編集- 2017 Incontinence of the Void: Economico-Philosophical Spandrels, MIT Press
- 2017 Lenin 2017, VersoBooks
- 2017 The Courage of Hopelessness: Chronicles of a Year of Acting Dangerously, Penguin Books
- 中山徹・鈴木英明訳『絶望する勇気――グローバル資本主義・原理主義・ポピュリズム』青土社、2018年
- 2016 Against the Double Blackmail: Refugees, Terror and Other Troubles with the Neighbours, Allen Lane
- 2016 The Wagnerian Sublime: Four Lacanian Readings of Classic Operas, Berlin:Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig
- 2015 Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Capitalism, Brooklyn: Melville House
- 2014 Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism, London: Verso, 7 October 2014 [1]
- 2014 Event: A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept, New York: Penguin
- 鈴木晶訳『事件!――哲学とは何か』河出書房新社、2015年
- 2014 The Most Sublime Hysteric: Hegel with Lacan, Cambridge, UK; Malden, MA: Polity Press
- 鈴木國文、古橋忠晃、菅原誠一訳『もっとも崇高なヒステリー者――ラカンと読むヘーゲル』みすず書房、2016年
- 2014 Žižek's Jokes: (Did you hear the one about Hegel and negation?), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
- 2013 Demanding the Impossible, Malden, MA: Polity Press
- パク・ヨンジュン編、中山徹訳『ジジェク、革命を語る――不可能なことを求めよ』青土社、2014年
- 2012 The Year of Dreaming Dangerously, London: Verso [2]
- 長原豊訳『2011――危うく夢見た一年』航思社、2013年
- 2012 Less Than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism, London: Verso
- 2010 Living in the End Times, London: Verso.
- 山本耕一訳『終焉の時代に生きる』国文社、2012年
- 2009 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce, London: Verso.
- 栗原百代訳『ポストモダンの共産主義――はじめは悲劇として、二度めは笑劇として』筑摩書房、2010年
- 2008 Violence: Six Sideways Reflections (Big Ideas/Small Books), New York: Picador: addresses the role of violence within modern society, approaching it in terms of Objective and Subjective violence. Objective violence is that which is directly and evident, the wars, the repressio; subjective violence is more brutal, because it is social, yet present from birth until death. One type of violence is easily detected (objective) and the other it is not; that's why the subjective violence is much more powerful, brutal and effective.
- 中山徹訳『暴力――6つの斜めからの省察』青土社、2010年
- 2008 In Defense of Lost Causes, London: Verso.
- 中山徹、鈴木英明訳『大義を忘れるな――革命・テロ・反資本主義』青土社、2010年
- 2006 岡崎玲子聞き手・訳『人権と国家――世界の本質をめぐる考祭』集英社、2006年
- 2006 How to Read Lacan, London: Granta Books (also New York: W.W. Norton & Company in 2007).
- 鈴木晶訳『ラカンはこう読め!』紀伊國屋書店、2008年
- 2006 The Parallax View, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
- 山本耕一訳『パララックス・ヴュー』作品社、2010年
- 2006 Lacan: The Silent Partners, London: Verso (editor)
- 2006 The Universal Exception, London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
- 2005 Interrogating the Real, London, New York: Continuum International Publishing Group.
- 2004 Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle, London: Verso.
- 松本潤一郎、白井聡、比嘉徹徳訳『イラク――ユートピアへの葬送』河出書房新社、2004年
- 2003 The Puppet and the Dwarf: The Perverse Core of Christianity, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
- 中山徹訳『操り人形と小人――キリスト教の倒錯的な核』青土社、2004年
- 2003 Organs Without Bodies, London: Routledge.
- 長原豊訳『身体なき器官』河出書房新社、2004年
- 2002 Revolution at the Gates: Žižek on Lenin, the 1917 Writings, London: Verso.
- 長原豊訳『迫り来る革命――レーニンを繰り返す』岩波書店、2005年
- 2002 Welcome to the Desert of the Real, London: Verso.
