エドワード・アーヴィング(Edward Irving、1792年8月4日 - 1834年12月7日)は、スコットランドの教役者。カトリック使徒教会の形成に重要な役割を果たした。これはアーヴィング主義とも呼ばれる。代々スコットランド教会の家系であった。説教者として高名。

編集- ^ エペソ4:11
編集- For the Oracles of God, Four Orations (1823)
- For Judgment to come (1823)
- Babylon and Infidelity foredoomed (1826)
- Sermons, etc. (3 vols, 1828)
- Exposition of the Book of Revelation (1831)
- an introduction to The Coming of the Messiah, a translation of Ben-Ezra
- an introduction to Horne's Commentary on the Psalms.
編集- Andrew Landale Drummond, Edward Irving and His Circle: Including Some Consideration of the 'Tongues' Movement in the Light of Modern Psychology. 1937. Reprinted, Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2009. ISBN 978-1-60608-766-4. (305pp).
- Gordon Strachan, The Pentecostal Theology of Edward Irving; London, 1973.
- Dallimore, Arnold, The Life of Edward Irving, the Fore-runner of the Charismatic Movement, Edinburgh, The Banner of Truth Trust, 1983. ISBN 0-85151-369-7, (188pp).
- Stunt, Timothy C.F., From Awakening to Secession, Radical Evangelicals in Switzerland and Britain 1815-35, Edinburgh, T & T Clark, 2000. ISBN 0-567-08719-0, (402pp).
- Warfield, B. B., Counterfeit Miracles, Banner of Truth, 1996. ISBN 0-85151-166-X. Note: this book is not exclusively about Edward Irving, but discusses him and his ministry critically.
- Warfield, B.B., Irvingite Gifts [1]
- この記事にはアメリカ合衆国内で著作権が消滅した次の百科事典本文を含む: Chisholm, Hugh, ed. (1911). "Irving, Edward". Encyclopædia Britannica (英語) (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
編集- Significant Scots - Edward Irving
- Collected Works of Edward Irving Edited by Gavin Carlyle Vol 2, Vol 3 & Vols 1 to 5 - (free download)
- Taking Irving to Task About His Reports of Speaking in Tongues by William Goode, Christian Heritage Center, 2007
- The Life Of Edward Irving by Margaret Oliphant Vol 1 & Vol 2
- The Orthodox and Catholic Doctrine Of Our Lord’s Human Nature by Edward Irving