エンニオ・デ・ジョルジ(Ennio De Giorgi、1928年2月8日 - 1996年10月25日)は、イタリアの数学者で、ジョルジ家の一員である。デ・ジョルジは偏微分方程式と数学基礎論の分野で活動した。名前は「エンニオ・ドジョルジ」とも表記される。
エンニオ・デ・ジョルジ | |
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生誕 |
1928年2月8日 レッチェ、イタリア |
死没 |
1996年10月25日 (68歳没) ピサ、イタリア |
国籍 | イタリア |
研究分野 | 変分法、偏微分方程式 |
研究機関 | ピサ高等師範学校 |
出身校 | ローマ・ラ・サピエンツァ大学 |
博士課程 指導教員 | マウロ・ピコーネ |
博士課程 指導学生 | |
主な業績 | カチョッポリ集合理論、ヒルベルトの第19問題の解決, 極小曲面の存在と正則性の定理 |
主な受賞歴 | |
プロジェクト:人物伝 |
この業績により、デ・ジョルジは数学コミュニティの中で不朽の名声を得ることとなり、多くの賞が授与された。その中には、1960年のカチョッポリ賞、1973年にイタリア共和国の大統領から贈られたアッカデーミア・デイ・リンチェイの国家賞、そして1990年にイスラエル共和国の大統領から贈られたウルフ賞数学部門が含まれる。デ・ジョルジは、1983年ソルボンヌの祝賀会にてパリ大学から数学の名誉学位を、1992年レッチェ大学から哲学の名誉学位をそれぞれ授与された。多くのアカデミー、すなわちアッカデーミア・デイ・リンチェイ、ローマ教皇庁科学アカデミー、トリノ科学アカデミー、ロンバルド科学文学協会、パリの科学アカデミー (フランス)、アメリカの米国科学アカデミーの会員に選出された。
編集- 「もし定理が証明できなければ、証明できるまで結論の一部を仮定に移行し続けよ。」[1]
編集- De Giorgi, Ennio (1953), “Definizione ed espressione analitica del perimetro di un insieme” (Italian), Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 8 14: 390–393, MR0056066, Zbl 0051.29403. The first note published by De Giorgi on his approach to Caccioppoli sets.
- De Giorgi, Ennio (1954), “Su una teoria generale della misura (r-1)-dimensionale in uno spazio ad r dimensioni” (Italian), Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, IV 36 (1): 191–213, doi:10.1007/BF02412838, hdl:10338.dmlcz/126043, MR0062214, Zbl 0055.28504. The first complete exposition of his approach to the theory of Caccioppoli sets by De Giorgi.
- De Giorgi, Ennio; Ambrosio, Luigi (1988), “Un nuovo tipo di funzionale del calcolo delle variazioni” (Italian, English), Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 8 82 (2): 199–210, MR1152641, Zbl 0715.49014. The first paper on SBV functions and related variational problems.
- Ambrosio, Luigi; De Giorgi, Ennio (1988), “Problemi di regolarità per un nuovo tipo di funzionale del calcolo delle variazioni” (Italian, English), Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 8 82 (4): 673–678, MR1139814, Zbl 0735.49036.
編集- De Giorgi, Ennio (1992), “Problemi variazionali con discontinuità libere”, in Amaldi, E.; Amerio, L.; Fichera, G. et al. (Italian), Convegno internazionale in memoria di Vito Volterra (8–11 ottobre 1990) [International congress in memory of Vito Volterra (October 8–11, 1990)], Atti dei Convegni Lincei, 92, Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, pp. 39–76, ISSN 0391-805X, MR1783032, Zbl 1039.49507, オリジナルのJanuary 7, 2017時点におけるアーカイブ。 July 26, 2015閲覧。. "Free-discontinuity variational problems" (English translation of the title) is a survey paper on free-discontinuity variational problems including several details on the theory of SBV functions, their applications and a rich bibliography (in Italian).
編集- De Giorgi, Ennio; Colombini, Ferruccio; Piccinini, Livio (1972) (Italian), Frontiere orientate di misura minima e questioni collegate [Oriented boundaries of minimal measure and related questions], Quaderni, Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, pp. 180, MR493669, Zbl 0296.49031. An advanced text, oriented to the theory of minimal surfaces in the multi-dimensional setting, written by some of the leading contributors to the theory.