- 長原豊訳『「テロル」と戦争――〈現実界〉の砂漠へようこそ』青土社、2003年
- 2001 Repeating Lenin, Zagreb: Arkzin D.O.O.
- 2001 Opera's Second Death, London: Routledge.
- ムラデン・ドラー共著、中山徹訳『オペラは二度死ぬ』青土社、2003年
- 2001 On Belief, London: Routledge.
- 松浦俊輔訳『信じるということ』産業図書、2003年
- 2001 The Fright of Real Tears, London: British Film Institute (BFI).
- 2001 Did Somebody Say Totalitarianism?, London: Verso.
- 中山徹、清水知子訳『全体主義――観念の(誤)使用について』青土社、2002年
- 2000 The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, London: Verso.
- 中山徹訳『脆弱なる絶対――キリスト教の遺産と資本主義の超克』青土社、2001年
- 2000 The Art of the Ridiculous Sublime: On David Lynch's Lost Highway, Washington: University of Washington Press.
- 1999 The Ticklish Subject, London: Verso.
- 鈴木俊弘、増田久美子訳『厄介なる主体――政治的存在論の空虚な中心(1)(2)』青土社、2005-2007年
- 1998 The Spectre is Still Roaming Around: An Introduction to the 150th Anniversary Edition of The Communist Manifesto, Arkzin.
- 長原豊訳『いまだ妖怪は徘徊している!』情況出版、2000年
- 1997 The Plague of Fantasies, London: Verso.
- 松浦俊輔訳『幻想の感染』青土社、1999年
- 1997 The Abyss of Freedom, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
- 1996 The Indivisible Remainder: Essays on Schelling and Related Matters, London: Verso.
- 松浦俊輔訳『仮想化しきれない残余』青土社、1997年
- 1994 The Metastases of Enjoyment, London: Verso.
- 松浦俊輔、小野木明恵訳『快楽の転移』青土社、1996年
- 1993 Tarrying With the Negative, Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
- 酒井隆史、田崎英明訳『否定的なもののもとへの滞留――カント、ヘーゲル、イデオロギー批判』太田出版、1998年;[文庫版]筑摩書房、2006年
- 1992 Enjoy Your Symptom!, London: Routledge.
- 鈴木晶訳『汝の症候を楽しめ――ハリウッドvsラカン』筑摩書房、2001年
- 1991 Looking Awry, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
- 鈴木晶訳『斜めから見る――大衆文化を通してラカン理論へ』青土社、1995年
- 1991 For They Know Not What They Do, London: Verso. [3]
- 鈴木一策訳『為すところを知らざればなり』みすず書房、1996年
- 1989 The Sublime Object of Ideology, London: Verso.
- 鈴木晶訳『イデオロギーの崇高な対象』河出書房新社、2001年;[文庫版]河出書房新社、2015年
編集- 2011 Začeti od začetka, Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba (edited by Peter Klepec)
- 2010 Badiou & Žižek: Hvalnica Ljubezni (Love and Terror), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2010 Problemi 4-5, (K definiciji komunistične kulture), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2005 Kako biti nihče. Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2004 Paralaksa: za politični suspenz etičnega, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2003 Kuga Fantazem, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2001 Strah pred pravimi solzami: Krzysztof Kieslowski in šiv, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 2000 Krhki absolut: Enajst tez o krščanstvu in marksizmu danes, Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1998 Alain Badiou, Sveti Pavel: Utemeljitev Univerzalnosti, (afterword Alain Badiou as a Reader of Saint Paul), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1997 Argument za strpnost, (Robert Schumann or romantic antihumanism), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1996 Slovenska smer, Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Založba
- 1994 Problemi: Eseji 4-5, (Film vpričo "vsesplošne težnje po ponižanju v ljubezenskem življenju"), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1993 Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo VII., (Cogito as Sexual Difference David Lynch as a pre-raphaelite), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1991 Hitchcock II., (slovene text titled Dans ses yeux insolents je vois ma perte écrite), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1990 Beseda, dejanje svoboda: Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo V. (Roberto Rosellini: death, freedom, suicide), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1989 Druga smrt Josipa Broza Tita, Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije.
