Disorganization and Rivalry within Asian Communist Alliances and U.S. Containment Challenges, 1949-69," Asian Security. Vol.1, No.1 (2005).
- "Have Old Problems Trumped New Thinking: China's Relations with Taiwan, Japan and North Korea," China Leadership Monitor, No.14 (2005).[10]
- "Looking Beyond the Nuclear Bluster: Recent Progress and Remaining Problems in PRC Security Policy," China Leadership Monitor, No.15 (2005).[11]
- "Will China Become a ‘Responsible Stakeholder’?: the Six-Party Talks, Taiwan Arms Sales, and Sino-Japanese Relations," China Leadership Monitor, No.16 (2005).[12]
- "Fostering Stability or Creating a Monster?: the Rise of China and U.S. Policy toward East Asia," International Security, Vol.31, No.1 (2006).
編集- "Conclusion: Systemic Stability and the Security of the Most Vulnerable Significant Actor," in Jack Snyder and Robert Jervis, (eds.), Coping With Complexity in the International System, (Westview Press, 1993).
- "Pride, Pressure, and Politics: The Roots of China's Worldview," in Yong Deng and Feiling Wang, (eds.), In the Eyes of the Dragon: China Views the World and Sino-American Relations, (Rowman and Littlefield, 1999).
- "China," in Richard Ellings and Aaron Friedberg, (eds.), Strategic Asia, 2001-02, (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2001).
- "China" in Richard J. Ellings and Aaron L. Friedberg with Michael Wills, (eds.), Strategic Asia 2002-03: Asian Aftershocks, (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2002).
- "Sources of Stability in U.S.-China Security Relations" (with Michael A. Glosny), in Richard Ellings and Michael Wills, (eds.) Strategic Asia 2003-2004: Fragility and Crisis, (National Bureau of Asian Research, 2003).
- New Challenges and Opportunities in the Taiwan Strait: Defining America’s Role, (National Committee on US-China Relations, 2003). [13]
- "Contradictory Messages on Deterrence: Zhanyixue and Taiwan Scenarios," in James Mulvenon and David Finkelstein, (eds.), The PLA Revolution in Doctrinal Affair, (RAND, 2005).
- "Introduction", (with Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert Ross) in Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert Ross, (eds.), New Approaches to China's Foreign Relations: Essays in Honor of Allen S. Whiting, (Stanford University Press, 2006).
- "Windows and War: Changes in the International System and China's Decision to Use Force." in Alastair Iain Johnston and Robert Ross, (eds.), New Approaches to China's Foreign Relations: Essays in Honor of Allen S. Whiting, (Stanford University Press, 2006).