コンカ・ラ英語: Kongka La, Kongka Passヒンディー語: कोंग्का दर्राチベット語: དགུན་ཁ་ལ中国語: 空喀山口[2])は、カシミールにあるである。インド中国の事実上の国境である実効支配線上にある。

所在地 インド中国国境
座標 北緯34度20分06.000秒 東経79度02分07.080秒 / 北緯34.33500000度 東経79.03530000度 / 34.33500000; 79.03530000座標: 北緯34度20分06.000秒 東経79度02分07.080秒 / 北緯34.33500000度 東経79.03530000度 / 34.33500000; 79.03530000
標高 5171[1] m
プロジェクト 地形
繁体字 空喀山口
簡体字 空喀山口
拼音 Kōngkā shānkǒu
英文 Kongka Pass, Kongka La




コンカ・ラを含む地図(アメリカ陸軍地図局英語版(AMS)、1955年)[注釈 1]

1800年代後半には、この峠は「サルムコンカ」(Salmu Kongka)と呼ばれ、「小さな峠」と表現されていた[5]


中国の地図でも、1951年まではラナク・ラを国境としていた[10]。しかし、1950年代後半になって、中国の周恩来首相が、コンカ・ラが中国の「伝統的かつ慣習的な国境」であると主張し始めた[10][11]。学者たちは、中国の主張の矛盾を指摘している[12][13] [注釈 2]






10月21日、中国軍が付近にいることを察知し、行方不明になった偵察隊のために大規模な捜索隊が編成された[18]。捜索隊はコンカ・ラ近くの丘で中国兵と遭遇し、銃撃戦が繰り広げられた。この交戦では、中国軍の方が有利な位置にいた[17]。70人のインド兵のうち、9人が戦闘中に死亡、1人が負傷して後に死亡し[19] 、7人(および偵察隊の3人)が捕虜になった。中国兵1人が交戦中に死亡した[17][20][21][22]













  2. ^ ただし、ラリー・ウォーツェル英語版アレン・S・ホワイティング英語版など、一部の西洋の学者は、中国の主張を支持している[14][15]