- 1988 Pogled s strani, Ljubljana: Ekran.
- 1987 Jezik, ideologija, Slovenci, Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost.
- 1985 Hegel in objekt, (authored with Mladen Dolar), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1985 Problemi teorije fetišizma: Filozofija skoz psihoanalizo II. (authored with Rado Riha), Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
- 1984 Filozofija skozi psihoanalizo (editor), Ljubljana: Univerzum.
- 1984 Birokratija i uživanje, Beograd: Radionica SIC.
- 1982 Zgodovina in nezavedno, Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
- 1983 Gospostvo, Vzgoja, Analiza: Zbornik tekstov Lacanove šole psihoanalize, (editor, translator), Ljubljana: DDU Univerzum
- 1980 Hegel in označevalec, Ljubljana: Univerzum.
- 1976 Znak, označitelj, pismo, Beograd: Mladost.
- 1972 Bolečina razlike, Maribor: Obzorja.
編集- 2007 En defensa de la intolerancia, Madrid: Sequitur.
編集- 2016 An American Utopia Dual Power and the Universal Army (by Fredric Jameson, Edited by Slavoj Žižek), Verso
- 田尻芳樹・小澤史訳『アメリカのユートピア――二重権力と国民皆兵制』書肆心水、2018年
- 2014 Comradely Greetings: The Prison Letters of Nadya and Slavoj (with Nadya Tolokonnikova), London: Verso[4]
- 2013: "From Myth To Symptom: the Case of Kosovo", Slavoj Žižek and Agon Hamza (Prishtina: KMD, 2013) [5]
- 2013 What Does Europe Want? - The Union and its Discontents (with Srećko Horvat), London: Istros Books, 2013[6]
- 2013 The Idea of Communism 2: The New York Conference, London: Verso (editor)
- 2012 God in Pain: Inversions of Apocalypse, with Boris Gunjević, New York: Seven Stories Press
- 2011 Hegel and the Infinite: Religion, Politics, and Dialectic, New York: Columbia University Press (edited by Clayton Crockett, Slavoj Žižek, Creston Davis. Preface and chapter 12 written by Žižek)
- 2010 Philosophy in the Present, Polity (with Alain Badiou).
- 2010 Paul's New Moment: Continental Philosophy and the Future of Christian Theology, Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press (with Creston Davis and John Milbank)
- 2010 The Idea of Communism, London: Verso (Texts from "The Idea of Communism" conference, 2009, edited by Žižek and Costas Douzinas)
- コスタス・ドゥズィーナス、スラヴォイ・ジジェク編、沖公祐、比嘉徹徳、松本潤一郎訳『共産主義の理念』水声社、2012年
- 2009 Mythology, Madness and Laughter: Subjectivity in German Idealism, Continuum (with Markus Gabriel).
- 大河内泰樹、斎藤幸平監訳、飯泉佑介、池松辰男、岡崎龍、岡崎佑香訳『神話・狂気・哄笑――ドイツ観念論における主体性』堀之内出版、2015年
- 2007 On Practice and Contradiction, London: Verso (Selected texts of Mao Zedong with introduction by Žižek).
- 長原豊、松本潤一郎訳『ロベスピエール/毛沢東――革命とテロル』河出書房新社、2008年
- 2007 Terrorism and Communism, London: Verso (Selected texts of Leon Trotsky with introduction by Žižek).
- 2007 Virtue and Terror, London: Verso (Selected texts of Robespierre with introduction by Žižek).
- 長原豊、松本潤一郎訳『ロベスピエール/毛沢東――革命とテロル』河出書房新社、2008年
- 2006 Neighbors and Other Monsters (in The Neighbor: Three Inquiries in Political Theology), Cambridge, Massachusetts: University of Chicago Press.
