デボラ・タネン(Deborah Frances Tannen、1945年6月7日-)は、アメリカ合衆国の言語学者。ジョージタウン大学教授。専門は、コミュニケーション論、社会言語学。大学で教鞭を取りながら、日常会話が人間関係に及ぼす影響に関する書籍で人気を博し、『You just don't understand: women and men in conversation』はニューヨークタイムズ紙のベストセラーランキングに長くランクインし、30か国以上で翻訳された。

編集- Lilika Nakos, Twayne Publishers, 1983.
- Conversational style: analyzing talk among friends, Ablex Pub. Corp., 1984.
- That's not what I meant!: how conversational style makes or breaks your relations with others, Morrow, 1986.
- Talking voices: repetition, dialogue, and imagery in conversational discourse, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
- You just don't understand: women and men in conversation, Morrow, 1990.
- 『わかりあえない理由――男と女が傷つけあわないための口のきき方10章』、田丸美寿々・金子一雄訳、講談社、1992年
- 『すれ違う女と男 〈1〉 - 男女の会話は異文化間コミュニケーション』(英文読本)赤野一郎、英宝社、1996年
- 『すれ違う女と男 〈2〉 - 男女の会話は異文化間コミュニケーション』(英文読本)赤野一郎、英宝社、1996年
- 『わかりあえる理由わかりあえない理由――男と女が傷つけあわないための口のきき方8章』、田丸美寿々訳、講談社+α文庫、2003年
- Gender and discourse, Oxford University Press, 1994.
- Talking from 9 to 5: how women's and men's conversational styles affect who gets heard, who gets credit, and what gets done at work, W. Morrow, 1994.
- 『どうして男は、そんな言い方 なんで女は、あんな話し方――男と女の会話スタイル9 to 5』、田丸美寿々・金子一雄訳、講談社、2001年
- The argument culture: moving from debate to dialogue, Random House, 1998.
- I only say this because I love you: how the way we talk can make or break family relationships throughout our lives, Random House, 2001.
- You're wearing that?: understanding mothers and daughters in conversation, Random House, 2006.
- 『母と娘―わかりあうための口のきき方、接し方』、菅野朋子・鈴木久美子・前川由江・宗像喜子・柳瀬碧・横山麗子、バベルプレス、2013年
- You were always mom's favorite!: sisters in conversation throughout their lives, Random House, 2009.
編集- Spoken and written language: exploring orality and literacy, edited by Deborah Tannen, ABLEX Publishing Corporation, 1982.
- Analyzing discourse: text and talk, edited by Deborah Tannen, Georgetown University Press, 1982.
- Coherence in spoken and written discourse, edited by Deborah Tannen, Ablex Pub. Corp., 1984.
- Perspectives on silence, edited by Deborah Tannen and Muriel Saville-Troike, Ablex Pub. Corp., 1985.
- Languages and linguistics: the interdependence of theory, data, and application, edited by Deborah Tannen, James E. Alatis, Georgetown University Press, 1986.
- Linguistics in context: connecting observation and understanding: lectures from the 1985 LSA/TESOL and NEH Institutes, edited by Deborah Tannen, Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1988.
- Gender and conversational interaction, edited by Deborah Tannen, Oxford University Press, 1993.
- Framing in discourse, edited by Deborah Tannen, Oxford University Press, 1993.
- The handbook of discourse analysis, edited by Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen, and Heidi E. Hamilton, Blackwell, 2001.
- Linguistics, language, and the real world: discourse and beyond, edited by Deborah Tannen and James E. Alatis, Georgetown University Press, 2003.
- Family talk: discourse and identity in four American families, edited by Deborah Tannen, Shari Kendall, Cynthia Gordon, Oxford University Press, 2007.