ティモシー・フレーク(Timothy Freke、1959年- )は、イギリスの、世界の密儀宗教についての本の書き手である。フレークはピーター・ギャンディと共著で『イエスの秘儀』(en:The Jesus Mysteries)を含む出版をしている。
フレーク近年の著作『笑うイエス:宗教の嘘とグノーシスの叡智』(The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom、ピーター・ギャンディ共著)は宗教的直解主義を批判し、秘儀的霊性を奨励する。この本は、古代多神教と初期キリスト教との類似、史的イエスの証拠の吟味をする『イエスの秘儀』から続いている。
- Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
- Heaven
- (with Yvette Mayo) Exotic Massage for Lovers: Sensual Techniques from the Ancient East
- (ed.) Children's Visions of Heaven and Hell: Innocent Observations of the Afterlife
- Zen Koan Card Pack
- Zen Wisdom: Daily Teachings from the Zen Masters
- The Illustrated Book of Sacred Scriptures
- The Way of the Desert: Meditations for Today (Meditation for Today Series)
- The Way of the Sea (Meditations for Today Series)
- The Wisdom of the Hindu Gurus (Wisdom of the Masters Series)
- The Wisdom of the Sufi Sages (Wisdom of the Masters Series)
- The Wisdom of the Zen Masters (Wisdom of the Masters Series
- Shamanic Wisdomkeepers: Shamanism in the Modern World
- Taoist Wisdom: Daily Teachings from the Taoist Sages
- The Wisdom of the Christian Mystics (The Wisdom of the World)
- The Wisdom of the Tibetan Lamas (The Wisdom of the World)
- Zen Made Easy: An Introduction to the Basics of the Ancient Art of Zen
- Encyclopedia of Spirituality: Essential Teachings to Transform Your Life
- Rumi Wisdom: Daily Teachings from the Great Sufi Master
- Life's Daily Meditations
- Spiritual Traditions: Essential Teachings to Transform Your Life
- The Heart of Islam: Inspirational Book and Card Set
- In the Light of Death: Spiritual Insight to Help You Live with Death and Bereavement
- Tao Book & Card Pack
- Lucid Living: A Book You Can Read in an Hour That Will Turn Your World Inside Out
- Interview with Timothy Freke
- How Long Is Now?: A Journey to Enlightenment...and Beyond
編集- The Complete Guide to World Mysticism (1998)
- The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs (1998)
- The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God? (1999)
- The Wisdom of the Pagan Philosophers (The Wisdom of the World) (1999)
- Jesus and the Lost Goddess: The Secret Teachings of the Original Christians (2002)
- The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom (2005)
- The Gospel of the Second Coming (2007)