
アレッサンドロ・パドア[1]: Alessandro Padoa (1868-10-14) 1868年10月14日1937年11月25日(1937-11-25) )は、イタリア数学者論理学者ジュゼッペ・ペアノ学派の貢献者[2]。新たな原始概念英語版が、他の原始概念から独立しているか否か判断する方法を開発したことで知られる。 類推して、ある公理が他の公理から独立しているか否か判断する問題がある。

Alessandro Padoa
生誕 (1868-10-14) 1868年10月14日
イタリアの旗 イタリアヴェネツィア
死没 1937年11月25日(1937-11-25)(69歳没)
イタリアの旗 イタリアジェノヴァ
国籍 イタリア
研究分野 数学




彼はパリケンブリッジリヴォルノパルマボローニャなどで開催された会議で論文を書いた。1900年のパリでの会議は特に注目すべきものであった。パドアの演説は、現代公理的手法英語版の鮮明かつ矛盾ない説明で記憶される。実際彼は、"the first … to get all the ideas concerning defined and undefined concepts completely straight"と言った[4]





国際哲学会議英語版にて、パドアは"Logical Introduction to Any Deductive Theory"を演説した。

during the period of elaboration of any deductive theory we choose the ideas to be represented by the undefined symbols and the facts to be stated by the unproved propositions; but, when we begin to formulate the theory, we can imagine that the undefined symbols are completely devoid of meaning and that the unproved propositions (instead of stating facts, that is, relations between the ideas represented by the undefined symbols) are simply conditions imposed upon undefined symbols.
Then, the system of ideas that we have initially chosen is simply one interpretation of the system of undefined symbols; but from the deductive point of view this interpretation can be ignored by the reader, who is free to replace it in his mind by another interpretation that satisfies the conditions stated by the unproved propositions. And since the propositions, from the deductive point of view, do not state facts, but conditions, we cannot consider them genuine postulates.
...what is necessary to the logical development of a deductive theory is not the empirical knowledge of the properties of things, but the formal knowledge of relations between symbols.[5]



1900年の国際数学者会議では"A New System of Definitions for Euclidean Geometry"を演説した。 当時の幾何学の原始概念英語版の概念選択について議論した。

The meaning of any of the symbols that one encounters in geometry must be presupposed, just as one presupposes that of the symbols which appear in pure logic. As there is an arbitrariness in the choice of the undefined symbols, it is necessary to describe the chosen system. We cite only three geometers who are concerned with this question and who have successively reduced the number of undefined symbols, and through them (as well as through symbols that appear in pure logic) it is possible to define all the other symbols.
First, Moritz Pasch英語版 was able to define all the other symbols through the following four:
1. point   2. segment (of a line)
3. plane   4. is superimposable upon
Then, Giuseppe Peano was able in 1889 to define plane through point and segment. In 1894 he replaced is superimposable upon with motion in the system of undefined symbols, thus reducing the system to symbols:
1. point   2. segment   3. motion
Finally, in 1899 Mario Pieri was able to define segment through point and motion. Consequently, all the symbols that one encounters in Euclidean geometry can be defined in terms of only two of them, namely
1. point   2. motion



  1. ^ 鍋島, 信太郎『数学教育の諸問題』目黒書店、1943年。NDLJP:1140628 
  2. ^ Smith 2000, p. 49
  3. ^ Kennedy (1980), page 86
  4. ^ Smith 2000, pp. 46–47
  5. ^ van Heijenoort 120,121


  • Ivor Grattan-Guinness英語版 (2000) The Search for Mathematical Roots 1870–1940. Princeton Uni. Press.
  • H.C. Kennedy (1980) Peano, Life and Works of Giuseppe Peano, D. Reidel ISBN 90-277-1067-8 .
  • Suppes, Patrick (1957, 1999) Introduction to Logic, Dover. Discusses "Padoa's method."
  • Smith, James T. (2000), Methods of Geometry, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-25183-6 
  • Jean Van Heijenoort (ed.) (1967) From Frege to Gödel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press