- De Giorgi, Ennio (2006), Ambrosio, Luigi; Dal Maso, Gianni; Forti, Marco et al., eds., Selected papers, Springer Collected Works in Mathematics, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag, doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41496-1, ISBN 978-3-540-26169-8, MR2229237, Zbl 1096.01015 A selection from De Giorgi's scientific works, offered in an amended typographical form, in the original Italian language and English translation, including a biography, a bibliography and commentaries from Luis Caffarelli and other noted mathematicians.
編集- ^ D'Ancona, Piero (2013年3月11日). “Should one attack hard problems?”. 5 April 2020閲覧。
編集- Ambrosio, L.; Dal Maso, G.; Forti, M.; Miranda, M. (1999), “Ennio De Giorgi” (Italian), Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie 8 Vol. 2-B (1): 3–31, MR1794553, Zbl 0924.01022. There is also a preprint version of this paper in Adobe pdf format, available at the web page of the Research Group in Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
- Scuola Normale Superiore (2000), Biography of Ennio de Giorgi 21 May 2011閲覧。, available home page at the Research Group in Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa. A brief biography reviewing his major scientific contributions.
- De Cecco, Giuseppe; Rosato, Maria Letizia, eds. (2000) (Italian), Ennio De Giorgi. Hanno detto di lui... [Ennio De Giorgi: they have said of him...], Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università del Salento, 5, Lecce: Coordinamento SIBA dell'Università di Lecce, pp. 195, ISBN 88-8305-019-3 e-ISBN 88-8305-020-7. A collection of almost all commemorative papers, transcriptions of commemorative addresses on Ennio De Giorgi and personal reminiscences of pupils and friends, collected jointly with some philosophical papers of De Giorgi himself.
- Emmer, Michele (October 1997), “Interview with Ennio De Giorgi”, Notices of the AMS 44 (9): 1096–1101, MR1470169, Zbl 0908.01026.
- Emmer, Michele, ed. (2007), Mathematics and Culture IV, Berlin–Heidelberg–New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. viii+253, ISBN 978-3-540-34254-0, MR2265420, Zbl 1127.00003. Contains two chapters on De Giorgi.
- Faedo, Sandro (1997), “Come Ennio De Giorgi giunse alla Scuola Normale Superiore” (Italian), Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze, Serie 4 11 (3–4): 433–434, MR1655526, Zbl 1001.01502. A brief commemorative and historical paper describing the events which led Ennio De Giorgi to held a chair at the Scuola Normale Superiore.
- Lions, Jacques-Louis; Murat, François (October 1997), “Ennio De Giorgi (1928—1996)”, Notices of the AMS 44 (9): 1095–1096, MR1470168, Zbl 0908.01025
編集- Giusti, Enrico (1984), Minimal surfaces and functions of bounded variations, Monographs in Mathematics, 80, Basel-Boston-Stuttgart: Birkhäuser Verlag, pp. xii+240, doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-9486-0, ISBN 0-8176-3153-4, MR0775682, Zbl 0545.49018. An important monograph detailing the results of Ennio De Giorgi and his school on the Minimal surface problem approached by the theory of Caccioppoli sets.
編集- Centro di ricerca matematica "Ennio de Giorgi", (2001) 21 May 2011閲覧。: web page of the scientific institution named after him at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.
- De Giorgi, Ennio (2001), Homepage 21 May 2011閲覧。 available at the web site of the Research Group in Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.
- Ennio De Giorgi - Mathematics Genealogy Project
- Emmer, Michele (July 1996) (Italian), Ennio De Giorgi, オリジナルのMay 25, 2011時点におけるアーカイブ。 21 May 2011閲覧。. A video interview with its Italian transcription by Antonio Bernardo, available at Matematicamente thanks to the kind permission of Michele Emmer, of De Giorgi's family and of the Unione Matematica Italiana.
- O'Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., “エンニオ・デ・ジョルジ”, MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews.
- (Italian) Giornata in ricordo di Ennio De Giorgi (Meeting Day in memory of Ennio De Giorgi), Dipartimento di Matematica L. Tonelli, Faedo Hall: Università di Pisa, (30 November 2006) 21 May 2011閲覧。.
- Workshop "The Mathematics of Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa: Scuola Normale Superiore, (24–27 October 2001) 21 May 2011閲覧。.