  1. ^ Kongka La”. GeoNames. 2013年9月18日閲覧。
  2. ^ Ngari prefecture”. Geographical names of Tibet AR (China). Institute of the Estonian Language (2018年6月3日). 9 January 2020閲覧。
  3. ^ a b Maxwell, Neville (1970). India's China War. New York: Pantheon. p. 13. オリジナルの2010-09-05時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20100905080153/https://www.scribd.com/doc/12249475/Indias-China-War-Neville-Maxwell 2020年11月6日閲覧。 
  4. ^ 川中敬一. “中印戦争における勝敗決定要因の深層的構造”. 日本大学危機管理学部. 2020年11月8日閲覧。
  5. ^ “Journey of Carey and Dalgleish in Chinese Turkistan and Northern Tibet and General Prejevalsky on the Orography of Northern Tibet”, Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), Supplementary Papers, J. Murray, (1893), p. 10, https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.70720/page/n17/mode/2up : Describing the route from Leh to Keriya英語版: "Leaving [Changchenmo valley] shortly after the Shahidulla road turns off to the left, it ascends to the plateau by a small pass (the Salmu Kongka); descending again into the valley and crossing the Changchenmo stream. Another ascent leads up the Lanak-la Pass, and tho route now lies in independent Tibet."
  6. ^ Wellby, M.S. (1898). Through Unknown Tibet. Lippincott. p. 78. ISBN 9788120610583. https://books.google.com/books?id=_Awwo3xwkQUC 
  7. ^ Carey, A. D. (1887). “A Journey round Chinese Turkistan and along the Northern frontier of Tibet”. Proceedings of the Royal Geographic Society 9 (12): 731–752. doi:10.2307/1801130. JSTOR 1801130. https://zenodo.org/record/1806393 2020年11月6日閲覧。. 
  8. ^ Bower, Hamilton, Diary of A Journey across Tibet, London, 1894
  9. ^ Rawling, C. G., The Great Plateau Being An Account Of Exploration In Central Tibet, 1903, And Of The Gartok Expedition 1904–1905, p 38, London, 1905
  10. ^ a b Karackattu, Joe Thomas (2020). “The Corrosive Compromise of the Sino-Indian Border Management Framework: From Doklam to Galwan”. Asian Affairs 51 (3): 590–604. doi:10.1080/03068374.2020.1804726. 
  11. ^ Chou Enlai, The Sino-Indian Boundary Question, Foreign Language Press, Peking, November 1962. "In October 1959 Indian armed forces crossed the traditional customary boundary line in the western sector and provoked a sanguinary border clash of an even graver nature at Kongka Pass." (emphasis added)
  12. ^ Fisher, Rose & Huttenback, Himalayan Battleground (1963), p. 101: "Confusion as to the extent of the Chang Chenmo valley between the Lanak and Kongka passes continued to be a feature of Chinese cartography even after the Communists came to power.... the flexibility shown by official Chinese cartographers here and on other sections of the border makes mockery of China's oft-repeated claim that its concept of the border has a solid basis in history."
  13. ^ Van Eekelen, Willem Frederik (1967), Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China, Springer, ISBN 978-94-017-6555-8, https://books.google.com/books?id=8eTzBwAAQBAJ&pg=PA163, ""The Chinese could not quote a single document confirming that the Kongka Pass constituted the boundary.... The thorough approach of the Indian side generally contrasted with an inconsistent and almost careless presentation by the Chinese officials."" 
  14. ^ a b Wortzel, Larry (2003). Burkitt, Laurie; Scobell, Andrew; Wortzel, Larry. eds. The Lessons of History: The Chinese People's Liberation Army at 75. アメリカ陸軍戦略大学戦略学研究所英語版. p. 331. ISBN 9781428916517. オリジナルの2005-11-13時点におけるアーカイブ。. https://web.archive.org/web/20051113163101/http://www.strategicstudiesinstitute.army.mil/pdffiles/PUB52.pdf. ""In the western sector of the border, on October 21, 1959, a team of Indian troops crossed the traditional border at Kongka Pass, entering Chinese territory." (emphasis added)" 
  15. ^ Whiting, Allen S. (1987). “The Sino-Soviet Split”. In MacFarquhar, Roderick; Fairbank, John K.. The Cambridge History of China, Volume 14. Cambridge University Press. p. 512. ISBN 978-0-521-24336-0. "More dead resulted, however, on 21 October, from fighting at Kongka Pass, at the trijuncture of Tibet, Sinkiang, and Ladakh, where nine Indians were killed and ten taken prisoner." 
  16. ^ Smith, Warren W. (1996), Tibetan Nation: A history of Tibetan nationalism and Sino-Tibetan relations, Westview Press, ISBN 978-0-8133-3155-3, https://books.google.com/books?id=SbHtAAAAMAAJ, ""Chou had assured Nehru that the PRC was still using old KMT maps, not yet having had time to prepare their own... On 8 October 1958 the Indians protested to China that the [Sinkiang-Tibet road] traversed Indian territory, to which the PRC replied that the territory in question was Chinese."" 
  17. ^ a b c Notes, Memoranda and letters Exchanged and Agreements signed between The Governments of India and China”. White Paper III. Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India (November 1959 – March 1960). 4 January 2020閲覧。 “[Chinese interrogation of Karam Singh] We established a checkpost at Kayam and we had to establish one at Shamul Lungpa. On 20th October, 1959, our two men missed. On the morning of 21st October 1959 Tyagi took 60 men and reached the hill (battle field). ... [Indian debriefing of Karam Singh] we had inadequate cover and the Chinese were in a favourable position ... five of us were made to carry the dead body of a Chinese soldier who had been killed.”
  18. ^ a b Vivek Ahuja. “Unforgiveable Mistakes, The Kongka-La Incident, 21st October 1959”. 30 September 2011時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。2011年11月2日閲覧。
  19. ^ Bhatnagar, R.R. (Nov-Dec 2018). “Hot Springs: Saga of Heroism”. Indian Police Journal (Special Issue on Police Martyrdom): 16. ISSN 0537-2429. https://bprd.nic.in/WriteReadData/CMS/Spl.%20issue%20of%20IPJ.pdf 2020年11月6日閲覧. "Fighting gallantly nine men laid down their lives and ten were wounded. Later on, one of the injured also succumbed to his injuries. ... Seven men were taken Prisoners of War by PLA" 
  20. ^ Chinese People's Liberation Army Historical Data Series Editorial Board (1997). Communist Remembrance Historical Materials 3. Beijing:解放军出版社. pp. 213. ISBN 7-5065-3348-0 
  21. ^ Naifu, Cui, ed (2002). The People's Republic of China's Toponymic Dictionary Volume 5. Beijing:商印书. pp. 7777. ISBN 7-100-03254-7 
  22. ^ Shuol government information website--Shule County Martyrs Cemetery Maintenance and Reconstruction Project successfully passed the project completion acceptance”. Silele County People's Government. 2018年5月7日時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ2020年11月6日閲覧。
  23. ^ Jindal, Akash (Nov-Dec 2018). “The Story of Hot Springs”. Indian Police Journal (Special Issue on Police Martyrdom): 20–33. ISSN 0537-2429. http://bprd.nic.in/WriteReadData/CMS/Spl.%20issue%20of%20IPJ.pdf 4 January 2020閲覧. "(p22) Karam Singh of ITBF was assigned the task of establishing outposts near the Chinese Occupation Line ... “Hot Springs” was barely three Km far from the site where Chinese Army had intruded." 
  24. ^ 在海拔5070米的空喀山口哨卡某边防团政委宗建明和官兵深情的拥抱” (中国語). Sina Military (2009年9月17日). 2020年11月6日閲覧。
  25. ^ a b Detailed World Polygons (LSIB), Asia and Russia, 2013, EarthWorks”. Stanford University. 2020年11月6日閲覧。
  26. ^ a b Konghong Highway (China, S519) and Kongka Shankou Highway mapped on OpenStreetMap, retrieved 22 October 2020.
  27. ^ Bangying Highway (China, S520) mapped on OpenStreetMap, retrieved 22 October 2020.
  28. ^ India,, Government of (January 1963), Chinese Aggression in Maps, Publications Division, Map 4, http://www.claudearpi.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/1963-Chinese-Agression-in-Maps.pdf 
  29. ^ Tiankong Xian and Wen Jia Road mapped on OpenStreetMap, retrieved 22 October 2020.



