デイヴィッド・シンガー(Joel David Singer, 1925年12月7日-2009年12月28日)は、アメリカ合衆国の国際政治学者。専門は、国際関係論、紛争研究。
国際関係論における「第2の論争」で行動科学主義アプローチの立場から論争に加わり、計量分析に基づく紛争研究を行った。1964年に「戦争の相関関係プロジェクト the Correlates of War Project 」を立ち上げ、紛争研究のデータベース構築に尽力した。
編集- Financing International Organization: the United Nations Budget Process, (Martinus Nijhoff, 1961).
- Deterrence, Arms Control, and Disarmament: Toward a Synthesis in National Security Policy, (Ohio State University Press, 1962).
- The Scientific Study of Politics: An Approach to Foreign Policy Analysis, (General Learning Press, 1972).
- Models, Methods, and Progress in World Politics: A Peace Research Odyssey, (Westview Press, 1990).
編集- The Wages of War, 1816-1965: A Statistical Handbook, with Melvin Small, (Wiley, 1972).
- Beyond Conjecture in International Politics: Abstracts of Data-based Rresearch, with Susan D. Jones, (F. E. Peacock, 1972).
- The Study of International Politics: A Guide to the Sources for the Student, Teacher, and Researcher, with Dorothy F. LaBarr, (Clio Books, 1976).
- Explaining War: Selected Papers from the Correlates of War Project, (Sage, 1979).
- Resort to Arms: International and Civil Wars, 1816-1980, with Melvin Small, Robert Bennett, Kari Gluski and Susan Jones, (Sage, 1982).
- Empirical Knowledge on World Politics: A Summary of Quantitative Research, 1970-1991, with Brian H. Gibbs, (Greenwood Press, 1993).
- Nations at War: A Scientific Study of International Conflict, with Daniel S. Geller, (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
編集- Human Behavior and International Politics: Contributions from the Social-Psychological Sciences, (Rand McNally, 1965).
- Quantitative International Politics: Insights and Evidence, (Free Press, 1968).
- The Correlates of War, 2 vols., (Free Press, 1979).
- Testing Some Realpolitik Models, (Free Press, 1980).
編集- To Augur Well: Early Warning Indicators in World Politics, co-edited with Michael D. Wallace, (Sage, 1979).
- Cumulation in International Relations Research, co-edited with P. Terrence Hopmann and Dina A. Zinnes, (Graduate School of International Studies, University of Denver, 1981).
- Quantitative Indicators in World Politics: Timely Assurance and Early Warning,co-edited with Richard J. Stoll, (Praeger, 1984).
- International War: An Anthology and Study Guide, co-edited with Melvin Small, (Dorsey Press, 1985).
- Measuring the Correlates of War, co-edited with Paul F. Diehl, (University of Michigan Press, 1990).