- 2004 Conversations with Žižek, Slavoj Žižek and Glyn Daly, London: Polity Press.
- グリン・デイリー共著、清水知子訳『ジジェク自身によるジジェク』河出書房新社、2005年
- 2000 Contingency, Hegemony, Universality (authored with Judith Butler and Ernesto Laclau), London: Verso.
- ジュディス・バトラー、エルネスト・ラクラウ共著、竹村和子、村山敏勝訳『偶発性・ヘゲモニー・普遍性――新しい対抗政治への対話』青土社、2002年
- 1998 Cogito and the Unconscious: Sic 2, Duke university press.
- 1993 Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan... But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock, London: Verso (editor) [7]
- 鈴木晶、内田樹訳『ヒッチコック×ジジェク』河出書房新社、2005年
- 1990 Beyond Discourse Analysis (a part in Ernesto Laclau's New Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time), London: Verso.
- 1988 Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Lacan sans jamais oser le demander à Hitchcock (dir. par Žižek), Navarin
- 露崎俊和ほか訳『ヒッチコックによるラカン――映画的欲望の経済(エコノミー)』トレヴィル、1994年 (*1988年の書籍と1993年の書籍は全くの別物である)
編集- 2011, Marx Reloaded
- 2009, Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution
- 2009, Examined Life
- 2006, Alien, Marx & Co. - Slavoj Žižek, Ein Porträt
- 2006, The Possibility of Hope
- 2005, Žižek!
- 2004, The Reality of the Virtual
- 1996, Predictions of Fire
- 1996, Liebe Dein Symptom wie Dich selbst!
- 1993, Laibach: A Film From Slovenia
編集- "Une revanche de la finance mondiale", Le Monde diplomatique, May 2005.
- "La colère, le ressentiment et l'acte. À propos de Colère et temps. Essai politico-psychologique de Peter Sloterdijk", La Revue internationale des livres et des idées, n° 3, January–February 2008 (en ligne).
- trois textes de Zizek à télécharger: "Essai sur l'herméneutique stalienne", "Etat d'urgence et dictature révolutionnaire" et "La subjectivation politique et ses vicissitudes".
- "Lutte des classes à Wall Street", Le Monde. 9 October 8.
編集- "Gefährlicher Glaube". Die Zeit. November 3, 2004.
- "Ein Film als Behältnis von Bedeutung". Le Monde diplomatique (German edition). May 13, 2005.
編集- « Una revenja de les finances mundials... ‘La guerra de les galàxies’, episodi 3 »[リンク切れ], dans le Monde diplomatique - édition catalane, 18 mai 2005.
編集- Non-exhaustive list of Žižek in castellano.
編集- « Capitalisti sì, ma solo zen... », dans le Monde diplomatique - édition italienne, May 2005.
編集- ^ Žižek, Slavoj (2014-10-07). Absolute Recoil: Towards a New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism (1 ed.). London: Verso Books. ISBN 9781781686829 18 June 2014閲覧。
- ^ Žižek, Slavoj (2012-10-09). The Year of Dreaming Dangerously. London: Verso Books. ISBN 9781781680421 18 June 2014閲覧。
- ^ Žižek, Slavoj. For They Know Not What They Do: Enjoyment as a Political Factor (1 ed.). London: Verso Books. ISBN 9781844672127 18 June 2014閲覧。
- ^ Žižek, Slavoj; Tolokonnikova, Nadya (2014-09-30). Comradely Greetings: The Prison Letters of Nadya and Slavoj (1 ed.). London: Verso Books. ISBN 9781781687734 18 June 2014閲覧。
- ^ http://materializmidialektik.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Crockett_Kosovo.pdf
- ^ Slavoj Žižek; Srećko Horvat (2013). What Does Europe Want?. Istros Books, London. ISBN 978-1908236166
- ^ Žižek, Slavoj (1992-10-01). Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan (But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock) (2 ed.). London: Verso Books. ISBN 0860915921 18 June 2014閲覧。